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Saudi Arabia F-15 Silent Eagle and F-35 JSF

Arabs are already manufacturing their own tanks Egypt manufactures 90% of Abrams tank, Jordan turned Challenger 1, M 60 Patton and Chieftain into entirely new tanks. Pakistan itself doesn't manufacture all parts of Al-Khalid tanks, for instance the engine is imported. We have our own plans, but supporting Pakistani military industry financially is all Muslims duty including Arabs. Nevertheless, I would advise you to give advice to your country Kazakhstan first.

Yes, I agree that they should invest money in arms industry, but buying best arms is not wasting money. Pakistan and most world countries spend generously in buying arms. They have more money so they get better equipment.

Egypt only puts the parts for the abrams together the usa could cut the parts and egypt would be paralyzed.
This is nothing but BS, there is nothing in this world so called "reliable partners",
When compared to the West, China is a lot more of reliable partner, and as i stated earlier history is witness to this fact.

even China obeyed all UN sanction resolutions regarding all its former allies.
For example??? And did that include Pakistan?

For instance, KSA has f-15 spare parts inventory that cover 20 years of instant operation.
Many of the major components shelf life does not exceed a certain period of time, and i doubt that the engines and missiles as well as other major components like the Avionics can survive 20 years, unless you can prove to me with a reliable source.

In that time KSA would have alternative solutions. And how the hell JF-17 would encounter F-35, 15 or SU-35?
Where did i imply that JF-17 would encounter F-35 or SU-35?? At least understand the gist of my post before going off on a tangent.

KSA would operate f-15 10 years with sanctions
I doubt it, what makes you think so though? First you said 20 years, and now 10 years??

but can USA economy bear cutting off oil supplies for one day? or withdrawing 2 trillion dollar from US? I don't think so.
The Americans wouldn't let that happen in the first place.

By the by, the f-15 spare parts are being manufactured at Al-Salam industries.
Are they manufacturing the critical components of the Aircraft like the Engines, the BVR missiles, the avionics and etc?

Egypt and Jordan produce most parts of their tanks just like Pakistan.
No they don't, Egypt only produces 40% of the Abrams while 60% is still manufactured in the USA and sold to Egypt in assembly kits.

I don't think Ukraine could resist UN sanction resolutions on Pakistan if applied (God forbid).
Pakistan was under sanctions when the deal was made with Ukraine for the engines, this was before the WoT when America lifted the Arms sanctions.

My question here, why would Arabs import Al-Khalid or JF-17 while they manufacture superior tanks as well as have the most modern and powerful jets in the world?

I never stated that they should import, though most of them should. It seems you didn't get the gist of my posts. What i stated was that Muslim countries can pool their resources together and manufacture our own weapons since its cheaper, much more reliable, generates more jobs, and money goes to our own industries rather than the same military industrial complexes that produce weapons for israel.

BTW, Egypt has the 4th largest F-16 fleet, yet none of those F-16's are BVR capable. Egypt also has a very large Abrams fleet, but the major components for the Tank are imported from the USA and their armor is downgraded, so yes, JF-17 and Al-Khalid are superior.

I can't really compare to Jordanian Tanks since i don't know their specifications.
For KSA incompetent leadership , this is a correct decision a) what ever USA advises them is complete truth (buy more) - these idiots even have AWACs for heavens sake and b) The spectre of IRAN

Just as an FYI , poor Candians cannot even buy 10 F-35 , please see the brewing scandal below

Auditor General Michael Ferguson reported that the government initially estimated it would cost $25 billion to buy and operate 65 F-35 planes over 20 years. But the Department of National Defence later claimed this would come in at under $15 billion.

During the 2011 election campaign, Harper repeatedly claimed that the program would cost $16 billion, even though the parliamentary budget officer, Kevin Page, had pegged the price at $29 billion.
We both have to agree that 95% of world countries are vulnerable to sanctions, even UK doesn't produce all Eurofighter components. Egypt does manufacture 95% of Abrams A1 A2 and this is from Egyptian military minister:
æÒíÑ ÇáÏæáÉ ááÅäÊÇÌ ÇáÍÑÈí‮:‬ääÊÌ ÃÞæí ÏÈÇÈÉ Ýí ÇáÚÇáã ÈÊÕäíÚ ãÍáí‮ ‬95٪
محاولة للفهم: الدبابة الامريكية ابرامز ...... صناعة مصرية

Its your problem if you don't know Arabic.
We both have to agree that 95% of world countries are vulnerable to sanctions, even UK doesn't produce all Eurofighter components.
But the UK is a Western ally, its in NATO, not to mention it is not a Islamic country, and neither are the majority of the nations of the world.

I tried to find a English source about Egypt manufacturing 95% of the Abrams and didn't find any, the sources you provided me were a Forum of fanboys and a blog, these are no reliable sources.

Would appreciate it if you could find me English sources stating that Egypt manufactures 95% of Abrams.

BTW, this is what i posted before but it seems you either didn't read it or you purposely ignored it:

"Under the terms of this first MoU some 40 per cent of the tank's components would be manufactured in Egypt with the remainder being produced in the US and shipped to Egypt for final assembly."

Egyptian production of the United States M1A1 Abrams MBT (Egypt) - Jane's Armour and Artillery

And this is from Janes defence, a reliable and reputable source.
This is nothing but BS, there is nothing in this world so called "reliable partners", even China obeyed all UN sanction resolutions regarding all its former allies. For instance, KSA has f-15 spare parts inventory that cover 20 years of instant operation. In that time KSA would have alternative solutions. And how the hell JF-17 would encounter F-35, 15 or SU-35? KSA would operate f-15 10 years with sanctions but can USA economy bear cutting off oil supplies for one day? or withdrawing 2 trillion dollar from US? I don't think so.

By the by, the f-15 spare parts are being manufactured at Al-Salam industries.

Egypt and Jordan produce most parts of their tanks just like Pakistan. I don't think Ukraine could resist UN sanction resolutions on Pakistan if applied (God forbid). My question here, why would Arabs import Al-Khalid or JF-17 while they manufacture superior tanks as well as have the most modern and powerful jets in the world?

Do you not understand yet Black Eagle their point of view yet??

We Arabs are genetically stupider and inferior to them and are all a bunch of idiots with rags on our heads and our money should go to their smartness and superior genetic composition instead.
Do you not understand yet Black Eagle their point of view yet??

We Arabs are genetically stupider and inferior to them and are all a bunch of idiots with rags on our heads and our money should go to their smartness and superior genetic composition instead.
By posting comments like these, you are pretty much making your own selves look bad. Who's to blame if you can't refute others and therefore out of frustration you desperately start posting nonsense.:tup:
By posting comments like these, you are pretty much making your own selves look bad. Who's to blame if you can't refute others and therefore out of frustration you desperately start posting nonsense.:tup:

We are building our own defense industries through JVs and ToTs of the world's best equipment. This is far much better than starting expensive R&Ds from scratch and try to make something comparable to what others have made.

We have access to much superior Military Technologies and Equipment NOW. Later we might not have that pleasure so we better make the best use of it while we can. Making JVs with Pakistan is commendable of course and I am all for it but perhaps after our ToT thrive for the best we can get and the world has to offer. We can offer much better.

You all have to face it KSA is not just a country dripping with oil and money anymore. We have our own engineers and technicians now who are on par with the world's finest and many more are yet to come in what is termed as the "Largest education undertaken in this century".

Soon with the amount of ToT, training and expertise being developed in KSA, Other countries might be the ones who will start begging for JVs with us instead.
Do you not understand yet Black Eagle their point of view yet??

We Arabs are genetically stupider and inferior to them and are all a bunch of idiots with rags on our heads and our money should go to their smartness and superior genetic composition instead.
let the dogs bark. We are moving on in development in all sectors while the malevolents and enviers are getting more mad, so they are in excruciating pain. as I said before my brother all you have to do is to sit back and enjoy, let the fire eat itself...:lol:
By posting comments like these, you are pretty much making your own selves look bad. Who's to blame if you can't refute others and therefore out of frustration you desperately start posting nonsense.:tup:
Do you have an idea about what percentage of JF-17 you make or do you make the electronic suit the weapons specially the a-a missiles one question if happen you know about electronics do you have that kind of capability thanks.
we are happy for u! lets hope these engineers have'nt paid there way through uni's ,tell u wat a student in aeronatics a muslim also got scholar ship in some of ur uni he went happily there hoping he would be able to enjoy the warmth of the muslim bortherhood ,ofcourse we pakistni's his mates warned him of the racism of our arab brethren (the guy was a black guy) after 3 months the guy came runing back after doing umrah bcuz he could'nt stand the arab attitude towards his color unfortunately they could'nt stand his color ,anyways the guy is brilliant at his studies and now he is going for phd in usa where usa is happily accepting him into there society,why tell this long story to tell u why america is still powerfull and u are not bcuz america can accomodate and absorb brilliant minds into their society u can't since u think u r the chosen ppl,all other ur own engineers i can imagine ho wgood they will be ! lets see if they can make a single missile indigenously,pakistanis did that even though we had no money and the whole world was after us unlike the arabian case,no one else but arabs are responsible for polarising the ummah ,so i think we pakistanis would prefer to be in a alliance with china any day rather then arabs who think they ae the chosen ones.huh!
we are happy for u! lets hope these engineers have'nt paid there way through uni's ,tell u wat a student in aeronatics a muslim also got scholar ship in some of ur uni he went happily there hoping he would be able to enjoy the warmth of the muslim bortherhood ,ofcourse we pakistni's his mates warned him of the racism of our arab brethren (the guy was a black guy) after 3 months the guy came runing back after doing umrah bcuz he could'nt stand the arab attitude towards his color unfortunately they could'nt stand his color ,anyways the guy is brilliant at his studies and now he is going for phd in usa where usa is happily accepting him into there society,why tell this long story to tell u why america is still powerfull and u are not bcuz america can accomodate and absorb brilliant minds into their society u can't since u think u r the chosen ppl,all other ur own engineers i can imagine ho wgood they will be ! lets see if they can make a single missile indigenously,pakistanis did that even though we had no money and the whole world was after us unlike the arabian case,no one else but arabs are responsible for polarising the ummah ,so i think we pakistanis would prefer to be in a alliance with china any day rather then arabs who think they ae the chosen ones.huh!

The funny thing is in this forum we have many Pakistani currently living in Saudi Arabia who disagree with you and would call you a liar. Ask Salman, Somebozo and Phoenix.
we are happy for u! lets hope these engineers have'nt paid there way through uni's ,tell u wat a student in aeronatics a muslim also got scholar ship in some of ur uni he went happily there hoping he would be able to enjoy the warmth of the muslim bortherhood ,ofcourse we pakistni's his mates warned him of the racism of our arab brethren (the guy was a black guy) after 3 months the guy came runing back after doing umrah bcuz he could'nt stand the arab attitude towards his color unfortunately they could'nt stand his color ,anyways the guy is brilliant at his studies and now he is going for phd in usa where usa is happily accepting him into there society,why tell this long story to tell u why america is still powerfull and u are not bcuz america can accomodate and absorb brilliant minds into their society u can't since u think u r the chosen ppl,all other ur own engineers i can imagine ho wgood they will be ! lets see if they can make a single missile indigenously,pakistanis did that even though we had no money and the whole world was after us unlike the arabian case,no one else but arabs are responsible for polarising the ummah ,so i think we pakistanis would prefer to be in a alliance with china any day rather then arabs who think they ae the chosen ones.huh!
Please don't mix all the Arab together even what so called Saudi they're not all that way, yes some of us unfortunately stupid enough to think and act the better way, we in iraq we accept the Egyptians between us the Sudanese even Somalian believe it or not they still appreciate it So just take it easy bro.
so i think we pakistanis would prefer to be in a alliance with china any day rather then arabs who think they ae the chosen ones.huh!

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