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Saudi Arabia cancels U.N. speech over inaction on Arab, Muslim issues

Yes the truth might hurt you. Nothing funny about stating facts. You might not like them and call them funny. Your choice. Don't care. Now go back to your Mullahistan and don't meddle in the great and ancient Arab world. Worry about Turkmenistan or Afghanistan instead. Your actual neighbors. You are irrelevant anyway.

off-topic post again, Thanks for your brilliant advices :rofl::omghaha: I will consider them, now go to sleep:wave:
Saudi Arabia scrapped U.N. speech in protest over Syria and Israel

I think its time for the OIC to reshapes its foreigner policies and play an effective role to sort out our Issues. Forming a military wing consisted of GCC, Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey has become essential. we need to solve the Palestine, Kashmir, Syria, Myanmar issues. Those issues only know the language of military force, life is moving and we are not getting anything out of it anyway. We have the manpower, money, and we manufacture military hardwares already, Pakistan is a nuclear, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia are doing a great job in term of military equips. we can impose oil embargo, skyrocketing oil prices and work with China on other hand. I think nothing is holding us back so we need to flex our muscles, we have the means and skills so nothing is missing I guess expect to raise the banner of Islam that we left behind. We together can teach the west and the east a lesson that they shall not forget for the rest of their lives.

1. You speak what is in every Muslim's heart. The founders of OIC, notably King Faisal and Tunku Abdur Rahman, were visionaries and true servants of Islam. Today OIC is nothing but an agent of WCC / Zionists.

2.At inception a military committee was indeed envisaged. Military officers from Pakistan were earmarked for posting. I knew a Dhaka university professor of biology alerted for posting as an adviser on biological warfare.

3.Together we have everything to become self-sufficient in economy, strong in defense and powerful in all respects, to carryout our obligations to Allah swt on earth. But first we need to get rid of the stooges set over us by our sworn enemies. They serve not Allah swt or the Ummah but their masters and protectors.
That will give both The US and Russia an opportunity to work together against the most stable Islamic country in the region. we can do that effectively if things got out of hands any time in the future. I think what we need to do is provide some heavy arms to the FSA and block the route from Iraq to Syria. Saudi Arabia is moving very slowly gotta admit that as we are a little busy with Egypt at the moment. Things will change tough if the US leave out Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as to deal with the US base in Qatar for now, big headache for us.

I see your point bro, thanks for this info, it gives me an understanding on the constraints that you are operating under. Taking time is ok, as long as you are making strategic gains and not making losses. 75% of Syria is Sunni, the more of them are trained the more of them are out on the battle field, the more they gain combat experience - time will only help you. Hezb or IRGC will not be able to fight a fully armed local population.

While all this fire fight goes on, I hope your govt. is making strategic moves in the new direction I pointed out earlier. They can put road blocks on defense cooperation with other nations to some extent, but they cannot do much with commercial transactions and movement of investment in countries that are important for you, I believe that is what will make a difference in the long run.
NATO vs whole world would be fair fight if you take into account the numbers of strategic and conventional weapons together with quality. Here, you've taken away Turkey but given Russia, India, Japan, SK. It's overkill.
NATO vs whole world would be fair fight if you take into account the numbers of strategic and conventional weapons together with quality. Here, you've taken away Turkey but given Russia, India, Japan, SK. It's overkill.

Nothing comes close to the US military might bro, give them a rest :agree:
Nothing comes close to the US military might bro, give them a rest :agree:

The US will collapse one day mark my words. We will reach to a point where no longer cant take it and when that happened we will strike hard, very hard my friend. Arabs and Muslim are ''savage'' and aggressive fighters just give them a chance. As for now we should work building an efficient iron fist that can slap and kill at a time.

The United Nations doesn't entail countries to promote their interests nor does it allow " lobbying " of an X or Y country within its halls and chambers. ....

Brainless desert nomad.... Israel/NATO kills bedouins of your race every other day & gets away with it. That's smart(world endorses it !) ! Go educate what UN is.
Brainless desert nomad.... Israel/NATO kills bedouins of your race every other day & gets away with it. That's smart(world endorses it !) ! Go educate what UN is.

Too much of contradiction to your last post.
The US will collapse one day mark my words. We will reach to a point where no longer cant take it and when that happened we will strike hard, very hard my friend. Arabs and Muslim are ''savage'' and aggressive fighters just give them a chance. As for now we should work building an efficient iron fist that can slap and kill at a time.



That's is the side effect of the US FP, I hear you.

Let me get this straight.

Saudi Arabia is pissed off that the U.N. hasn't done allot for issues affecting the Muslim World?

The logical question would be: "What have the Muslims done to address the issues that conflict it?"

Muslim countries are more worried that their neighboring Muslim country has the f-16 Desert Falcon while they only have the F-15, F-15SE? Typhoon, etc etc.

Muslim countries are worried that their Army will overthrow them so they create a National Guard/ Republican Guard to protect the government.

Muslim countries are more worried that if they educate their citizens then they would demand more accountability from the government, so less $$$ in their bank accounts from corruption.

So ....... who's problem is it?

Its not America's problem.
Its not Israel's fault.
Its not my concern.

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa,
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The US dollar will collapse once the world reject using it as international currency for trade. If OPEC refuse to use the dollar as currency for oil then the US will not be able to last a second because the value of the US dollar will go Zero.

If Saudi arabia is to pull out its money then US cant block anything for the fact that our investments are not in the states hand. We only deal with papers no bills. Our money is in our banks and not in the US as I said earlier.

If this, if that and thousands of other big IFs.
Yes if the OPEC stops using petrodollar, U.S dollar will receive a big kick in its face, but the problem is that many OPEC members are either U.S allies or banana states. Your own country was the most important factor in empowering the U.S dollar after 1973 oil crisis and it continues to do so.
Two years later, in an effort to maintain global demand for U.S. dollars, another system was created called the petrodollar system. In 1973, a deal was struck between Saudi Arabia and the United States in which every barrel of oil purchased from the Saudis would be denominated in U.S. dollars. Under this new arrangement, any country that sought to purchase oil from Saudi Arabia would be required to first exchange their own national currency for U.S. dollars. In exchange for Saudi Arabia's willingness to denominate their oil sales exclusively in U.S. dollars, the United States offered weapons and protection of their oil fields from neighboring nations, including Israel.
The Rise of the Petrodollar System: “Dollars for Oil”

Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System | FTMdaily.com

You can't easily pull your moneys out of U.S and not hurting yourself. They have enough power to bully you for decades and believe me, they are not that stupid for allowing a country to take their economy as a hostage, even if the chances are below 1%.
Your own country was the most important factor in empowering the U.S dollar after 1973 oil crisis and it continues to do so.

Thanks to the Shah as well for preaching Riyadh's agreement and shipping free oil to you-know-who, not to mention the role he played to empower the dollars prior to Nixon's proposal to internalized the US dollar.

You can't easily pull your moneys out of U.S and not hurting yourself. They have enough power to bully you for decades and believe me, they are not that stupid for allowing a country to take their economy as a hostage, even if the chances are below 1%.

It depends on what kind of MONEY " investments " are you talking about, bonds are different from real estate investments, therefore you have to specify what kind of investments are you going to take out/withdraw. Another key factor you may need to apply is the more you own and invest the bigger your inter-economy goes up, economic deterrence, and geopolitical objective.

If this, if that and thousands of other big IFs.
Yes if the OPEC stops using petrodollar, U.S dollar will receive a big kick in its face, but the problem is that many OPEC members are either U.S allies or banana states. Your own country was the most important factor in empowering the U.S dollar after 1973 oil crisis and it continues to do so.

You can't easily pull your moneys out of U.S and not hurting yourself. They have enough power to bully you for decades and believe me, they are not that stupid for allowing a country to take their economy as a hostage, even if the chances are below 1%.
Thanks to the Shah as well for preaching Riyadh's agreement and shipping free oil to you-know-who, not to mention the role he played to empower the dollars prior to Nixon's proposal to internalized the US dollar.
It depends on what kind of MONEY " investments " are you talking about, bonds are different from real estate investments, therefore you have to specify what kind of investments are you going to take out/withdraw. Another key factor you may need to apply is the more you own and invest the bigger your inter-economy goes up, economic deterrence, and geopolitical objective.

Yes, Shah was a puppet, and he is history now, let's talk about present, I mean the past 35 years after Shah was overthrown. Who is contributing the most in giving power to U.S dollar through petrodollar?
I do support Iran's revolt against the Shah though :smart:
Yes, Shah was a puppet, and he is history now, let's talk about present, I mean the past 35 years after Shah was overthrown. Who is contributing the most in giving power to U.S dollar through petrodollar?

The US dollar is international bro! Doesn't need the Saudis to inject it with steroid, don't get us started :rofl:
Saudi Arabia is pissed off that the U.N. hasn't done allot for issues affecting the Muslim World?

Choosing not to speak is totally different from being pissed off. :lol: In KSA's case we chose not to speak for our own good!

The logical question would be: "What have the Muslims done to address the issues that conflict it?"

We don't speak on behalf all Muslims, after all, we only make 0.1% out of 1.5 billion Muslims.

The Muslims hadn't done much despite the fact that the Saudis founded the OIC

The Muslims hadn't done much regardless of the fact that the Assad's regime continues to kill the Syrian people, while KSA took it all on its shoulders.

The Muslims hadn't done much regardless of the fact that Gazans were living in siege while KSA built housing units, hospitals, and school to the people of Gaza.

The Muslims hadn't done much to stop the atrocities of the blood-sucking Burmese regime while KSA brought 600k of them to live in KSA.

Muslim countries are more worried that their neighboring Muslim country has the f-16 Desert Falcon while they only have the F-15, F-15SE? Typhoon, etc etc.

I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say, but I guess I'm right to say that you are referring to the UAE AF? If so, why would it worry " some Muslims " the UAE happens to be a strong ally of ours. :lol:

Muslim countries are worried that their Army will overthrow them so they create a National Guard/ Republican Guard to protect the government.

Talk to the ones who founded the revolutionary guard :lol:

Muslim countries are more worried that if they educate their citizens then they would demand more accountability from the government, so less $$$ in their bank accounts from corruption.

I see no pattern of pragmatism here. If you want to afford a good standard of living you have to be qualified to take a post somewhere. :what:

Its not America's problem.

Who says it's America's fault? insane!

Its not Israel's fault.

Sorry bro, but the guy who used to blame the Jews for everything was Colonel Ghadafi :lol:

Thəorətic Muslim;4839639 said:

Let me get this straight.

Saudi Arabia is pissed off that the U.N. hasn't done allot for issues affecting the Muslim World?

The logical question would be: "What have the Muslims done to address the issues that conflict it?"

Muslim countries are more worried that their neighboring Muslim country has the f-16 Desert Falcon while they only have the F-15, F-15SE? Typhoon, etc etc.

Muslim countries are worried that their Army will overthrow them so they create a National Guard/ Republican Guard to protect the government.

Muslim countries are more worried that if they educate their citizens then they would demand more accountability from the government, so less $$$ in their bank accounts from corruption.

So ....... who's problem is it?

Its not America's problem.
Its not Israel's fault.
Its not my concern.

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa,
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