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RSS leader says Kashmir isn't Omar Abdullah's 'parental estate'

Yes that is what I mean. Revoke Article 370 but replace it with a separate law for the same function. Himachal also does not allow outsiders to purchase property I believe.

I am too surprised by some of the Pakistanis commenting here about article 370. Even with article 370 Kashmir is still more integrated with India (even entire Union list is applicable) than FATA(also called ilaka e ghair) is with Pakistan, FATA only relation with Pakistan is sending elected member in Pakistan's national assembly, they run a parallel government under FCR laws and even can't post Pakistani armed personals in FATA-Afghanistan border, although this changed with war on terror.
So now Biharis and UP wala's are being used as a biological weapon :D Are they now categorised as locust.
Haha that would be hilarious. I want to see their reactions after that :rofl:

Yeah Manoj Tiwari bhojpuri songs blaring away on megaphones, should add a new twist to the tranquility of the Kashmir Valley :devil:
I am too surprised by some of the Pakistanis commenting here about article 370. Even with article 370 Kashmir is still more integrated with India (even entire Union list is applicable) than FATA(also called ilaka e ghair) is with Pakistan, FATA only relation with Pakistan is sending elected member in Pakistan's national assembly, they run a parallel government under FCR laws and even can't post Pakistani armed personals in FATA-Afghanistan border, although this changed with war on terror.
thats true...u should see VICE documentaries on Pakistan...
VICE Guide to Karachi: Raiding the Taliban (Part 3/5) - YouTube
VICE Guide to Karachi: Junkies, Scavengers, and Crocodiles (Part 4/5) - YouTube
VICE Guide to Karachi: Riding with a Killer (Part 5/5) - YouTube
Pakistan is so messed up and people are talking about kashmir when they cant even protect their land & people...
you have to see this documentary on karachi and you ll have a little insight on how Pakistanis are living...
some here on PDF say Pakistan is more developed than India and they have good Infrastructure, good roads, motorways etc. except few motorways and Islamabad they have nothing.Economy is dying, Increase in terrorism,and people are suffering so much there.... Now they should start concentrating on building their nation otherwise it ll be too late to catch up with others....
India needs to deal with Kashmir valley in the same manner that China deals with Xinjiang.

China always knew what threat Islamic extremism poses. So it settled Xinjiang with Hans and reduced the Uighurs to a minority.

India needs to repeal article 370 and allow people from the rest of India to settle in Kashmir and also provide incentives for economic investment. This will slowly integrate the valley with the rest of India.

Major infrastructure projects providing all weather connectivity from J&K to Punjab and HP is also an absolute necessity.
First they will go through Jammu and we will be wiped out. Sorry, we NEED an article 370 like legislation in order to protect our culture and ethnic identity.

I am negotiating with the Chinese to trade Jammu for AP and Aksai Chin, here you are asking us to give you an article 370...
I am negotiating with the Chinese to trade Jammu for AP and Aksai Chin, here you are asking us to give you an article 370...

So you prefer mongoloids over caucasoids? And what happened to the annexation plan?
RSS is absolutely right.

In fact, no need to worry about terrorism. Just let RSS do its job of educating and telling the people there what it really means to integrate with rest of India. Once they see beyond the lies of what their foreign fake-Kashmiri masters like Omar Abdullah and Farooq Abdullah do, they will themselves remove ARTICLE 370.
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