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Saudi Arabia wants 2 battalions Army from Bangladesh

Saudis are anti-jamati. Saudis are basically anti-anything Islamic democracy. AL too are anti-jamati. If Hasina suspects for one second that the Saudis are sympathetic or supportive of Jamat, she will kick the Saudi butts in no time.

What do the Jamaatis describe themselves as - Deobandi or Salafi ??
What do the Jamaatis describe themselves as - Deobandi or Salafi ??

They are not salafi. They are neither deobandi, our deobandis don't like them.

They are simple hanafi who follow maturidi aqeeda I think, they are also more Mawdudi follower I think.
They are not salafi. They are neither deobandi, our deobandis don't like them.

They are simple hanafi who follow maturidi aqeeda I think, they are also more Mawdudi follower I think.

Stay the F out.

BD soldiers are gonna die for no reason.

The Saudi war against Yemen is criminal.

And @bluesky is correct. This has every potential of drawing in more BD soldiers to die for this disgusting Saudi regime.
Cleaning job by Bangladesh Army!
Hmm I am not surprised by the reactions of AL haggards in this forum or anywhere( thankfully Al will be freed from such disgrace soon) . They ( haggard who spoiled AL since decades) were never very fond of Bangladesh army But from you ? Such reaction ? You remind me again that Bangladesh is splitted for BNP BAL issue . You truly disappointed me now .

However army need cash , and they are getting it by own effort so this is Halal cash . I praise it . In the end money is the key to happiness and only happy folks can act sanely !

This has every potential of drawing in more BD soldiers to die for this disgusting Saudi regime.
Soldiers do not fear death . They are soldiers and they took this job knowing this truth that they can be dead any time.

PS: just lol at those pseudo intellectuals ( mostly either BAL or pretend to be BAL )who are shading crocodiles tear for our soldiers , just lol .:enjoy:
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When u have money and resources why should u need to take risk where u have 1% chance to lose of life...
Normally, a poor man has less dignity than a well-to-do famous man. BD cannot say No to a Saudi request. It was the same during the Iraq-Kuwait war. BA had to take a role to protect Kuwait which I believe might have been due to SA pressure. 72 young personnel died an unnecessary death which was not caused to protect their own country.

The same is happening today. BD is under pressure to contribute troops. If not complied. SA will totally stop hiring BD citizens in that country. The resulting big mess may cause political unrest.

As you said, there is a continuous machine gun and mortar firing from the Yemeni side. So, I believe that once a few BA troops are killed or injured there is a real possibility of SA asking BD to send combat troops in the future. There is a strong possibility that in the near future BA troops will have to fight on behalf of Saudi troops.
It maybe a cause , but think about army UN missions . From Saudi Missions army personnel will be beneficial , and in the end
Normally, a poor man has less dignity than a well-to-do famous man.
BD salary is not good enough to live a better life for anyone who is not taking bribe , and army can't and do not take bribe like police . So such missions are their only way to earn more money in Halal aka pure/legal way . So there is no reason for BD govt not to send them .

But the most important reality is, the real battle field is a way better training for them to improve their skill. That will benefit us a lot.
@bluesky. @Avicenna you answer is here too!
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Hmm I am not surprised by the reactions of AL haggards in this forum or anywhere ( thankfully Al will be freed from such disgrace soon) . They ( haggard who spoiled AL since decades) were never very fond of Bangladesh army But from you ? Such reaction ? You remind me again that Bangladesh is splitted on BNP BAL issue . You truly disappointed me now .

However army need cash , and they are getting it by own effort so this is Halal cash . I praise it . In the end money is the key to happiness and only happy folks can act sanely !

Soldiers do not fear death . They are soldiers and they took this job knowing this truth that they can be dead any time.

PS: just lol at those pseudo intellectuals who are shading crocodiles tear for our soldiers , just lol .:enjoy:

Of course soldiers fear death. Soldiers are people with families, likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams.

People sign up to serve for various reasons.

One would assume is love of country.

If this was in defense of Bangladesh that’s a different story,

This is another country contracting out dangerous work to another.

It’s a disgrace when a nation’s government sells out the interests of its soldiers for another nations benefit.
Some elements are missing in the discussion. Beside mine clearing member of Engineering core of Bangladesh army will get opportunity to participate in civil and defense construction projects in Saudi Arabia. Plus it is proposed to give opportunity to experienced Doctors from Bangladesh army in various Defence sector. Beside job Doctors will get opportunities to get higher studies from various hospitals from Saudi Arabia.

Plus 4 members name including a Brigredier General has been proposed to appoint at the Saudi Arabia’s Islamic Military Counter Terrorisson coalition.

বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনীর ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং কোরের সদস্যদের সৌদি আরবের বিভিন্ন সামরিক, বেসামরিক অবকাঠামো নির্মাণ ও উন্নয়ন কাজে নিয়োজিত করার বিষয়ে আলোচনা হয়েছে বলেও জানান আজিজ আহমেদ। এ ছাড়া, সেনাবাহিনীর অভিজ্ঞ চিকিৎসকদের সৌদি আরবের বিভিন্ন সামরিক খাতে নিয়োজিত করার প্রস্তাব দেন। তিনি আশা প্রকাশ করেন, চিকিৎসকেরা কাজের পাশপাশি সৌদি আরবের বিভিন্ন হাসপাতাল থেকে উচ্চতর প্রশিক্ষণও গ্রহণ করতে পারবেন।

সেনাপ্রধান আজিজ আহমেদ আরও জানান, সৌদি আরবের ইসলামিক মিলিটারি কাউন্টার টেরোরিজম কোয়ালিশনে (আইএমসিটিসি) বাংলাদেশ থেকে একজন ব্রিগেডিয়ার জেনারেলসহ চার জন কর্মকর্তাকে নিয়োগের জন্য নাম দেওয়া হয়েছে। এই কোয়ালিশনের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনীর সব ধরনের সহযোগিতা অব্যাহত থাকবে বলেও জানান তিনি।
Some elements are missing in the discussion. Beside mine clearing member of Engineering core of Bangladesh army will get opportunity to participate in civil and defense construction projects in Saudi Arabia. Plus it is proposed to give opportunity to experienced Doctors from Bangladesh army in various Defence sector. Beside job Doctors will get opportunities to get higher studies from various hospitals from Saudi Arabia.

Plus 4 members name including a Brigredier General has been proposed to appoint at the Saudi Arabia’s Islamic Military Counter Terrorisson coalition.

বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনীর ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং কোরের সদস্যদের সৌদি আরবের বিভিন্ন সামরিক, বেসামরিক অবকাঠামো নির্মাণ ও উন্নয়ন কাজে নিয়োজিত করার বিষয়ে আলোচনা হয়েছে বলেও জানান আজিজ আহমেদ। এ ছাড়া, সেনাবাহিনীর অভিজ্ঞ চিকিৎসকদের সৌদি আরবের বিভিন্ন সামরিক খাতে নিয়োজিত করার প্রস্তাব দেন। তিনি আশা প্রকাশ করেন, চিকিৎসকেরা কাজের পাশপাশি সৌদি আরবের বিভিন্ন হাসপাতাল থেকে উচ্চতর প্রশিক্ষণও গ্রহণ করতে পারবেন।

সেনাপ্রধান আজিজ আহমেদ আরও জানান, সৌদি আরবের ইসলামিক মিলিটারি কাউন্টার টেরোরিজম কোয়ালিশনে (আইএমসিটিসি) বাংলাদেশ থেকে একজন ব্রিগেডিয়ার জেনারেলসহ চার জন কর্মকর্তাকে নিয়োগের জন্য নাম দেওয়া হয়েছে। এই কোয়ালিশনের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনীর সব ধরনের সহযোগিতা অব্যাহত থাকবে বলেও জানান তিনি।

Think about this Bhai.

The core of it is to get the BD army to clear the mines.

These people have been trying to get others to fight this criminal war for them.

I give Pakistan a lot of credit.

They shut SA/UAE down when they were asked to contribute.

That takes a lot of balls.

Something BD is lacking.
Think about this Bhai.

The core of it is to get the BD army to clear the mines.

These people have been trying to get others to fight this criminal war for them.

I give Pakistan a lot of credit.

They shut SA/UAE down when they were asked to contribute.

That takes a lot of balls.

Something BD is lacking.

Well then, you missed old reports where Dhaka declined to send in fighting force to Saudi. Hasina was clear that BD will only send in its army where the holy shrines are under threat, nothing before and nothing after.

But this news is a bit perplexing. I am not sure if I am to count this as just a civilian-military collaboration or as a long-term plan to involve BD in their war. Time will tell.
You remind me again that Bangladesh is splitted on BNP BAL issue . You truly disappointed me now .

Undoubtedly. And deal with it.

BAL has given us hatred and complexity. Now we know we have many brothers and friends who we do not like. They have destroyed the fabric of brotherhood and kinship.

Sometimes I even think I will try not to buy from a shop if I know he is BAL. But it will make the life very complex, plus in real life I have business with many BALs and we have good formal relation.

I remember my childhood when I would get goosebumps seeing army and had full respect to Army. Now I am careless about whether I portray good or bad about BD and its army. Because, the corrupted-minded BAL thinks they represent and own BD only, and we do not, and we are unwanted. They fully dismiss other's rights and opinions. So let them represent BD and we will criticize harshly, even it portrays BD as bad.

By the way, I enjoy this dishonesty of the BAL that if we criticize, then we defame Bangladesh, if they shamelessly rig the election with the highest magnitude and utterly violate the human rights in Bangladesh, then that do not defame Bangladesh.

By the way, I do not see much problem that BD army does this job, but I just criticized them being anti-AL.
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