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Featured Riot in Sweden amidst Quran-burning rally

No. Showing your killing power doesn't earn respect for you.
If you want to earn respect, show tolerance, sympathy for others, kindness and goodness of your heart. Be polite when discussing.
i never said we have yo kill anyone i am not a facist chaddi learn to read tootay teer!
Its actually people like u who give it a religious look or make it seem like proving our faith, reality is that its simple anger and frustration. Are muslims not even allowed to show anger? Riots in hongkong destroy everything andd the whole west supports them, riots in US are supported, riots in belarus etc etc but if muslims riot, loyal to westerners like u come to lecture and tell us we are wrong. If they can behave like scum for no reason, muslims can be baboon for a while. Its all ur assertion and ur allegations, no one asked for hurting anyone but u dont even want muslims to protest?? A democratic right of every nation but not muslims? U again call it part of faith when it's not and its just emotional and anger like all human have it, yet brown saab doznt want muslims to act like normal humans. U want muslims to behave nicely and be obedient to west but a little incident by our afghan muslims and u want to crush them and kick them. Please dont impose ur confused morality on us.
People like you even justifiy ISIS and 9/11, 26/11, and other terrorist organizations , and give bad name to Islam.
Dimaag kaha rakha hai?
I never appreciate hate speech or burning any religious book. But there is a law in every country to punish the abuser. You don't go yourself and burn the whole city.
that is wrong i agree and not the way to deal with it but how many hate speeches against Islam been punished till now?
Far-right Islamophobia Politics is damaging on many levels TBH. Extremism should be discouraged in all its forms around the world and not selectively. Burning a religious book [is] a damaging move.

Every country should have the LAW to prosecute individuals who burn religious books. United Nations should be moved on this platform to exert pressure on all countries to address this problem.
Now i realize why indian muslims
People like you even justifiy ISIS and 9/11, 26/11, and other terrorist organizations , and give bad name to Islam.
Dimaag kaha rakha hai?

Where have i justified those?? Its actually inferiority stricken ppl like u who make it a religious issue. No wonder muslims in india are treated like pigs. If a hindu steps on u, u clean his shoes and say sorry. Its psychologically defeated ppl like u who worry so much for image of Islam that would accept being slaves just to be in good books of Mr. White. How shamelessly u defend those hindus which recently burned muslim shops, destroyed homes and raped women, yet plz dont do anything as it will give bad image to Islam. Ppl like u are in Pakistan too though mostly living in foreign countries and advising us how to be loyal.
Same u ppl appreciate riots in hong komg, US, russia etc but u dnt want muslims to express anger or exercise their right to protest. Please keep ur docile morality with u and keep drinking cowpiss so image of Islam is maintained.
Guys, even posting in this thread is a reaction. Ignore these guys and respond in the best way possible, by ignoring them.

Just like Quran-burners, these Indians on PDF are trying to bait us. Please do not give them the opportunity.

The solution is to target Sweden on government level, which Imran Khan did in the past to resounding success. All Muslim nations should come together to put diplomatic pressure on Sweden.

Vigilantism will not solve this situation and just make it worse.
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A nice parallel read:

The glee in eyes of posters looking at woman vandalizing the idols could not be hidden despite their whole hearted attempt to sound secular.
I am only aware of Lebanese as secular and liberal they are good company.
rest of these Arab societies ( in general) are xenophobes, repressive and tribal in nature.

there is no justification of the act itself and those that celebrate that stupid act are equal culprits.

I see no difference in the lynch mob in India or Pakistan that believes that violence on minorities is the only way to express devotion to their faith. cow vigilantes and love jihad mobsters in India, blasphemy thugs in Pakistan and these Arabs desecrating Hindu Deities in middle east are one and the same. they are removed from their faith and blocked their minds to everything except violence. their heads are so deeply planted in their own behinds that there is no natural way for oxygen to reach their brain and all they smell and see is crap.
Barbarians burning books again and the world is silent again.
No. Showing your killing power doesn't earn respect for you.
If you want to earn respect, show tolerance, sympathy for others, kindness and goodness of your heart. Be polite when discussing.
so I had a real life argument with a Daesh supporter. he rejected all acts of kindness and charity as useless.
when he was reminded that this is how Islam in its infancy was shown and this is how Muslims conducted themselves in the early days then his response was chilling and repulsive at the same time.

he said that there was no longer need to be polite and humble or accommodating. Muslms back then did that because they were weak. now there is no such need. there are many Muslims now so there is no need to restraint and violence is the only way to impose the "correct version" of islam and if it means death and destruction of muslims and non muslims then so be it.
Barbarians burning books again and the world is silent again.
"world" is not silent. just preoccupied,
world is making peace agreements with Israel, the "world" is also culling all family members and civilians that are threat to its crown and then planning to Invade Iran together with Israel.
"world" is not silent. just preoccupied,
world is making peace agreements with Israel, the "world" is also culling all family members and civilians that are threat to its crown and then planning to Invade Iran together with Israel.
How much territory of Iran does 'Israel' claim to be their own? Sweden botched her Covid response and need to deflect
its the tried and tested tactic of the far right extremists. they provoke on purpose and step back and smile as the Muslim youth burn and destroy public and private properties s and attack the innocent people who might be opposed to the far right too.

reaction to provocation should not be hurting general public and shit talk the country that hosts these Muslims. If I really need to spell out how NOT to react and HOW to counter the far right extremists then there is no hope for Muslims.
Same story everywhere. Whether it is Bangalore or Sweden. And they they say "dont blame us".
But its good. Definitely better than "stealth hunt" suggested by a supposedly educated boarder here.
Both modus operandi is now known to the civilzed world at large. No one expects them to improve themselves. Everyone expects them to blame others.
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