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Sweden: Request filed to burn Torah, Bible outside Israeli embassy

It`ll be very interesting indeed to see how the swedes will handle this one.... :sarcastic:


Sweden: Request filed to burn Torah, Bible outside Israeli embassy

The request follows the burning on a Quran outside a mosque in Stockholm, sparking backlash across the Muslim world

Police in Stockholm received a request on Wednesday to burn a Torah scroll and the Bible in front of the Israeli embassy, following the burning of a Quran outside a mosque in the Swedish capital that prompted harsh condemnation across the Muslim world.
Authorities told Sweden’s national public broadcaster SVT that behind the request to burn the Jewish and Christian holy books on July 15 was a man in his 30s, who said it would be in response to the Quran burning last week and meant “as a symbolic statement for freedom of expression.”
“I am shocked and horrified by the prospect of the burning of more books in Sweden, be it the Quran, the Torah, or any other holy book,” Israel’s Ambassador to Sweden, Ziv Nebo Coleman, tweeted.
“This is clearly an act of hatred that must be stopped.”
Another request to burn a Quran “as soon as possible” in Stockholm was submitted by a woman in her 50s. Police do not immediately rule out either request, saying any application is reviewed on an individual basis.
Will you stop propagating your faith and indoctrinating people, including your family, if I stop criticising?

I criticise, cos I find faiths to be detrimental to human existence and progress.

and what we have to don then, with non believer propagation? this is a 2 way street, non moral or religous act is being propagated 24x7 world wide, not to say the west...
one think I want to make clear, I don’t support burning Quran, Torah, Bible or whatever book.
But what wonders me, is that most of the Quran burnings are being done by immigrants. In Sweden, it was done by Iraqi immigrants/refugees. Were they Muslims, converted Muslims, or Iraqis with another religion?

And what’s their purpose? To anger Muslims worldwide? Or to create hate against Sweden? In that case, they bite the hand that feeds them.
Anyway, whatever they want to achieve, the best thing Sweden could do is send them on the first plane to Iraq. And let them judge. According to Islamic laws.

Why do you wonder by that? they use some minorities to stage this issues and provoke muslims world wide, this is not new. Devil believe they are very wise on their actions, but anyone can see these evil steps.
Not burning holy books, not insulting believers. To be honest, i don t give a s* if you are a non believer or atheist, punishment is for you, not for me. Yu have not right to burn holy books or insult believers.
What about torturing non-believers?
What about torturing non-believers?

What torturing...? you are spreading lies again and again, it s sad your peacefully country is spreading this kind of hate, with your philosophers, you are sell outs that try to spread the fake of democracy and freedom of speech only to use against muslims...

better worry for the Russians, no one here cares about Sweden, yes you are a democracy but also a boring ice desert, no one can live there...and have fun...

Soon Russians and you will be at war, mark my words. It s projected it s in the shemes, you have been living high standards because the rest of teh world,you don t generate anything just ice.
Why do you wonder by that? they use some minorities to stage this issues and provoke muslims world wide, this is not new. Devil believe they are very wise on their actions, but anyone can see these evil steps.
That is simply propaganda - unless you are referring to Russians.
They have a definite interest in upsetting Turkey to block Sweden from entering NATO. The guy that financed the Danish guys Quran burning has connection to anti-NATO groups and Russia.

Apparently they are expecting reactions from Useful Idiots.

What torturing...? you are spreading lies again and again, it s sad your peacefully country is spreading this kind of hate, with your philosophers, you are sell outs that try to spread the fake of democracy and freedom of speech only to use against muslims...

better worry for the Russians, no one here cares about Sweden, yes you are a democracy but also a boring ice desert, no one can live there...and have fun...

Soon Russians and you will be at war, mark my words. It s projected it s in the shemes, you have been living high standards because the rest of teh world,you don t generate anything just ice.
The Iraqi guy that burned the Quran was tortured by Shia militias.
That is well known.

The fact that you could burn a Torah and a Bible clearly shows that this is not specifically anti-Muslim. Anyone can insult any political view in Sweden.

You certainly are allowed to come to Sweden and say that Swedish laws suck.
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The Iraqi guy that burned the Quran was tortured by Shia militias.
That is well known.

The fact that you could burn a Torah and a Bible clearly shows that this is not specifically anti-Muslim. Anyone can insult any political view in Sweden.

You certainly are allowed to come to Sweden and say that Swedish laws suck.
Then the dumbass shouldn't have burned the Quran since the core shia beliefs are not found in Quran.
Then the dumbass shouldn't have burned the Quran since the core shia beliefs are not found in Quran.
The reason he has stated for burning the Quran is that he thinks it should be banned due to its contents. The details are not known.

The rational approach of Islam would be to engage with him and try to show that he and possibly those that tortured him are mistaken about the contents.
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The reason he has stated for burning the Quran is that he thinks it should be banned due to its contents. The details are not known.

The rational approach of Islam would be to engage with him and try to show that he and possibly those that tortured him are mistaken about the contents.
If it's content he is worried about, he should have started with Bible, which contains sordid tales of incest and implores readers to commit genocide, killing of babies and whole populations.

The Quran pales in comparison
If it's content he is worried about, he should have started with Bible, which contains sordid tales of incest and implores readers to commit genocide, killing of babies and whole populations.

The Quran pales in comparison
That, you have to bring up with him.
You can also say that he should concentrate on global warming.
It is however a fact that everyone has the right to drive whatever issue they want in a truly free society. The problem with your whataboutism is that the contents of the Quran needs to stand on its own.

I am not aware of any society that base their laws on the Old Testament. Christianity is based on the New Testament and the teaching lf Jesus Christ.

The Bible has been banned in schools in parts of the USA due to its contents.
one think I want to make clear, I don’t support burning Quran, Torah, Bible or whatever book.
But what wonders me, is that most of the Quran burnings are being done by immigrants. In Sweden, it was done by Iraqi immigrants/refugees. Were they Muslims, converted Muslims, or Iraqis with another religion?

And what’s their purpose? To anger Muslims worldwide? Or to create hate against Sweden? In that case, they bite the hand that feeds them.
Anyway, whatever they want to achieve, the best thing Sweden could do is send them on the first plane to Iraq. And let them judge. According to Islamic laws.
It may be a misplaced sense of desire to test the limits of freedom of expression that they were unable to do before. It may give them 'Adventure High'. I think this started with Salman Rushdie when he wrote Satanic Verses that created a worldwide firestorm. It is unlikely that someone who is not an ex-Muslim could have written that.
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