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Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

A picture is worth a thousand words.......

........especially in this case.:enjoy:
I neither claimed you lie, so please be more careful mentioning me.

Whether there was a Patriot somewhere around the base remains a possibility.

What's important is the big picture, in anyway it is a failure. Lack of assets is a failure, lack of operational assets is a failure, again: this is the most important U.S base in Iraq.

Plus I may remember Saudis firing 9 PAC-3 against a single non MaRVed Yemeni Qiam.... now all missiles of operation Shahid Soleymani were either MaRVed or terminally guided. And how many THAAD do the Americans have to intercept Qiam-2 (likely unusable against atmospheric Fateh family)?

If your assets are too expensive or unaivable to do their job: failure

If you evavuate a base or put personal into bunkers for many hours, making it non-operationable: it's called failure.
There is a BBC Persian service interview.... where the Iranian journalist asks the lt. Col. Of the base why they did not intercept the missiles. They guy says "I dont know, that was not my decision"..... he did NOT say we dont have patriots here!

Related video:

Article says 7 THAAD systems exist and 60 Patriot batteries.

Now two technical details on these two ABM systems and the two types of Iranian missiles used in the operation:

Patriot PAC-3 is the system able to engage both.

THAAD is the system able to engage the Qiam-2 when it is outside the atmosphere.

THAAD can't engagement Fateh series relaiably because these gliders operate in upper atmospheric layers, at which the unshrouded non-aerodynamic IIR seeker of the THAAD can't be used due to the dynamic pressure and thermal issues.
However it should perform much better than the PAC-3 against Qiam series when they are still outside the atmosphere. In that case it can protect a wider area with reasonable PK. Here Qiam may only have decoys as defensive measure.

The PAC-3 can engage both but it's PK and protected area can be severely limited if Iran's MaRV and terminally guided missiles do random F-pole energy bleeding manouvers. The kinematic disadvantage such endo-atmispheric interceptors already have is only increased when F-pole manouvers are performed.
The vertical strike trajectory of the Qiam creates further problems for interception.

Do Iranian missiles such evasive manouvers? Unknown, but technically well possible. Result for PAC-3 would be that it becomes a point-defense ABM system that may be able to protect as base like ain al-assad with a PK that makes any kind of economic sense.

A system like the THAAD and it's incredibly expensive X-band large aperture AESA forbid it to be available in sufficient numbers, even for the U.S defence budget.

@VEVAK @PeeD @BlueInGreen2

For those who thought I was lying about no active air defense systems able to intercept the BMs.

Siting American media as some kind of proof! Really? LOL! Yea because U.S. media has always been on the side of truth! If that was truly the case the Israeli-Palestinian issue would have been resolved decades ago and most Americans would have viewed Israel as an apartheid state and NOT their ally and most definitely not a democracy!

There is an old Iranian saying "They ask the Fox, who's your witness? and he say's it's my tail"
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told you guys if we wait couple weeks news of dead soldiers will reach US, there internet is really really slow :lol::lol::tup:

More U.S. troops leave Iraq for medical treatment after Iranian missile attack, Pentagon says

“The health and safety of all service members is the greatest concern for all Department leadership and we greatly appreciate the care that these members have received and continue to receive at the hands of our medical professionals," Army Maj. Beth Riordan, a military spokeswoman, said in a statement. “As medical treatment and evaluations in theater continue, additional service members have been identified as having potential injuries.”

Hahahahahahahahahahaahaha...... first there was no damage and no casulties.....then there was very little damage and only a few minour injuries...... then there was huge damage, but only 11 injuries.... then 16 injuries..... and now 34 injuries..... I have little doubt the Iranian version of the story is a lot closer to the truth than what the Yanks have been saing.
im telling you guys if we wait long enough they may say who died too but for now they are slowly increasing the numbers

Pentagon says 34 US soldiers suffered traumatic brain injury in Iran strike

IRGC commander:
Number of US casualties has increased to 134 dead and 245 injuries.
در حمله به عین‌الاسد حداقل ۱۳۴ نفر کشته و ۲۴۵ نفر زخمی شده‌اند - مشرق نیوز


don't these dead soldiers have family, people ask?
and my answer is "didn't these 34 soldiers have family?!"
simply savage and brutal US regime will suppress any information, they control all news media and social services, the same way they closed Israeli journalist tweeter account, deleted Newsweek report, and even called one father who managed to raise his voice in live TV as a prank call!

But as Sayyid Hassan Nasrullah said, time will reveal the truth.

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