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Featured Riot in Sweden amidst Quran-burning rally

Then dont lecture others about human rights and minority rights and dont call urself civilized u evil hypocrites. And no its not that simple, u can colonize and do whatever u wish and then for us its that simple? No bro, we gonna go where ever we wish and if u disrespect our religion, we ll burn ur cities.
doing such thing will prove the critics that you are a subhuman and barbarian horde that cant distinguish innocent from culprits who believes in collective punishment and who will shit on a plate that feeds it.
proving every single Muslim hater right.

doing so, making the general public of the host country also join the far rights. so predictable this dim witted behavior is that its comical now. violence seems to be the only way to express devotion to Islam and only avenue to react to provocation.
doing such thing will prove the critics that you are a subhuman and barbarian horde that cant distinguish innocent from culprits who believes in collective punishment and who will shit on a plate that feeds it.
proving every single Muslim hater right.

doing so, making the general public of the host country also join the far rights. so predictable this dim witted behavior is that its comical now. violence seems to be the only way to express devotion to Islam and only avenue to react to provocation.

Who said its devotion to Islam, its called expressing anger. Are we so beaten down that we are not even allowed to express our anger?? Why should only we behave like obedient slaves???
If a person comes and spits on ur face or tears ur cloths for no reason, wwhat will u do? Wont u show anger?? These westerners themselves loot shops during riots, breaking stuff, venting their anger but yet if muslims do it, it will be bad for us?? Why the different standard for muslims?? Aren't muslims same common emotional humans? U provoke their emotions and then demand them behave nicely?
Why are u even that worried about what those haters think abt us? Have the jews ever worried wat ppl think abt them? Why is it that only muslims are in inferiority complex and worried what the ppl will think of us. If they can blindly and collectively ignite muslims without reason, muslims will react and show anger. u can be obedient and ignore it and keep cleaning that plate while others will show anger and displeasure.
Let’s have a think - we live in the west - we listen and watch western media and have our fingers on the pulse yet it takes a little Indian to search the net and bring this to PDF. Even an “established” think tank joins the debate missing the point that @newb3e has kindly mentioned - what interest does this have for a little Indian fellow sitting at a train station in Delhi selling pakoras and managing to get an internet connection?
The obsession and hatred is real and their for all to see. This is an indian trade - start a thread - point out a minor issue and then get the rest of his tribe to introduce “soft trollism” into PDF - maybe a few years they could get away with it - not anymore.

More likely defecafing on the streets of india will typing the OP.............. :lol:

Their obsession with Islam, Muslims and Pakistan proves their racial inferiority complex and their severe insecurities............:lol:

If they didn't have them, they wouldn't be here
every weirdo who want to be famous become anti Islam, we Muslim are partially to be blamed, because we glorify them with response.

all what we need is a squad to stealthy hunt such pigs without making too much noise.
Even if some of the Far-right Islamophobes are killed, do you think that this will address the issue of Islamophobia around the world? Most likely backfire? Killings are very likely to fuel Islamophobia instead.

Remember this: violence begets violence. Everybody can learn to shoot and kill when the situation demands it. They are very likely to return the favor and more.

Our energies are better spent on addressing misconceptions about Islam across the Western hemisphere and more.
Who said its devotion to Islam, its called expressing anger. Are we so beaten down that we are not even allowed to express our anger??
dont burn down public proverty.
dont hurt people who are originally taking your side.
Allah Subhan Tailah Gifted you Aqal Saleem.
dont Insult Allah by acting like sub human retards and use excuse of religion devotion to mindless reaction of Baboons.

the tragedy is that reactive Muslims DO EXACTLY what the far right plan. they prove them right.
please continue being a baboon because anything less will be slavish and subservient and faithless
doing such thing will prove the critics that you are a subhuman and barbarian horde that cant distinguish innocent from culprits who believes in collective punishment and who will shit on a plate that feeds it.
proving every single Muslim hater right.

doing so, making the general public of the host country also join the far rights. so predictable this dim witted behavior is that its comical now. violence seems to be the only way to express devotion to Islam and only avenue to react to provocation.

A nice parallel read:

The glee in eyes of posters looking at woman vandalizing the idols could not be hidden despite their whole hearted attempt to sound secular.
and who gives you the right to burn quran? according to your abbu gs utd nations disrepsecting religion is hate speech!
I never appreciate hate speech or burning any religious book. But there is a law in every country to punish the abuser. You don't go yourself and burn the whole city.
dont burn down public proverty.
dont hurt people who are originally taking your side.
Allah Subhan Tailah Gifted you Aqal Saleem.
dont Insult Allah by acting like sub human retards and use excuse of religion devotion to mindless reaction of Baboons.

the tragedy is that reactive Muslims DO EXACTLY what the far right plan. they prove them right.
please continue being a baboon because anything less will be slavish and subservient and faithless

Its actually people like u who give it a religious look or make it seem like proving our faith, reality is that its simple anger and frustration. Are muslims not even allowed to show anger? Riots in hongkong destroy everything andd the whole west supports them, riots in US are supported, riots in belarus etc etc but if muslims riot, loyal to westerners like u come to lecture and tell us we are wrong. If they can behave like scum for no reason, muslims can be baboon for a while. Its all ur assertion and ur allegations, no one asked for hurting anyone but u dont even want muslims to protest?? A democratic right of every nation but not muslims? U again call it part of faith when it's not and its just emotional and anger like all human have it, yet brown saab doznt want muslims to act like normal humans. U want muslims to behave nicely and be obedient to west but a little incident by our afghan muslims and u want to crush them and kick them. Please dont impose ur confused morality on us.
No one asked to burn whole cities, it's actually what you do in your Hindu pagan slums and assume for others..
I live with Hindus and Muslims both. I never heard Hindus burned the city because someone abuse their God on a foreign land.
fear is a sign of respect my friend!

once we get back on the right path practice sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) they will respect us and when we are united they will fear us! and its not baput killing them its about making sure they dont do anything stupid and they will only stop when they know that united muslims will destroy them !
No. Showing your killing power doesn't earn respect for you.
If you want to earn respect, show tolerance, sympathy for others, kindness and goodness of your heart. Be polite when discussing.
Burning religious book and committing blasphemy comes under promotion of hate so those involved in this crime are main culprits as they are reason for such protests and resulting reaction
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