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Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

IRGC commander:
Number of US casualties has increased to 134 dead and 245 injuries.
در حمله به عین‌الاسد حداقل ۱۳۴ نفر کشته و ۲۴۵ نفر زخمی شده‌اند - مشرق نیوز


don't these dead soldiers have family, people ask?
and my answer is "didn't these 34 soldiers have family?!"
simply savage and brutal US regime will suppress any information, they control all news media and social services, the same way they closed Israeli journalist tweeter account, deleted Newsweek report, and even called one father who managed to raise his voice in live TV as a prank call!

But as Sayyid Hassan Nasrullah said, time will reveal the truth.

actually if US release the bodies slowly they may succeed for short time as we saw in pat week or so couple of suspected deaths in Germany and couple more in Afghanistan and other EU countries this way no one will know but as you said time will tell when families start to ask questions and speak to press.
actually if US release the bodies slowly they may succeed for short time as we saw in pat week or so couple of suspected deaths in Germany and couple more in Afghanistan and other EU countries this way no one will know but as you said time will tell when families start to ask questions and speak to press.
I know proud Iranians here would rather the truth be revealed but I'm happy that they are covering it up. Alternative means war and it is not in the best interest of Iran. Not yet.
I know proud Iranians here would rather the truth be revealed but I'm happy that they are covering it up. Alternative means war and it is not in the best interest of Iran. Not yet.
agreed but humiliation is not an option either
The reason why they are covering this up is because they are UNABLE to go to war with Iran.

People should not forget that the main competitor for global dominance for the US is China and not Iran.

If America gets into war with Iran, the damage will be so great for the US that china will easily overtake America globally.

The US really can not in anyway get into war with Iran. Even if 1000 of their solders were sent to hell by Iran...... Iran should get A LOT more agressive, cause America cant do much about it, and will ultimatly have to back away.
The reason why they are covering this up is because they are UNABLE to go to war with Iran.

People should not forget that the main competitor for global dominance for the US is China and not Iran.

If America gets into war with Iran, the damage will be so great for the US that china will easily overtake America globally.

The US really can not in anyway get into war with Iran. Even if 1000 of their solders were sent to hell by Iran...... Iran should get A LOT more agressive, cause America cant do much about it, and will ultimatly have to back away.

the decision has already been made to violently throw the americunts out of Irans region. A new age 200 year old mutt race country across the other side of the world has no place in the middle east. they are living on borrowed time/blood/treasure.

its only a matter of time before the americans get the boot. The only question that remains is can they leave with a little dignity left? or is it going to be utter humiliation Vietnam style?? my money is on the latter
tolled you guys, first they were 30 now they are 50 i mean come on nnnnnnnnnnnnnn are we still believing a word US military say anymore?

50 US service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries after Iranian missile strike


Several Pentagon officials told CNN that the number of diagnosed cases is likely to continue to change. Approximately 200 people who were in the blast zone at the time of the attack have been screened for symptoms.
tolled you guys, first they were 30 now they are 50 i mean come on nnnnnnnnnnnnnn are we still believing a word US military say anymore?

50 US service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries after Iranian missile strike


Several Pentagon officials told CNN that the number of diagnosed cases is likely to continue to change. Approximately 200 people who were in the blast zone at the time of the attack have been screened for symptoms.

200 U.S soldiers will likely be diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, therefore 200 casualties inflicted. I hope the Americans begin to understand what Iran is capable of doing if it was more serious about a retaliation
200 U.S soldiers will likely be diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, therefore 200 casualties inflicted. I hope the Americans begin to understand what Iran is capable of doing if it was more serious about a retaliation
tolled you guys, first they were 30 now they are 50 i mean come on nnnnnnnnnnnnnn are we still believing a word US military say anymore?

50 US service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries after Iranian missile strike


Several Pentagon officials told CNN that the number of diagnosed cases is likely to continue to change. Approximately 200 people who were in the blast zone at the time of the attack have been screened for symptoms.
my guess is the TBI is not due to iran attack but is the result of being bombarded every hours by absurd and nonsense tweets from some guy in white house.
I have a serioues question.....
The average Americunt is mentally damaged as soon as they are born..... how do they know thier brain damage is related to the missile blasts and not natural???!!!
A superb analysis of the missile strike, worth reading!


Also found 2 very very interesting posts in the comments section from "Hassan Carim":



Thank You for posting this – a serious analysis was overdue. Well done.

However, without wishing to dampen an otherwise excellent analysis, I must however point out some significant issues which even experts seem to be overlooking.

Firstly – 3 sites were similtaneously targeted with a variety of very carefully chosen missiles for specific effects against specific targets – this is increasingly being forgotten / overlooked.
Due to the way modern psyops work, how many people, even readers of this blog have already ‘forgotten’ about the other 2 sites hit.
The techniques of the psyops used are similar to the “x2 planes taking down x3 buildings on 9/11”, – no one noticed, and if they did they made up there own cognitive reason how this could be so.
So stay vigilent or you will miss the pieces of the puzzle required to build up a big picture.

Secondly – The missiles used by Iran were not randomly chosen, or chosen simply because of respect ranges – they all had specific characteristics and capabilities beyond simple range and launch mode. How and why they were used seems to have gone over the heads of most analyists (with respect).

Thirdly – The primary targets of the Iranian missile attacks were not US Military Personnel or assets.
This really should be obvious to all by now. Indeed, I and many other people commented on the very day of the attacks that it was the assets and facilities / infrastructure of ‘Civillian’ agencies and contractors using US Military bases which were specifically targeted and hit (with sub 1 metre CEP accuracy too by the way).

Remember, some missles using specialised explosive or pressure effects are more effective landing in front of a door than on top of a hardened or buried roof.

Other warheads, such as those used to cut buried fibre optic cables or satellite links would appear to have hit the dirt near to a building, thereby appearing to have ‘missed’ a target to untrained eyes.

The devil is in the detail here – that is why the US, the Uk, and Israel have been very quiet about this – we mere mortals are not supposed to notice.

Ok, with that said,

Questions people should really be asking include:

1) What did the missiles ‘really’ hit?
I will give a few clues – look at the holes in the ground and where assets important to Civillian agencies were, including the exact runway used by a certain type of drone, and be mindful that a fibre optic comms cable or sever power and network node is just as important a target as a piece of runway.

Remember also – all Civillian (spook) facilities are networked with each other and most link back to the infamous joint CIA/MI6/MOSSAD command centre at RAF Croughton in England: http://www.fraw.org.uk/frn/cw/cw-about.html

Croughton was involved in ways most people are unaware of (assuming they even knew Croughton existed).

2) Why / How have people ‘forgotten’ about the two other sites targeted by Iranian missiles at the same time as Al-Assad (and where did the civillians from the Erbil command centre go after the attack there)?
I will gove you a clue why you may have forgotten – very powerful and sophisticated Psyops cause people to be misdirected / overloaded and focus elswhere (such as Al-Assad).

Finally –

3) Why have over a dozen joint CIA/MI6/MOSSAD targets been hit in the last 2 weeks, yet the media has been silent? However, the latest was so public – the CIA plane shot down in Afghanistan earlier today – that even the Jerusalem Post is not hiding that one: https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/I...imani-killing-shot-down-in-Afghanistan-615652

answering the question:

“Why have over a dozen joint CIA/MI6/MOSSAD targets been hit in the last 2 weeks, yet the media has been silent, what are the sources for this intelligence?


"It does not work like that.

These things are invariably self directed and require some background knowledge (low level ‘intel’) and an appreciation of how the game is played by these ‘Civillian Warriors’.

Firstly you need to know where the main (or sub) centres of operations are and keep an eye on them.

Most are well hidden from casual view and protected inside bases (like the hit points at Al-Assad) and others inside Embassies and even hotels and offices. But with a bit of research they can be easily identified.

Next thing to do is look out for any strange ‘fire’ at one of these centres, or a ‘stray Katusia’ hit on the edge of an air base written off as a miss but is nothing of the sort. Some are indeed nothing, but some could (‘could’ being the key word – as investigation is required).

The MSM will never discuss such things unless to distract, confuse, missdirect, or lie.

The targeted hit of a well know CIA, nick name ‘fat guy’ (see if you can get his real name – it vanished strangely) eating in the US Embassy restaurant was written off as a random Katusha hit – with no deaths, Hmmmmm. Then when the targeting was shown to be precise the Katusaha became a (very well placed) mortar round.

The CIA/MI6/MOSSAD will never reveal a ‘hit’ at one of thier facilities, or a take down of an agent or two (unless it cannot be hidden then a cover such as an ‘accident’ or ‘fire’, or crash, or whatever is used.

They will even ignore massive damage such as the destruction of a command centre with casulaties – this has happened at least twice – when Russia dropped a bunker buster on one in Syria, and recently when Iran dropped at least 5 missiles on them in Erbil.

Even the CIA plane ‘crash’ in Afghanistan was beginning to be covered up, until dozens of phone videos appeared on the internet. But even then the MSM attempted to right off the death of at least x6 CIA agents and crew as ‘conspiracy theory’.

If you rely on bloggers or news sites to reveal so called intel, you will miss very big pieces of the very active war between Iran and the US / UK / Israeli deep state. This is a puzzle where you have to find the pieces yourself before you can begin to put it together."
Guys, guys, stop the propaganda. Corona virus is affecting mostly chinese people but somehow Fateh virus is spreading slowly among US soldiers. By some miracle it only attacks the brains of these soldiers. Besides it is nothing too serious so far, nothing that few pills against the headache can solve.

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