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Saudi Arabia expresses interest in JF-17 co-production with Pakistan.

The only possibility is if the KSA is replacing their F-5's. What is the retirement plan on those?

The F5s are being used for training, we sold some to Brazil. And yes, I guess that's true, the JF-17s will become a great replacement for the F5s.

The more they SHOUT the less chances the actually BUY! Those who want to deal and buy do not trumpet until the dotted line is signed. Unfortunately this seems another one of those Ghost sales!!
Would you kindly refrain from using maybe-or-maybe-not approach? We should look forward for having a constructive discussion and all.
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The F5s are being used for training, we sold some to Brazil. And yes, I guess that's true, the JF-17s will become a great replacement for the F5s.

Would you kindly refrain from using maybe-or-maybe-not approach? We should look forward for having a constructive discussion and all.

I know its an unrelated thread, but what is plan for Royal Navy? Any submarines in deployment? Zero idea of Saudi Navy.
Why? Saudis are less on money?

When they can buy best in world, why they will go for Chinese maal?
And why ever not. It would be a huge triumph for JFT if Saudi Arabia with its coffers full prefers to buy JFT over all the other planes it can have..Also we are allright to run with our begging bowls to our Saudi brothers but not sell them a good fighter plane.Personally I think unless we are entering a robust pact of defence including air cover by PAF over Saudi airspace, it would be unlikely for the Saudis to buy JFT. The reasons are more due to the pressure on them from the West to support wesern products rather than anything else.However, if there is a comprehensive defence pact between Saudia and Pakistan with stationing of Pakistani forces on Saudi soil then Saudi might buy equipment for them from Pakistan.

I dont think SauidArabia has the necessary manpower or the need to enter into a R&D with Pakistan. The ymay have acquired the infrastructure but i dont think their industrial base is at that level where they can support a project like this. Even if they wanted to i dont think they would be allowed to by the West. Saudi Arabia is a Goose that regularly lays golden eggs for the West. They are not going to let go of their golden goose so easily.
Agree fully.
If the deal confirmed it would not only JF-17, KSA will get whole package with it you know what i mean :azn:

I say the deal is for the "package" and JF-17 is the essentially required as they need delivery. Pakistan wouldn't let any western country have access to its strategic programs. If Saudi Arabia is getting that, JF-17s (and a set of submarines from China) are a foundation requirement.
Why? Saudis are less on money?

When they can buy best in world, why they will go for Chinese maal?


At the same time, more than 7,000 Boeing airplanes fly
throughout the world with parts and assemblies built by China. China has a role
on every one of Boeing’s commercial airplane models — 737, 747, 767, 777, and
the newest and most innovative airplane, the 787 Dreamliner.

Take the tainted bias off your eyes.. and you will realize that there is a lot more to Chinese manufacturing that your ingrained bias.

Back in the 20s and 30s.. the term japani maal existed to refer to the poor goods imported from then Japan. today is a very different story.
Dekho magar piyar sai

kahin nazar na lag jai !!! :P

Lolzzz i wanted to say this ever since i saw the title !!! :D


Well if this deal go ahead then Saudi would get a cute sibling for their Typhoon and F-15 fighter . But if they retain the RD=93 engine then they have to maintain three different type of engine from USA Russia and Europe .

have your frustration and fantasy prade in Indian forum, spare this one.

ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia is interested in purchasing the JF-17 Thunder fighters that was jointly produced by Pakistan and China, a report published in a US-based online newspaper said.

The report said that the Saudi Defense Ministry and Royal Saudi Air Force are reviewing the JF-17 program and considering becoming a partner in it.

It said that Pakistan had offered the JF-17 fighter to Saudi Arabia with technology transfer and co-production. The offer apparently occurred when Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Prince Salman Bin Sultan visited Pakistan last week.

Saudi Arabia may purchase JF-17 Thunder fighters from Pakistan
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