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Saudi Arabia wants to build largest mosque in Bangladesh

i've no problem if someone wants to build mosque... but if it's saudi.... it's usually for the wrong reasons
which is why i've shown any objections
As I said saudi always fund those mosque since ages and no bad thing happen In Bangladesh . So no reason to show objection . I suggest you to visit Ahle Hadith mosques in your area when you visit Bangladesh . And actually Saudi funding meaning salary of Imam and Muajjin . Since govt do not pay them salary so Saudi fund it , officially or un officially like any saudi rich man is funding for salary of Imam , muajjin , and for a library where you can find Quran and Hadeeth books and all are pure versions , and all are free from Ijma and Qyas of hanafis , as Ahle hadeeths do not accept Ijma and qyas as any time of source of Islamic fiqh .
Like 3 Talaq at onces was a flawed Ijma by hazrat Umar , but it became norm in sunni muslims . lter Umar regret for this and made change but Hanafis do not recognise the regret of umar .
But ahle hadiths belive that since the authority of islam is allah himself and his Rasul (pbuh) , so it really does not matter what the caliph said, if he regret later or not . So only allah is infalible and His rasul is saved by him from doing mistake in religious cases , so we do not need to follow any one if it conflicts the real teaching .
If you need further information then visit this site http://ahlehadeethbd.org/index.html . your can ask them question , I can not give you further information as i am a simple man and not scholar . Actually I am an occasionally practicing zumma day Muslim ( according to you )only in reality :D , so do not study those stuffs often .
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Mosques serve as schools, community centres, provide basic medical services, some serve as post offices and provides basic banking services. Your characterisation of mosques are not backed up by facts on the ground that I have seen.

I would be against wahbi ideology but if anyone wants to build a mosque let it be. Saudis are not saying heres some cash do what you want and BD said let's build a mosque.

They want to build a mosque as far as I am concerned bring it on. It will provide employment and a service to the people. I do not see why anyone would have an issue with it.
well i wwould agree with you, until you see the previous cases of extremism and where they were brewed in bangladesh. saudi built mosques most of them... now i wouldn't ever mind if kuwait is paying for the largest mosque in bangladesh.... but saudi doesn't do anything without agendas

Actually I am an occasionally practicing zumma day Muslim ( according to you )only in reality :D , so do not study those stuffs often .
jummah muslim comment was definitely not directed at you! :)

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