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Saudi Arabia cancels U.N. speech over inaction on Arab, Muslim issues

When you attack the credibility of reporters based on race, nationality or religion then yes your comments are racist and bigoted. Your initial remark was because they were Russian or Iranian journalists. Now go troll elsewhere.

Iranian and Russian are not same race or religion, but they are party to this Syria conflict, so they are partisan and biased, that is all and UN is not biased. Does that make any sense to you?
Iranian and Russian are not same race or religion, but they are party to this Syria conflict, so they are partisan and biased, that is all and UN is not biased. Does that make any sense to you?

Independent journalists arent the Russian or Iranian government. Or are you asking me to think that just because a Saudi Arabian poster on this forum makes a comment, his opinion is automatically invalid because hes Saudi Arabian and not part of the UN? Is that your way of thinking? Because if it is, I would consider it racially biased and incorrect. Either way you are entitled to your opinion and I wont attack you for it. More than can be said about some others on this forum.
Spare me your moral indignation,you come here claiming that the saudis will get indicted for crimes against humanity based on proofs released by some clownish news agencies who are not taken seriously because they run propaganda for certain regimes or promote crazy conspiracy theories.In a nutshell your so called "breaking news" is a joke.So,take a hike.

:lol: He thinks you are blindly pro-Saudi, but it appears to us that you are applying common sense.

We could have had executed a WMD attack two years ago, but everybody knows how rational KSA is :super:
Not sure why this post generated so much hostility but regardless of that no one has yet commented on its actual content. All I hear is racial bias against Russian and Iranian journalists.

There might be another reason Saudi Arabia cancelled their speech. It looks like the Saudi Arabian governement might very soon be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. This news below just came out today on many different news outlets and the indictmemt and evidence look damning.

Saudi Arabia Group behind Chemical Weapons Provocation in Syria: Source | Global Research

Saudi Arabian Backed Insurgents Responsible for Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack? | Global Research

Saudi black op team behind Damascus chem weapons attack – diplomatic sources — RT News

PressTV - KSA behind Syria chemical attack: Russian source

If this is true. Those responsible should have international warrants issues immediately. They need to be held accountable to the Imternational Criminal Court.
Saudi Arabia scrapped U.N. speech in protest over Syria and Israel

I think its time for the OIC to reshapes its foreigner policies and play an effective role to sort out our Issues. Forming a military wing consisted of GCC, Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey has become essential. we need to solve the Palestine, Kashmir, Syria, Myanmar issues. Those issues only know the language of military force, life is moving and we are not getting anything out of it anyway. We have the manpower, money, and we manufacture military hardwares already, Pakistan is a nuclear, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia are doing a great job in term of military equips. we can impose oil embargo, skyrocketing oil prices and work with China on other hand. I think nothing is holding us back so we need to flex our muscles, we have the means and skills so nothing is missing I guess expect to raise the banner of Islam that we left behind. We together can teach the west and the east a lesson that they shall not forget for the rest of their lives.

Leave Kashmir out of this. Then what you people do with yourself is no concern for us Indians
:lol: He thinks you are blindly pro-Saudi, but it appears to us that you are applying common sense.

We could have had executed a WMD attack two years ago, but everybody knows how rational KSA is :super:

If i don't buy russo-iranian propaganda i am blindly pro saudi,if i say something against muslim radicals i am anti Islam,if i don't praise China i am an indian,when i didn't agree with some indians in here i was a chinese,when i denounced american wars and NSA spying i was called "someone with east european menthality",at the beginning of my posting history i was anti-turkish,than called by an american "suspiciously pro turkish" because i agree with Turkey in the EU.You always have to be in a camp here,it doesn't occur to people that you can have different opinions on a nation and its policies,for example you can disagree with some saudi policies and agree with others without going full bashing on anything they do.And this applies to other nations to.
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Kashmir separatist may seek, they even will seek intervention from Andorra...so what?....Saudi has no loci stand Kashmir, nor it has any great influence over India. India and Saudi have good relations, and I am sure Saudi leadership recognizes this.

No, our highest priority is to meditate the Indo-Pak relations, upon request of both states.

We don't actually enjoy good relations with India, but rather excellent ones :agree:
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Thanks for posting the video mate. I had not seen it. I only read the articles. Whatever you believe. The truth will come out eventually. I just hope those responsible, whether Saudi Government or Al Qaeda terrorists, get prosecuted under international law.

Or,you know,call me crazy for launching this theory,it could be Assad who's responsible and deserves to be punished.:rolleyes:
No, our highest priority is to meditate the Indo-Pak relations, upon request of both states.

We don't actually enjoy good relations with India, but rather excellent ones :agree:

India will never request any form of meditation over Kashmir, because India considers Kashmir as a integral part of India. Any offer of meditation will not go well with India. That is reason why even US has refrained from issuing statements offering to mediate on Kashmir.

I am for great strategic relations between the two countries. They can learn from each other on lot of things

Indian-Saudi relations
Or,you know,call me crazy for launching this theory,it could be Assad who's responsible and deserves to be punished.:rolleyes:

Anything is possible mate. So far all the evidence points to it being Al Qaeda. Now whether the Saudi Arabian government had a hand in it has yet to be seen. I guess we will have to wait and see until more information comes out.
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