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Saudi Arabia F-15 Silent Eagle and F-35 JSF

Dear, those indigenous "upgrades" of Al Hussein and M60 does not prove your point at all. Anyway, you may chose to live in your delusion I do not have any problem with that. :)
Arabs are already manufacturing their own tanks Egypt manufactures 90% of Abrams tank,

Under the terms of this first MoU some 40 per cent of the tank's components would be manufactured in Egypt with the remainder being produced in the US and shipped to Egypt for final assembly.
Egyptian production of the United States M1A1 Abrams MBT (Egypt) - Jane's Armour and Artillery

Pakistan itself doesn't manufacture all parts of Al-Khalid tanks, for instance the engine is imported.

Yes, the engine of the Tank is imported from Ukraine, however, unlike Western suppliers, Ukraine isn't the type of country that would cut off spare parts. Also, Pakistan has already imported all of the Ukrainian engines for the next batch of Al-Khalids to be manufactured.

We have our own plans, but supporting Pakistani military industry financially is all Muslims duty including Arabs.
It's not only about supporting Pakistani Military Industry, rather its all Muslim Military Industrial complexes pooling their resources and working together, sharing knowledge and know how, coming up with our own Tanks, Jets, Submarines, Battle Ships, Aircraft Carriers, made as a result of all the engineers and expertise from our countries combined. Of course, this will require a lot of financial backing, but that is something Arab countries are not lacking in.

Yes, I agree that they should invest money in arms industry, but buying best arms is not wasting money.

Indeed, buying best arms is not wasting money, but from whom you buy those arms is what decides if its a waste of money or not. A weapon could be state of the art, but if its critical components are prone to arms embargoes or sanctions then what good is it when you need it most during time of war? Even a rock would prove to be a better weapon.

Here's a little story of our experience and the lessons we learned:

We too overlooked the fact that one day, after the Soviets are defeated and the west no longer needed us, our F-16's would become useless, and that was where we were proved wrong and therefore learned our lesson. There was always that perception within our leadership and even the common man that American weapons are the best and we have them therefore we have an edge over our adversaries, but alas, we were proven wrong when the Americans imposed sanctions on our country and cut off the critical components supply for our F-16's, therefore rendering them useless.

When india and Pakistan had a border conflict in 1999, in the mountains of Kargil, the IAF (indian air force) had a free reign over the battle zone and faced no opposition from our air force because we had nothing capable enough to defend our ground forces from the relentless pounding of indian precision guided munitions dropped by the IAF ground attack jets which were escorted by BVR capable MiG's.

Most of our F-16's were in their hangars and were not in fly worthy condition due to lack of spare parts, the few that could fly were only able to do so because the other F-16's were cannibalised for their spare parts and critical components. These fly worthy F-16's were only to be used to defend Pakistan's nucclear facilities from a joint indo-israeli strike therefore they couldn't be used in the theater of war in support of our ground troops.

So, its better to have a JF-17 that can defend our skies whenever the need arises, and a Al-Khalid that meets are requirements, and same applies to our other home made weapons as well. They might not be a Eurofighter Typhoon, F-15, or a Leo Tank, but at least they will function during time of war.
So, its better to have a JF-17 that can defend our skies whenever the need arises, and a Al-Khalid that meets are requirements, and same applies to our other home made weapons as well. They might not be a Eurofighter Typhoon, F-15, or a Leo Tank, but at least they will function during time of war.

What about JF-17 imported parts as well as F-16?
Here's a little story of our experience and the lessons we learned:

We too overlooked the fact that one day, after the Soviets are defeated and the west no longer needed us, our F-16's would become useless, and that was where we were proved wrong and therefore learned our lesson. There was always that perception within our leadership and even the common man that American weapons are the best and we have them therefore we have an edge over our adversaries, but alas, we were proven wrong when the Americans imposed sanctions on our country and cut off the critical components supply for our F-16's, therefore rendering them useless.

When india and Pakistan had a border conflict in 1999, in the mountains of Kargil, the IAF (indian air force) had a free reign over the battle zone and faced no opposition from our air force because we had nothing capable enough to defend our ground forces from the relentless pounding of indian precision guided munitions dropped by the IAF ground attack jets which were escorted by BVR capable MiG's.

Most of our F-16's were in their hangars and were not in fly worthy condition due to lack of spare parts, the few that could fly were only able to do so because the other F-16's were cannibalised for their spare parts and critical components. These fly worthy F-16's were only to be used to defend Pakistan's nucclear facilities from a joint indo-israeli strike therefore they couldn't be used in the theater of war in support of our ground troops.

So, its better to have a JF-17 that can defend our skies whenever the need arises, and a Al-Khalid that meets are requirements, and same applies to our other home made weapons as well. They might not be a Eurofighter Typhoon, F-15, or a Leo Tank, but at least they will function during time of war.

Excellent read! Thanks for illustrating Pakistan's experience! :tup:
What about JF-17 imported parts as well as F-16?

The JF-17 is a all weather multi-role aircraft developed by Pakistan and China in a joint Venture, specifically for the requirements of Pakistan.

History is witness to the fact that whenever the west imposed sanctions on Pakistan's military, it was always China that filled in the gap by providing us weapons during our times of need. So those components that we get from China for our JF-17's are not prone to sanctions, not to mention that we are steadily increasing our manufacture of JF-17's components in Pakistan. China is a reliable partner and our friendship, rather brotherhood with them is of mutual respect and benefit, unlike our relations with the west which were only one sided.

Secondly, about those F-16's, that was a deal made under Musharraf's regime, and he is despised, however the use of those F-16's has enabled Pakistani engineers and pilots to provide valuable input to the Pakistani and Chinese engineers to further develop JF-17 and the FC-20.

Excellent read! Thanks for illustrating Pakistan's experience! :tup:
No problem.
I love those kinds of delusions, they are good...:smokin:
Well you spend most of your life in delusion!!!! the what so called Alhussain tank is all about a Swiss gun, and some other things from Europe here we're having Jordanian tank about the Egyptian 90% Abrams this is as i believe the April joke, not to forget the news about the iron man made in Jordan, during the war against Iran and after Sadams regime were coming every day with new invention we even believed that our country became close to Russia in technology and we going to send a man Mars!!!! but once we got the sanctions we doomed from hunger and diseases!!!!! Mr, BLACKEAGLE be realistic we have nothing more than junk they call it tanks and airplanes, trust me I would love to see a real industry in jordan something they invent.
Here's a little story of our experience and the lessons we learned:

We too overlooked the fact that one day, after the Soviets are defeated and the west no longer needed us, our F-16's would become useless, and that was where we were proved wrong and therefore learned our lesson. There was always that perception within our leadership and even the common man that American weapons are the best and we have them therefore we have an edge over our adversaries, but alas, we were proven wrong when the Americans imposed sanctions on our country and cut off the critical components supply for our F-16's, therefore rendering them useless.

When india and Pakistan had a border conflict in 1999, in the mountains of Kargil, the IAF (indian air force) had a free reign over the battle zone and faced no opposition from our air force because we had nothing capable enough to defend our ground forces from the relentless pounding of indian precision guided munitions dropped by the IAF ground attack jets which were escorted by BVR capable MiG's.

Most of our F-16's were in their hangars and were not in fly worthy condition due to lack of spare parts, the few that could fly were only able to do so because the other F-16's were cannibalised for their spare parts and critical components. These fly worthy F-16's were only to be used to defend Pakistan's nucclear facilities from a joint indo-israeli strike therefore they couldn't be used in the theater of war in support of our ground troops.

So, its better to have a JF-17 that can defend our skies whenever the need arises, and a Al-Khalid that meets are requirements, and same applies to our other home made weapons as well. They might not be a Eurofighter Typhoon, F-15, or a Leo Tank, but at least they will function during time of war.[/QUOTE]

making great sence hats off to you, even I don't use hat, just joke.
I don't understand why this Thread is even going that far, leave it already.

The net result is RSAF would go for F-15SA Or stick to additional Typhoons, Yes Silent Eagle is the potential option other than than F-35 is not on Table until Israelis master it is not going to be available for offer forget sales to RSAF. The ever inflated report is merely a nicely put document F-35 is a no go Area for RSAF without israelis lobby agreeing to it US will never sell its a hard fact.
i must hand it to israeli's ,it seems they have convinced arabs through america's propaganda that iran has aggression in its mind,and in the end all usa needs is to fire one missile from the straight of hurmuz in to arab lands and tell the arabs its iranian ,and arabs go to war with iran with all the weaponry they bought,arabs knowingly or unknowingly are becoming the pawns of israelis but i don't think any arab thinks from that angle,maybe they are naive or maybe there media is biased.anyways arabs need not play into zionist hands.sometimes it 's better to think for urself then america thin\king for u,

So delusional. What about the Arabs Iranian killed after the US invasion of Iraq, Iran installing a sectarian government in Lebanon by force, the Arabs Iranians are helping to kill in Syria, the Houthies in Yemen, Arab Iranians...
ALL of that is just a Zionist/Christian propaganda to fool us stupid Arabs?!!
We don't need Pakistanis to tell us who is or isn't our enemy.
LOL If Iraq secceds into any parts it will bring war, Iran Rules Baghdad llol what an idiot you are Shiite rule Iraq and that does not mean Iran rules them, Yes i'm sure how you miss saddam when he invaded kuwait and fired missiles at saudi arabia i'm sure you would have missed it when he would have invaded saudi arabia and put your family on the firing squad only to get yourselfs saved by egypt again saddam would have hanged the entire royal family not to mention saddam killed thousands of muslim kurds you are a certified naive idiot. uncle sam won't be so kind to save you this time.

In all seriousness Saddam was a ruthless fool who deserved to be killed this way. He was pawn in the hand of US until they decided to dispos him. That being said, only a clinically retarded person would disagree with the fact that Iran controls Iraq. It has nothing to do with Shia, Arabs supported Ayad allawi for presidency even though he is Shia, but didn't support AlMaliki because he is an Iranian with an Iraqi passport. But then again, I wouldn't expect American/Egyptian/German..., to have a firm understanding of the concept of national pride.

http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/01/20/189447.html: "Chief of Iran’s Quds Force claims Iraq, south Lebanon under his control"

As for for the rest of your nonsense, Iraq BEGGED Saudi Arabia to sign a treaty for non military intervention, because Saddam was planning to invade Kuwait, then after we declared war on him we kicked him out of Kuwait. The fact is we never asked the US to intervene, infact they had to lie to us about Iraqi troops on the border ready to invade, and exert heavy pressure until we allowed them in. Saddam's army was armed and financed by Saudi Arabia, and if it wasn't for us, Iran would have controlled Iraq much earlier.

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The JF-17 is a all weather multi-role aircraft developed by Pakistan and China in a joint Venture, specifically for the requirements of Pakistan.

History is witness to the fact that whenever the west imposed sanctions on Pakistan's military, it was always China that filled in the gap by providing us weapons during our times of need. So those components that we get from China for our JF-17's are not prone to sanctions, not to mention that we are steadily increasing our manufacture of JF-17's components in Pakistan. China is a reliable partner and our friendship, rather brotherhood with them is of mutual respect and benefit, unlike our relations with the west which were only one sided.

Secondly, about those F-16's, that was a deal made under Musharraf's regime, and he is despised, however the use of those F-16's has enabled Pakistani engineers and pilots to provide valuable input to the Pakistani and Chinese engineers to further develop JF-17 and the FC-20.

No problem.
This is nothing but BS, there is nothing in this world so called "reliable partners", even China obeyed all UN sanction resolutions regarding all its former allies. For instance, KSA has f-15 spare parts inventory that cover 20 years of instant operation. In that time KSA would have alternative solutions. And how the hell JF-17 would encounter F-35, 15 or SU-35? KSA would operate f-15 10 years with sanctions but can USA economy bear cutting off oil supplies for one day? or withdrawing 2 trillion dollar from US? I don't think so.

By the by, the f-15 spare parts are being manufactured at Al-Salam industries.

Egypt and Jordan produce most parts of their tanks just like Pakistan. I don't think Ukraine could resist UN sanction resolutions on Pakistan if applied (God forbid). My question here, why would Arabs import Al-Khalid or JF-17 while they manufacture superior tanks as well as have the most modern and powerful jets in the world?
In all seriousness Saddam was a ruthless fool who deserved to be killed this way. He was pawn in the hand of US until they decided to dispos him. That being said, only a clinically retarded person would disagree with the fact that Iran controls Iraq. It has nothing to do with Shia, Arabs supported Ayad allawi for presidency even though he is Shia, but didn't support AlMaliki because he is an Iranian with an Iraqi passport. But then again, I wouldn't expect American/Egyptian/German..., to have a firm understanding of the concept of national pride.

Chief of Iran

As for for the rest of your nonsense, Iraq BEGGED Saudi Arabia to sign a treaty for non military intervention, because Saddam was planning to invade Kuwait, then after we declared war on him we kicked him out of Kuwait. The fact is we never asked the US to intervene, infact they had to lie to us about Iraqi troops on the border ready to invade, and exert heavy pressure until we allowed them in. Saddam's army was armed and financed by Saudi Arabia, and if it wasn't for us, Iran would have controlled Iraq much earlier

No you would not expect it because your an idiot promoting sectarianism, Iraq was much stronger then the saudis even with their back equipment otherwise why would you invite uncle same in only to pay $60 billion if the mighty saudi army was so strong ? yes we all know Saudi Arabia funded saddam only to kill Iranians and gas his own people, Iraq started the war they couldn't win, nope US gave Iran more influence in Iraq now you fought a war only to have kuwait invaded and missiles fired at you the truth is you were no where near the level to battle Iraq.
Iraq & Iran have very close relations just like it's spreading it's influence in Egypt, aiming truly for an Islamist vision.
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You know what's the problem is? is that not me not agree with but they don't agree with me what they want is extremely exceed there level and weigh by sticking there ugly nose in our affairs to the limit that they send there terrorist to kill innocent Iraqi people in the street also this is big they want control Iraq can you believe it they!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the Iraqis refuse been controlled by a super power now these Saudis want to control Iraq what a funny thing, that's the whole matter with them, instead of stand with Iraqis against all kind of threats they take every ones side against us.

Thanks for the view.
No you would not expect it because your an idiot promoting sectarianism, Iraq was much stronger then the saudis even with their back equipment otherwise why would you invite uncle same in only to pay $60 billion if the mighty saudi army was so strong ? yes we all know Saudi Arabia funded saddam only to kill Iranians and gas his own people, Iraq started the war they couldn't win, nope US gave Iran more influence in Iraq now you fought a war only to have kuwait invaded and missiles fired at you the truth is you were no where near the level to battle Iraq.
Iraq & Iran have very close relations just like it's spreading it's influence in Egypt, aiming truly for an Islamist vision.

Its impossible... impossible that you are a Muslim Egyptian. Impossible... I invite you to write like this in a Arab-defense forum and you will face flawless insults from hundreds of Egyptian members. I defy you in front of all members here to join that forum and write like this.
If you were in Egypt and they see this crap, Egyptians will parade your corpse around Cairo streets.
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