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Saudi Arabia wants to build largest mosque in Bangladesh

i hope their mosque is not like their consul..
Ahle hadeeth mosques are very nice hear.
And the incident of their consulate is just political matter, and not related to ahle hadeeth/salafi ( true salafis , so called militant salafis) version of Islam .
Thank you.
You guys pretend to be secular and pretend to be the advocate of human rights , yet when it is the case of masjid or any islamic stuffs, you find it not only communal but also offensive.
Where are you when bengal do ( BAL India version of Bengals only, not others) actually hindu ritual mongol shova zatra in 1st boishakh with the the hindu idols and and an enraged sun God infront of them, and try to impose it as Bengali culture?
You guys are silent that time, give bhashan.

When Masuda bhatti is being called characterless you guys ( with feminist) make rally, want capital punishment ( :rofl:) and when a common woman is abused by 3 police and this video is viral in Facebook, you guys and those so called seculars pretend that nothing happened .
You guys are not secular but pseudo seculars who are actually islamophobic .
What about new brothels in Bangladesh and legalisation of prostitution ? What about the f.ucking night party where few women sell their body for money?
All are sign if your modernism.
But perhaps you don't have the real idea about the human rights of Europe and America because BD seculars are mostly vondo and hindutva followers, and I see they are even active in a Pakistani forum.
You guys have problem with brothels, but have problem with mosque.
Yet you call yourself secular, what a joke. Where are humanist and teacher of democracy @UKBengali now?
Oh I forgot that he is not only fond of democracy but also a teacher of democracy, but only when it is favourable for Awami league.
did i hurt your feelings? too bad.
there are reasons why this kind of fake gestures are not liked by me...
dhaka has most number of mosque per square kilometer in the world.. i don't remember the exact figure but there are 10 mosque for each person...
most of the current mosque stay empty or nearly empty everyday other than jummah.... in other words most bengalis are jummah muslims...
third... instead of building "the largest mosque" how about the largest diary farm or more schools with free education on the agenda... that will serve the masses better than places of worship every 15 feet with no one in them.
as for brothels.... your country legalises prostitution... not something they've asked people like me whether it's good or bad...
so instead of speaking out of the *** and having the "nation of islam" crisis... first attempt to pray five times a day, learn quran after zuhr.... then you can come after "pseudoseculars" like me

Saudi mosques existed since ages and no problem and no extremism there.
All are much better comparing hanafi mosques in bd.
two sides of the fucking same coin
Btw do you know a filthy system that was existed in Bangladesh named niqah halala( হিল্লা in Bengali )?
It's the saudi mosque funded ahlul hadeeths stopped the practice in this country religiously and Bangladesh govt stopped that by laws .
I will not explain it in details, but ahle hadeeths actually follow the same divorce law as Shias follow.
So there is no talaq when you are angry, even it doesn't count as 1 talaq too.
I hope ultra secular @Michael Corleone will now appreciate saudi salafi mosques if he really is not a pseudo secular hypocrite .
yeah if knocking off people's head for stealing instead of institutionalizing them, keeping sex slaves because it's allowed according to quran and dropping bombs on women and children in yemen in the name of protecting "the holy kaaba" (which is supposedly guarded by Allah and no one can bring harm to them) i don't know who's more hypocrite.... people like me... or people like you
did i hurt your feelings? too bad.
Nah I have little feelings to be hurt, I am just amazed that how peoples try to be over smart, try to be ultra modern and choose such that way, it made me laugh.
I am not unfamiliar with such folks, who live aboard , pretend to be seculars and when it comes about true secularism , their real face is opened sometimes .

There are plenty of peoples who are spreading this type of ugly Islamophobic pseudo secularism, and they provoke common peoples by bashing their religion, resulting the chaos in the country.

They try to make Bangladesh Europe, but when they are being criticised back, they start whining by showing their radical attitude , as Masud bhatti is the recent case . Like ami korle lilakhela, tumi korle pap..... I call such peoples as pseudo seculars, who are the fake version of secularism. True seculars wont have any allergy towards a specific group of peoples .

dhaka has most number of mosque per square kilometer in the world.. i don't remember the exact figure but there are 10 mosque for each person...
Yes you are right, so there are almost 2 koti peoples in dhaka ( city and outside) so surly there are 20 koti mosque in this city. There is no structure other than mosques in dhaka.
However no mosques made in your private property, so why bothered ?
most of the current mosque stay empty or nearly empty everyday other than jummah.... in other words most bengalis are jummah muslims...
You are not only super intelligent, but also all knowing I guess.
I am wondering how you can see this from Ukraine ?
By reading news papers, and watching news channels? What is the magic that make you all knowing ? Still why does it bother you that's not your concern?
third... instead of building "the largest mosque" how about the largest diary farm or more schools with free education on the agenda... that will serve the masses better than places of worship every 15 feet with no one in them.
Again, make such things, no one is preventing you from doing this. You make such things, let others make whatever they feel is better, until they are trying to capture your private land to make them.

And besides, who are you to stop them that is not illegal by Bangladeshi law?
as for brothels.... your country legalises prostitution... not something they've asked people like me whether it's good or bad
Exactly, and neither anyone will ask you when they are building something else that is not illegal in BD.

Still building brothel doesn't give any itch and when it is the case about mosques, itching starts instantly.
so instead of speaking out of the *** and having the "nation of islam" crisis... first attempt to pray five times a day, learn quran after zuhr.... then you can come after "pseudoseculars" like me
Actually who said that these are requirments for calling spade is spade? :rofl:
yeah if knocking off people's head for stealing instead of institutionalizing them, keeping sex slaves because it's allowed according to quran and dropping bombs on women and children in yemen in the name of protecting "the holy kaaba" (which is supposedly guarded by Allah and no one can bring harm to them) i don't know who's more hypocrite.... people like me... or people like you
nice intuitive theory sir.
This is the prove that peoples like you are ignorant about something, yet come to spew bogus.
You don't have slightest knowledge about the source of Islamic laws. Atleast study some laws, do some homework and then come back to spew your bogus .

Also read properly other scriptures and laws and then compare, and give lecture that who are actually allowing those acts .
Made a comparison between them with proper knowledge .
It's a requirement , unlike 5 times prayer for me to call a spade is spade.:rofl:

Ps: @Michael Corleone, it seems you are upset. Hey it's only a heated debate and not any kind of personal enmity with you.
I believe you are a mature man, so come on don't be upset :-).
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Saudi build many mosques in Pakistan - small, medium and the largest(of that time or may be still currently) Shah Faisal Masjid in Islamabad.
View attachment 510321

If you have reservations, then don't allow them to build any smaller ones which can be turned/used as a Madrassah.
But the biggest one can bring beauty and tourist to your city.

Well the Saudi did not built this mosque. It was the project of Pakistan government however King Faisal gave some healthy amount of donations when he came to know about this project and hence his name was kept an as mosque name in his respect.
Saudi build many mosques in Pakistan - small, medium and the largest(of that time or may be still currently) Shah Faisal Masjid in Islamabad.
View attachment 510321

If you have reservations, then don't allow them to build any smaller ones which can be turned/used as a Madrassah.
But the biggest one can bring beauty and tourist to your city.

Agreed larger mosques are usually more balanced and easier to monitor. If the gov do allow this, they should do it only on the site of an existing mosque - we don't need to add to already swollen numbers.
If they build it, then I hope they do it in some rural area where there are shortage of mosques. And the imams will have to be from local people. Not Saudi trained salafists.
Saudi build many mosques in Pakistan - small, medium and the largest(of that time or may be still currently) Shah Faisal Masjid in Islamabad.
View attachment 510321

If you have reservations, then don't allow them to build any smaller ones which can be turned/used as a Madrassah.
But the biggest one can bring beauty and tourist to your city.
This mosque looks magnificent..Islamabad is indeed a beautiful city.
salafism is poison.

can a Masjid create jobs? and what value of those Iman sponsored by Saud can bring to Bd…

try to control other countries by buidling free masjid is a madcap scheme.

any religious scholar from the middle east with extreme ideology shall be checked strictly by.China.
If they build it, then I hope they do it in some rural area where there are shortage of mosques. And the imams will have to be from local people. Not Saudi trained salafists.
Happy to know that you are not wahabi/salafi version of seculars aka militant secular.
I admire peaceful seculars like you @Mage.

salafism is poison.

can a Masjid create jobs? and what value of those Iman sponsored by Saud can bring to Bd…

try to control other countries by buidling free masjid is a madcap scheme.

any religious scholar from the middle east with extreme ideology shall be checked strictly by.China.
There are two versions of salafism. One is actually wahabism and the other is locally ahle hadeeth group.
And this ahle hadeeth group is called actually the softer versions of salafis.
They are not salafis because they have similarity with militant salafism , but they themselves call themselves salafi aka followers of salf e salehin aka the sahaba/companions of prophet muhammad ( pbuh).
They belong to common sunni groups. Just berelvi ( predominant in pakistan ; Deobandi hanafis are predominant in Bangladesh, and these Deobandis are not like militant Deobandi aka talibans) type sunni groups call prophet is made of light , and hazir nazir ( present everywhere )even after death, so only to oppose this idea they ( ahle hadeeths) used to call themselves salafi mean who live a simple life of salf salehins.
So these salafis are just the common peoples .
Nowadays they even do not use the name salafi, but like to call themselves as ahle hadeeth only, because if the bad name of salafism .
And all are local imams.
So please do not pay attention to militant seculars in online forums.
And here who lead the prayer or in masjid committee members are some of the most humble peoples and they never vote for Bangladesh Jamat islami or other Islamic parties.
Believe it or not lots of maulanas prefer voting secular group Bangladesh awami league as they believe that awami league atleast do not offend them and if Jamat type groups will be in power they will be restricted because of hanafi ahle hadeeth inter madhab anarchy.
As both groups tend to claim others are flawed version of islam.
So this mosques will be under the most peaceful peoples in Bangladesh.
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Nah I have little feelings to be hurt, I am just amazed that how peoples try to be over smart, try to be ultra modern and choose such that way, it made me laugh.
I am not unfamiliar with such folks, who live aboard , pretend to be seculars and when it comes about true secularism , their real face is opened sometimes .

There are plenty of peoples who are spreading this type of ugly Islamophobic pseudo secularism, and they provoke common peoples by bashing their religion, resulting the chaos in the country.

They try to make Bangladesh Europe, but when they are being criticised back, they start whining by showing their radical attitude , as Masud bhatti is the recent case . Like ami korle lilakhela, tumi korle pap..... I call such peoples as pseudo seculars, who are the fake version of secularism. True seculars wont have any allergy towards a specific group of peoples .
well, i'm not/ certainly not trying to be one of these people... i've no problem with mosques or any other place of worship being built... but i will also say that these places are not a priority rn.... regardless of religion.
Yes you are right, so there are almost 2 koti peoples in dhaka ( city and outside) so surly there are 20 koti mosque in this city. There is no structure other than mosques in dhaka.
However no mosques made in your private property, so why bothered ?
there are 4 crore in dhaka.... and yeah... you're right... it doesn't add up.
we have mosque in our private property... for people to pray in.

You are not only super intelligent, but also all knowing I guess.
I am wondering how you can see this from Ukraine ?
By reading news papers, and watching news channels? What is the magic that make you all knowing ? Still why does it bother you that's not your concern?
did it ever come across your mind that i might have lived in bangladesh too for some part of my life?
Again, make such things, no one is preventing you from doing this. You make such things, let others make whatever they feel is better, until they are trying to capture your private land to make them.

And besides, who are you to stop them that is not illegal by Bangladeshi law?
that was my question... to you

Exactly, and neither anyone will ask you when they are building something else that is not illegal in BD.

Still building brothel doesn't give any itch and when it is the case about mosques, itching starts instantly.
so why bother talking about brothels in the same comment of questioning my secularist views/?

Actually who said that these are requirments for calling spade is spade? :rofl:
eh, you!? but then i might have not kept count what we're talking about rn

nice intuitive theory sir.
This is the prove that peoples like you are ignorant about something, yet come to spew bogus.
You don't have slightest knowledge about the source of Islamic laws. Atleast study some laws, do some homework and then come back to spew your bogus .

Also read properly other scriptures and laws and then compare, and give lecture that who are actually allowing those acts .
Made a comparison between them with proper knowledge .
It's a requirement , unlike 5 times prayer for me to call a spade is spade.:rofl:

Ps: @Michael Corleone, it seems you are upset. Hei it's only a heated debate and not any kind of personal enmity with you.
I believe you are a mature man, so come on don't be upset :-).

i have had islamic education as much as i've had western... it's grim to assume something about someone based on their views... no matter how ignorant it might be.

today i learnt, prayers five times a day is not a "requirement"... wow

i'm not upset, i might have been... i've had patients die on me for the first time... seen the autopsy of the same patient, it's been to much for me to absorb this week and it might be taking a toll on me, so if i seem agitated/ aggressive towards you, know that it's not personal.

So this mosques will be under the most peaceful peoples in Bangladesh.
oh if i remember correctly i;ve seen the most peaceful of the bunch knock each others heads off.... last victim that i heard of was that bedaat khor imam from channel I
so why bother talking about brothels in the same comment of questioning my secularist views/?
Because your secular view look like militant secularism. Mean wahabi version of seculars like some online activists .
However if it's not then it's fine.
today i learnt, prayers five times a day is not a "requirement"... wow
Actually I mean it's not a requirement to pray 5 times in order to defend the right of building mosques.
i've had patients die on me for the first time... seen the autopsy of the same patient, it's been to much for me to absorb this week
Oh very sorry to hear that .
so if i seem agitated/ aggressive towards you, know that it's not personal.
Yeah I understand . Peace. :-)
@Michael Corleone
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Actually I mean it's not a requirement to pray 5 times in order to defend the right of building mosques.
i've no problem if someone wants to build mosque... but if it's saudi.... it's usually for the wrong reasons
which is why i've shown any objections
did i hurt your feelings? too bad.
there are reasons why this kind of fake gestures are not liked by me...
dhaka has most number of mosque per square kilometer in the world.. i don't remember the exact figure but there are 10 mosque for each person...
most of the current mosque stay empty or nearly empty everyday other than jummah.... in other words most bengalis are jummah muslims...
third... instead of building "the largest mosque" how about the largest diary farm or more schools with free education on the agenda... that will serve the masses better than places of worship every 15 feet with no one in them.
as for brothels.... your country legalises prostitution... not something they've asked people like me whether it's good or bad...
so instead of speaking out of the *** and having the "nation of islam" crisis... first attempt to pray five times a day, learn quran after zuhr.... then you can come after "pseudoseculars" like me

two sides of the fucking same coin

yeah if knocking off people's head for stealing instead of institutionalizing them, keeping sex slaves because it's allowed according to quran and dropping bombs on women and children in yemen in the name of protecting "the holy kaaba" (which is supposedly guarded by Allah and no one can bring harm to them) i don't know who's more hypocrite.... people like me... or people like you

Mosques serve as schools, community centres, provide basic medical services, some serve as post offices and provides basic banking services. Your characterisation of mosques are not backed up by facts on the ground that I have seen.

I would be against wahbi ideology but if anyone wants to build a mosque let it be. Saudis are not saying heres some cash do what you want and BD said let's build a mosque.

They want to build a mosque as far as I am concerned bring it on. It will provide employment and a service to the people. I do not see why anyone would have an issue with it.

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