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Dozens arrested at Sweden riots sparked by planned Quran burnings

I am a Communist, not a "liberal". Your Tableeghis live in "liberal" Western countries with full support of their governments. In Socialist Muslim-majority countries like Libyan Jamahiriya the Tableeghi types were punished because they were the rotten fish that spoiled the pond and more of the rotten fish TJs in "liberal" Western countries were sent by the governments there to kill and destroy in the progressive, Socialist Muslim-majority societies like Libyan Jamahiriya and Syria. So you a Tableeghi should be grateful to the "liberal" Western countries because they allow you to live there.
Just like you and european librals rotten to core to sell your soul for the progressive future. That progressive future is promised by your new found father DAJJAL and satanic Force's of USA, FRANCE and freedom of speech.

If God wanted he would have made everyone Muslim right. As you said God controls everything ,so he is controlling non Muslims to not to believe in Islam.They are passing the test by not believing in Islam as God created them that way. It's the violent Muslims failing the test by killing and taking law into their hands.
the true GOD is upon believers and the satan is the father of all non believers.
You are forgetting your dad satan here.
Just like you and european librals rotten to core to sell your soul for the progressive future. That progressive future is promised by your new found father DAJJAL and satanic Force's of USA, FRANCE and freedom of speech.

Bhai jaan, have some tea, calm down and then come back and see if what I posted matches what you posted in reply.
If God wanted he would have made everyone Muslim right. As you said God controls everything ,so he is controlling non Muslims to not to believe in Islam.They are passing the test by not believing in Islam as God created them that way. It's the violent Muslims failing the test by killing and taking law into their hands.
They don't have answer for it. That is sad truth.
Muslims are triggered as if burned book is the last copy of Quran. It will be lost forever if it is destroyed.
Now a days there are billions of Quran copies in circulation and also saved in digital format. Nothing is lost if it is mutilated or torn or burned.
Are there many far right wing people in Nordic countries?
they love muslim people in china :D
start publicly burning torahs and making anti-jewish vitriol on the street. and see what the reaction will be..

"book burning" has always been seen as a negative taboo in the west, given the connotation involved with the nazi crystalnight/book burnings.

Racism and bigotry is only ok against muslims (and russians now) in the west.

Believing in Torah and Bible is one of the pillars of faith for muslims so I couldn't figure out how you gonna convince muslims to -------???
like Nazis..

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in sweden is ok to make up fake charges against Julian Assange.. who exposed US for it's war crimes via Wiki leaks.
Julian Assange was never charged. He was wanted for questioning regarding his alledged rape of two women.

I hear Swedes just only banned sex with animals in 2013.
That is a misunderstanding.
The laws against sex with animal were removed in 1944.
Sex with animals still were illegal, but were prosecuted as ”cruelty against animals”.
Reintroducing the law is purely cosmetics.
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What a bunch of intolerant monkeys, I bet most of them don't even care about religion but want to riot. I hope they will be severely punished.
The rioters did not demonstrate against the Danish Guy that announced he was going to burn the Quran. He had asked for permission to demonstrate/burn in multiple places.
He did not even show up in many of these places, meaning that no Quran burning happened in those locations.

Rioters had no prepared countermessages, and immediately attacked the police, trying to kill them.
They also burned police cars, private cars and public transport.

The police has received hundreds of videos where the perpetrators can be identified. Many are known hard-core criminals.
They certainly looks like Middle Eastern immigrants.

With the election coming up in September, the issue of organized crime is getting top priority.
The rioters certainly gained some votes for those that want to throw them out.

Well, let us see, who burns, when the Russian tanks come rolling into Stockholm.
Based on previous Russian behaviour, Muslims in Stockholm might have problems.
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Isnt it ironic u mentioning intolerance while they r the one showing intolerance to a religion by burning its holy book. I guess to u, that is not intolerance?? How much chamchageeri u think muslims need to do before they are tolerated and respected?
Who are ”they” that you refer to?
Are you putting blame on Sweden for the actions of a Danish Guy?
Are You putting blame on other Danes for the action of a single Danish Guy.
If you do, then logically you should accept that you are to blame for the actions of the rioters.
Are You OK with that?
Why don't you?

It's a disrespect to the Muslim community. Burn as many books as you like - it makes no difference, the physical act is not the problem - the F--k you intended by it is the problem.

Only pussies take that lying down.
Are you OK with the denial of the Holy Trinity?
That would be Blasphemy in a Christian country.

Why should such Blasphemous behaviour be accepted?

Blasphemy laws would force incarceration of all religious people. All religious literature would have to be banned.
It is best avoided.

This is Swedish Islamphobia. They burn the holy book of minority religious community. They know very well this hurts the sentiments of this religious community and the state fails to stop them, proves their hatred for Islam and Muslims. Disgusting.
In the UK they teach the Quran to students from all the religions/atheists, so far the teachers always treat the book with respect because its a religious book, its a holy book, their own belief may not be the same but they know others consider it holy so they will respect it. The same with bible and other religious books/materials, I have Sikhs knocking on my door selling Islamic Quranic writings, they know how to respect it, we have Muslims doing building works at Sikh Gurdawaras, they know how to respect the Gurdawara. I have no words for those who call this freedom of speech.
So when a Danish guy burns the Quran, it is Swedish islamophobia?
We true Muslims value the Quran more then our lives. Anything harming the Quran in any way will have to face us. The world can think of us as violent, extremist, terrorists or whatever they want it won’t matter to us. We don’t care about what people think about us we only care about Islam and about pleasing Allah. Anyone burning the Quran will be severely dealt with and made an example out of. We are believers in Allah and his messenger (ﷺ) so we don’t fear anyone or anything other than Allah. Everyone who dares harm our religion or religious text will have to face us and Allah is with the believers so we will surely be victorious.
What will you do to people who burn the Quran? Please be descriptive.


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This is Swedish Islamphobia. They burn the holy book of minority religious community. They know very well this hurts the sentiments of this religious community and the state fails to stop them, proves their hatred for Islam and Muslims. Disgusting.
In the UK they teach the Quran to students from all the religions/atheists, so far the teachers always treat the book with respect because its a religious book, its a holy book, their own belief may not be the same but they know others consider it holy so they will respect it. The same with bible and other religious books/materials, I have Sikhs knocking on my door selling Islamic Quranic writings, they know how to respect it, we have Muslims doing building works at Sikh Gurdawaras, they know how to respect the Gurdawara. I have no words for those who call this freedom of speech.
So when a Danish guy burns the Quran, it is Swedish islamophobia?
Yes. It has shown the hypocrisy in the European collective argument. If you read the laws carefully, they ought to apply to hate speech against any religion, any incitement against a religious group or ethnicity, but it does not for Muslims.
Hate speech basically means inciting violence against a group. It does not include criticizing ideas.
If you write ”Kill the Muslims”, you will be prosecuted.
If you write that ”Islam is a backward religion” you will not be prosecuted.
Ironically the Quran burning broke Swedens penal code section 8, havnt heard their government do anything about that taking action with the far right.
Section 8 is about theft.
This is why you shouldn’t speak if you don’t know about Islam.
This world is a test for God’s creations. We are tested in this world. We are suppose to worship God in this world so we go heaven in the next. Surely God controls everything and nothing happens without God’s approval. If a non believer is burning the Quran, he is failing in the test and his destination is hell in the next world unless he repents. For the believers, if we see a non believer burning the Quran, it is mandatory for us to prevent it and save the Quran because that is our test. If we have the power to prevent it and we don’t, we will be punished in the next world because we failed to do so.
There is no heaven or hell. These are childish fairy tales.
Sweden has no colonial history. Beside that if you move to another place you have to accept the rules there or leave. Its that simple.

I must also laugh about your "white societies not respecting different cultures...like your own would respect any other cultures.

Yes it does

There are white people all over the world, Australia, Canada, USA how much of the local culture did they respect before wiping it out???

Never back down to these white extremists trying to attack your faith and values
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