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Saudi Arabia wants to build largest mosque in Bangladesh

In rural areas, they do actually. Imams were specially influential in popularizing the birth control and family planning programmes.

I guess, the Qawmi madrassas have already fell into the radar of the govt. after the formal recognition of their degrees recently.

I dont think so. Political figures, even in the remotest corner of Bangladesh have that leverage. Union chairman, Councillor etc. If they remain secular religion wont have any grip in Bangladesh.
I dont think so. Political figures, even in the remotest corner of Bangladesh have that leverage. Union chairman, Councillor etc. If they remain secular religion wont have any grip in Bangladesh.

I guess, most of the mosques and madrassas are still free of politicization which is why you see the political figures still have some leverage. But there is no doubt about the influence of Imams on the general people. The govt. itself relies on the Imams, especially their khutba before the Jumma prayers, for different social awareness programmes, like the one I mentioned in my earlier post.
Bhai ji, i am not mocking anyone. The truth are differences in the teaching of Islam that is exported from KSA and the Islam that is taught and understood in other sunni countries. These are documented, academic differences. It doesn't make wahhabism haram - it makes it different in parts to the understanding of Islam in Bangladesh, which is mainly from the Hanafi fiqh, and closely linked to barelwi or deobandi perspectives on that.

When the Saudi's build masjids and madaris, they also train the imams and export their own understanding. This is not a problem in a society where people understand their religion and they are free to make a choice. This is a problem in less educated societies where people are suddenly told everything they are doing is haram and a biddat etc until they all follow Saudi ideals.
i had asked few hanafi + deobandi scholar about wahabism , there long ans in short moulana abdul wahhab was famous islamic philosopher whose teaching was base on Quran and sunnah and aqida of sunni muslim . and that time british rolling must of the world with indian continent and was afraid of his rise . so british used shia to defame him in india and rest of muslim world . so some brother used this wahhabism without knowing what they are talking about
Bangladesh is city of Masque. We have no need Their Royal Masque. IN saudi many people can't eat, NOw they came to teach people how to take salah ? Stupids.
The version of the Sunnis. I am a follower of the Hanafi madhab. There are 4 correct sunni madhabs.
So called wahabi and salafism is also very correct and also should be treated as fifth madhab .
It has the origin of Zahiri madhab.
Yes they need to lessen some strict rule though.
However ibadis ( in Oman) are a branch of historical khawarijis, but after some slight reformation, they became similar to hanafi madhab, although my source is very limited as do not find many online article about ibadi Muslims.
Ps: Do not mix up the militancy ( so called wahabi/salafi , with the true salafis who are actually ahle hadeeth in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh almost all are sunni muslim ( only 3-4 millions are Shias),and so called salafi aka ahle hadeeths make total around 25%, and no one is militant. Most of are good expect few arrogant mullah like abdur Rezzak bin yusuf ( a local mullah who is actually mannerless) or this type.
And beside you probably know who is zakir nayek?
Ahle hadeeths are basically the followers of this version of islam that never follow militancy , so please don't mix up taliban or AL qayeda type folks with them.
And basically talibans belong to hanafi madhab, so here so called salafi militancy is a generalisation by Western media, as they have no name if various curry in their language so every cooking style is Curry for them .
And beside Mr zakir nayek is banned in Bangladesh by Hasina and she did it only to please her jani friend India.
So please don't be deceived by islamophobic propaganda.
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Government must be retarded to allow this. BD doesn't need any Saudi or Arab influence in the country. With their mosques will come wahabism, the most moronic and destructive ideology in the Islamic world. The Arab rich live a hedonistic life in their country but supply with cash to the terrorist outfits to implement Islam in other countries. Pakistan has suffered immensely because of the Arab terrorist financing. This is the last thing we need in our country. If they have much cash to spare, they should rather invest in industries or building universities in BD.
Imams in Banagladesh do not have that grip on Bangladeshi Society other than leading prayers. So we are all okay. The only difference it will make is probably heartaches among Islamophobes.

In my district, Sylhet, imams and UK funding have changed society hugely. Niqab was unseen 15 years ago, today it is common.

An agenda against older Sufi sects is also growing, Fultuli shaheb, who lead one of the original islamic movements here is now hugely maligned.
sure I am a narrow minded guy and sure there is no problem with building the largest mosque in Bangladesh but wish they build the largest hospital or university or schools or dam dont know something useful for the people.
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Shitheads will bring in towerrammers along with the fucking mosque. No fucking need.
You guys pretend to be secular and pretend to be the advocate of human rights , yet when it is the case of masjid or any islamic stuffs, you find it not only communal but also offensive.
Where are you when bengal do ( BAL India version of Bengals only, not others) actually hindu ritual mongol shova zatra in 1st boishakh with the the hindu idols and and an enraged sun God infront of them, and try to impose it as Bengali culture?
You guys are silent that time, give bhashan.

When Masuda bhatti is being called characterless you guys ( with feminist) make rally, want capital punishment ( :rofl:) and when a common woman is abused by 3 police and this video is viral in Facebook, you guys and those so called seculars pretend that nothing happened .
You guys are not secular but pseudo seculars who are actually islamophobic .
What about new brothels in Bangladesh and legalisation of prostitution ? What about the f.ucking night party where few women sell their body for money?
All are sign if your modernism.
But perhaps you don't have the real idea about the human rights of Europe and America because BD seculars are mostly vondo and hindutva followers, and I see they are even active in a Pakistani forum.
You guys have problem with brothels, but have problem with mosque.
Yet you call yourself secular, what a joke. Where are humanist and teacher of democracy @UKBengali now?
Oh I forgot that he is not only fond of democracy but also a teacher of democracy, but only when it is favourable for Awami league.
be careful when entering the mosque they have built :D
There are lots of small mosques in Bangladesh that is made by saudi and even the stuff ( imam, muajjin etc etc) salary is coming from saudi Arabia.
Those mosques are not only way better comparing the Hanafi mosques but also there is a place in last row that is covered with chadors long cloths, and here women can pray salat. So I have no idea why do you want us to be careful.

Saudi mosques existed since ages and no problem and no extremism there.
All are much better comparing hanafi mosques in bd.

And besides hanafi mullahs were once greedy and opportunists ( not all but a huge part) , but when the ahle hadeeth movement Started they ( hanafi) moulovis are trying to becoming developed.
Btw do you know a filthy system that was existed in Bangladesh named niqah halala( হিল্লা in Bengali )?
It's the saudi mosque funded ahlul hadeeths stopped the practice in this country religiously and Bangladesh govt stopped that by laws .
I will not explain it in details, but ahle hadeeths actually follow the same divorce law as Shias follow.
So there is no talaq when you are angry, even it doesn't count as 1 talaq too.
I hope ultra secular @Michael Corleone will now appreciate saudi salafi mosques if he really is not a pseudo secular hypocrite .
There are lots of small mosques in Bangladesh that is made by saudi and even the stuff ( imam, muajjin etc etc) salary is coming from saudi Arabia.
Those mosques are not only way better comparing the Hanafi mosques but also there is a place in last row that is covered with chadors long cloths, and here women can pray salat. So I have no idea why do you want us to be careful.
Saudi mosques existed since ages and no problem and no extremism there.
All are kuch better comparing hanafi mosques.
And beside hanafi mullahs were once greedy and opportunists ( not all but a huge part) , but when the ahle hadeeth movement Started they ( hanafi) moulovis are trying to becoming developed.
Btw do you know a filthy system that was existed in Bangladesh named niqah halala?
It's the saudi mosque funded ahlul hadeeths stopped the practice in this country religiously and Bangladesh govt stopped that by laws .
I will not explain it in details, but ahle hadeeths actually follow the same divorce law as Shias follow.
So there is no talaq when you are angry, even it doesn't count as 1 talaq too.
I hope ultra secular @Michael Corleone will now appreciate saudi salafi mosques if he really is not a pseudo secular hypocrite .

i hope their mosque is not like their consulate..

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