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Saudi Arabia cancels U.N. speech over inaction on Arab, Muslim issues

Brainless idiots. They missed an opportunity to present their views to the world(even of there is no action) ! These bedouins ought to learn using international gatherings/print media to promote self interest and most importantly the art of lobbying. Only busy killing each other !
I expected a more mature response from saudi arabia while we Canadien ourselves have shown our immaturity a la iran in the past with boycotting speeches even if they were borderline racist/homophobic in nature. This whole "blame the UN " will not benefit the global community in the long term and UN may possibly go the way League of nations did and we all know how that turned out. While the realist will be in joy over UN's inability but for the idealists of the world, this is taking us two steps backwards towards further instability in my humble opinion though once again we canadienne aren't the best leading example on that either. However in the future, we should consider putting more effort as a global community especially for us middle power countries for the sake of sustainability and especially ones that do not have so much power clout then the big powers of this world.
Brainless idiots. They missed an opportunity to present their views to the world(even of there is no action) !

Aren't you suppose to be the wisest of the wise :lol:

We don't have to represent our views, they already are being reflected by the actions we execute.

These bedouins ought to learn using international gatherings/print media to promote self interest and most importantly the art of lobbying

First of all, study the meaning of the word " lobbying " and then come back teaching us a lesson in diplomacy. The United Nations doesn't entail countries to promote their interests nor does it allow " lobbying " of an X or Y country within its halls and chambers. It was exclusively founded on a principle that " it is better to talk and talk and talk, not to fight fight and fight " and to prevent any use of violence among nations.

Brainless idiots. They missed an opportunity to present their views to the world(even of there is no action) ! These bedouins ought to learn using international gatherings/print media to promote self interest and most importantly the art of lobbying. Only busy killing each other !
seriously stop being a cry baby.:lol:

We all know who cried to him in over the last 30 years, from shooting Iranian Aircrafts and beyond.

Saudi Arabia and some other Sunni Arab countries are throwing a fit because there is possibility of U.S-Iran rapprochement!

seriously stop being a cry baby.:lol:


Does the shifting of their policy includes the assassination of your own highly-ranked officials? :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:

I expected a more mature response from saudi arabia while we Canadien ourselves have shown our immaturity a la iran in the past with boycotting speeches even if they were borderline racist/homophobic in nature. This whole "blame the UN " will not benefit the global community in the long term and UN may possibly go the way League of nations did and we all know how that turned out. While the realist will be in joy over UN's inability but for the idealists of the world, this is taking us two steps backwards towards further instability in my humble opinion though once again we canadienne aren't the best leading example on that either. However in the future, we should consider putting more effort as a global community especially for us middle power countries for the sake of sustainability and especially ones that do not have so much power clout then the big powers of this world.

I agree with you to some extent.
Noble thoughts :hitwall:

I don't believe much in prophecies, but this dreamteam comes straight out of the prophesies of dajjal, kalki, norstradamus, world war 3, end of the world, anti christ, gog and magog etc etc............... 10 Muslim countries along with China triggering a world war with nuclear weapons and end of a religion and devastation of its followers. :D

It's yet another cruel joke of "fabled Ummah" being played on gullible masses. One mention of such an alliance and who's who gets high on jamba juice and start to rave.
Saudi Arabia scrapped U.N. speech in protest over Syria and Israel

I think its time for the OIC to reshapes its foreigner policies and play an effective role to sort out our Issues. Forming a military wing consisted of GCC, Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey has become essential. we need to solve the Palestine, Kashmir, Syria, Myanmar issues. Those issues only know the language of military force, life is moving and we are not getting anything out of it anyway. We have the manpower, money, and we manufacture military hardwares already, Pakistan is a nuclear, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia are doing a great job in term of military equips. we can impose oil embargo, skyrocketing oil prices and work with China on other hand. I think nothing is holding us back so we need to flex our muscles, we have the means and skills so nothing is missing I guess expect to raise the banner of Islam that we left behind. We together can teach the west and the east a lesson that they shall not forget for the rest of their lives.

In any conflict between arab-muslim alliance and west,China would be neutral and not foolish enough to risk their prosperity by involving themselves..And coming down to the remaining nations can these supposed alliance of Arab-Muslim nations even with their equipments stand up to the military poweress of NATO?Even a layman's comparison of strategic assets.delivery systems,missiles,ABM/AA capabilities etc can show that the west have all chance to win an all out war..
It's yet another cruel joke of "fabled Ummah" being played on gullible masses. One mention of such an alliance and who's who gets high on jamba juice and start to rave.

Musalman armies from 10 Musalman countries along with China declaring war on the rest of the world? sure, it will satiate the inner cravings of the gullible masses living under autocracy, brotherhood or communism. :lol: That is surely a recipe for disaster and we can definitely have an inkling of how it will end.

I guess we have to wait it out till they are done fighting among themselves first. :D
Musalman armies from 10 Musalman countries along with China declaring war on the rest of the world? sure, it will satiate the inner cravings of the gullible masses living under autocracy, brotherhood or communism. :lol: That is surely a recipe for disaster and we can definitely have an inkling of how it will end.

I guess we have to wait it out till they are done fighting among themselves first. :D

Kundan tapney par sona banta hai. :azn:
Of course, humko sirf tapne ki period extend karthe rahena chaahiye, sone ki jaga kuch aur ban jayega.

you evil yindoo :devil:

In any conflict between arab-muslim alliance and west,China would be neutral and not foolish enough to risk their prosperity by involving themselves..And coming down to the remaining nations can these supposed alliance of Arab-Muslim nations even with their equipments stand up to the military poweress of NATO?Even a layman's comparison of strategic assets.delivery systems,missiles,ABM/AA capabilities etc can show that the west have all chance to win an all out war..

I dont know how did you conclude that? Did I speak about China involvement in any war by any form or shape?

Coming to your second point, most of those Arab muslims countries are armed to the teeth using western and eastern technologies as we speak. So getting more advanced systems from China and Russia to what we currently have will pretty much do the work. The west lost it against bunch of Ak's, they got owned by Taliban and Islamic army of Iraq let alone fighting an overwhelming organized armies considering the geo-strategic advantages those muslim countries have. Next time use your brain to analyze instead of running your empty mouth.
No muslim nation would be taken seriously at UN, even if that country cancels it's speech. I know It's bad but That's the truth.

The same for forming a muslim nato. Nobody on this earth can bring Iran and Turkey together in a military alliance.
Isn't all F-16's IFF system rigged not to get a lock on on allied air forces?

No muslim nation would be taken seriously at UN, even if that country cancels it's speech. I know It's bad but That's the truth.

Man, when the security council made with 5 permanent members with veto power...everything is finished.
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