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Saudi Arabia wants 2 battalions Army from Bangladesh

Bad @Gibbs BAD! You should never criticize the ummah concept applied blindly today....because its very "un-islamic" to do so! You clearly hate Islam if you do! All those Muslims questioning such are also not "real muslims"....please get with the program here.

This guy blabbing/mod calling has just 19 messages and knows your deep muslim hate feelz too already....I wonder I wonder....:azn:

@Desert Fox @OsmanAli98 @The Sandman
As a Muslim I do believe in an Ummah in the sense that I can stand in the same row as a Indian, African and East Asian Muslim and we all pray together toward the Qiblah in the Holy City of Mecca during Hajj or during Jummah prayer.

However I don't believe in the deliberate mixing up of diverse nations of peoples. This is a modern phenomenon being pushed by exponents of materialistic globalism who want to destroy all organic forms of identity in favor of consumer identity.

Also, realistically speaking, in this current age of nation states there are different competing interests and thus real politic should be taken into consideration.
You will be never forget about that 300 taka tea it seems. :omghaha:

Bro why do you hit accelerator so hard towards the end of your posts...lol. You made perfectly decent points in the black part.

In all seriousness, let us lay off the name calling and personal insults as the distraction makes valid points made fall in deaf ears.

@bluesky has actually been quite laidback in his response to Billu given what Billu did and accused him of (to try get him and ME perma-banned):


Read all of that thread for full context...this was just one example.

I can post what he did in GHQ next....very shameless, its why mods dont entertain his stupid crying/reporting anymore. I made sure of that.

Remember this was a guy that was this friendly to bluesky at one point (can still find this on bluesky profile page):

suddenly turning like that against him, just because bluesky:

a) questioned Billu village bhodrolok attitude (which more and more people like @Mage and @Tanveer666 realising the edgy bitterness to)
b) criticized Bangladesh especially BAL on various things....sometimes harshly....and optically looked like he was endorsing some of my arguments (ignoring me and bluesky viciously fought each other at same time over other things...but bluesky never complained about it like some coward.....which is why I respect bluesky in the end)

Billu basic complex is it has to be his way or you are not a proper Bangladeshi (and likely some false flagger or "Kolkata Sanghi" as he has now declared bluesky to be)....and this forum is something of his safe space that should never be violated or challenged in any way.

You resist/dont entertain his wishes, he gets paranoid. You keep being that way, he will turn desperate and vengeful eventually....and instruct others to be the same way (the paranoia, control freak complex grows like cancer).

Guy is probably off his meds.....or must be the most intolerable and insufferable kind in real life, and probably why he is isolated, insulated and needs to have some control-freak attitude here to make up for it....like can you imagine someone being like this in real life? Yuck....just toxic.

Bad @Gibbs BAD! You should never criticize the ummah concept applied blindly today....because its very "un-islamic" to do so! You clearly hate Islam if you do! All those Muslims questioning such are also not "real muslims"....please get with the program here.

This guy blabbing/mod calling has just 19 messages and knows your deep muslim hate feelz too already....I wonder I wonder....:azn:

@Desert Fox @OsmanAli98 @The Sandman

Well sheep is a generic term, The bloke jumped right in and put on the cap that fitted him perfectly.. :p:

As a Muslim I do believe in an Ummah in the sense that I can stand in the same row as a Indian, African and East Asian Muslim and we all pray together toward the Qiblah in the Holy City of Mecca during Hajj or during Jummah prayer.

However I don't believe in the deliberate mixing up of diverse nations of peoples. This is a modern phenomenon being pushed by exponents of materialistic globalism who want to destroy all organic forms of identity in favor of consumer identity.

Also, realistically speaking, in this current age of nation states there are different competing interests and thus real politic should be taken into consideration.

I was actually commenting on the abuse of Umma by those powers for their own benefits at the cost of poorer Muslim nations, Which i think think most sensible Muslims themselves would agree with.. There is a reason that Arabs specifically Saudi's spend billions on ultra conservative religious schools in developing world than they would give for infrastructure development, Which would benefit the masses, It's better for them to produce brain washed sheeple to use for their dirty work .. It's not rocket science
Probably BA causalities are what the dumb SA military establishment wants. The lives of SA troops are too precious they will not be there to fight the Yemeni troops to save the BA mine detectors. SA will ask BD combat troops to repel the Yemeni attack. So, I expect a few battalions of BA combat troops there.
I also think, not all the 1800 troops are there for landmine detecting. Probably 200 to 300 will work in the fields and the remainder will keep themselves available for combat. But, it will be horrendous the Yemeni mortar shells landing on the earth-covered landmines--- a lot of dead bodies of the BA troops.

I thought there is a full contingent of Pakistan Army in SA. Around 5000? Why they are not ordered to clear the minefields instead?
I think there work is to protect the family
Well sheep is a generic term, The bloke jumped right in and put on the cap that fitted him perfectly.. :p:

I was actually commenting on the abuse of Umma by those powers for their own benefits at the cost of poorer Muslim nations, Which i think think most sensible Muslims themselves would agree with.. There is a reason that Arabs specifically Saudi's spend billions on ultra conservative religious schools in developing world than they would give for infrastructure development, Which would benefit the masses, It's better for them to produce brain washed sheeple to use for their dirty work .. It's not rocket science
Oh yes definitely I am on the same page as you in this regard.
Bad @Gibbs BAD! You should never criticize the ummah concept applied blindly today....because its very "un-islamic" to do so! You clearly hate Islam if you do! All those Muslims questioning such are also not "real muslims"....please get with the program here.
One can criticise Ummah concept where its applicable. This thread and subject isn’t one of them.

Saudis are paying for Bangladeshi service. They aren’t asking for anything free! In this give and take relationship dragging Ummah concept was an illogical attempt from Mr Gibbs and now from you!
This guy blabbing/mod calling has just 19 messages and knows your deep muslim hate feelz too already....I wonder I wonder....:azn:
I was blabbing? Wow, you are very logical guy!

He started his cheap 3rd class name calling against me out of no where and without any provocation from me. So, I just called a mod instead of lowering myself to his level.

And for your information, I was a long time visitor of this forum before registering as a member!
Oh...please. it was said long long ago and it's in the past. Situations change.

If you look at my posts in the first page, you will see I was sarcastic, there

Its ok you are getting paid for your services. Send them! like you said...when Saudis say "cum here"

See, your countryman even endorses it:

Saudis are paying for Bangladeshi service. They aren’t asking for anything free!

See my padawan @Mage ....everything is thus kosher....er I mean halal.

"Mine clearing"....whats a BD grunt's life here and there for some oil dinars? Its not like they are being used to achieve objectives against Myanmar after all those rohingya stories....so might as well do "cash for clunkers" style kind of thing....I mean what else are they going to do....challenge rigged elections? Naaaah. Show BCL thugs their aukaat? Naaaah. Might as well be saudi physical demolition team in Yemen or wherever his royal highness of the "ummah" tells you to go (in exchange for a little cha-ching)......he isn't inviting you lot into some interior of an embassy after all....yer fine. 0% casualty rates guaranteed....easy money!


And for your information, I was a long time visitor of this forum before registering as a member!

Yes that is what I suspected hehe.
"Mine clearing"....whats a BD grunt's life here and there for some oil dinars? Its not like they are being used to achieve objectives against Myanmar after all those rohingya stories....
Risking lives for Arabz iz halal
Risking lives for Rohingyas iz not.

Arab lives matter. Arab money matters.
Glory to Ummah.
Risking lives for Arabz iz halal
Risking lives for Rohingyas iz not.

Arab lives matter. Arab money matters.
Glory to Ummah.

On brighter note...are you gonna get a new DP? I liked that one you had till just now...hehe
I do not see this as much different from UN service that our soldiers take part in. That is also done in return for money paid for by mainly western countries.

What differnce does it make where the money comes from. Saudi money is a good as UN money.

Saudis do not have enough people .... this could be a good revenue and employment generating avenue for us.
I do not see this as much different from UN service that our soldiers take part in. That is also done in return for money paid for by mainly western countries.

What differnce does it make where the money comes from. Saudi money is a good as UN money.

Saudis do not have enough people .... this could be a good revenue and employment generating avenue for us.

At last one sensible post. Some ppl here r acting as if KSA is forcing our soldiers to do some dirty jobs for them.

Our army regularly provides their services to UN and this case isn't any different either. BD and KSA has a strong relationship which will be strengthened further in the coming years under the leadership of AL. There's is nothing wrong in providing help to our friendly nations.

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