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so you want to earn respect for islam by instilling in fear in hearts of non muslims ?
we have become easy targets because we are not united our divisions have made us weak we dont have power to demand justice and force west to stop disrespecting Islam! so yeh once we are united we you will fear us!
@The BrOkEn HeArT

No, it is not true, despite having quite similar number of Muslim population. Indonesia mosques are almost three times of what India has.

1. Indonesia has 800.000 mosques
2. India has 300.000 mosques
3. Bangladesh has 250.000 mosques
4. Pakistan has 120.000 mosques.

Just google to clarify my number and @vi-va please post your previous statistic of mosque population that comes from Chinese government website.
Xinjiang 22 million population. 2,4100 mosque. 1 thousands people per mosque.
There is not enough deterence in their laws bcoz of which they feel it's their right to insult and provoke Muslims whenever they want.

Then please don't normalize this behaviour in western countries.
Precisely, too much personal freedom and so called human right is wrong. The western believe question and insult of religion are part of the intellectual freedom.
Precisely, too much personal freedom and so called human right is wrong. The western believe question and insult of religion are part of the intellectual freedom.

Its actually good for hostile powers if they want to exploit. There is always good supply of crazies whether revolutionary or far right useful idiots. We Must learn to exploit their systems and people in our favor.
Its actually good for hostile powers if they want to exploit. There is always good supply of crazies whether revolutionary or far right useful idiots. We Must learn to exploit their systems and people in our favor.
Exploiting such flaw are dangerous. If might come back to bite us in future. Best is to outlaw and control such right. There is no room for religion extremist and insulting.
fear is a sign of respect my friend!

once we get back on the right path practice sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) they will respect us and when we are united they will fear us! and its not baput killing them its about making sure they dont do anything stupid and they will only stop when they know that united muslims will destroy them !
If you happen to interact with civilised world, countries, religions, societies or individuals, you would know that respect is never earned through fear. Fear can give you sycophants, luxury, sex but not respect or love. Keyword is 'civilised'.
islam is greatest and progressive religion but mullas have made it a conservative and rigid religion , brain washed followers present very backward form of it by resorting to intolerant behavior .
That may be your opinion. Dont assume or declare it as the "universal truth"
When you protest peacefully the general public will join in, when the protests turn violent, then even the neutral people will be against you. Especially considering you're immigrants there.
Why are you trying to provide reasoning? Logic & reasoning works with civilsed people. Do you think everyone is civilised? Have you heard about 'laaton ke bhoot"? or "Kutte ki dum"? There were wise people ages ago who knew much more than what the modern world of today does. They coined many such phrases with full knowledge of whatever there was ever to know.
If you happen to interact with civilised world, countries, religions, societies or individuals, you would know that respect is never earned through fear. Fear can give you sycophants, luxury, sex but not respect or love. Keyword is 'civilised'.
true on individual lvl but not on international lvl take your country for example china took over your land but since they are a military and economic might you yindoos are scared to counter them all you are doing is shouuttt loud!
true on individual lvl but not on international lvl take your country for example china took over your land but since they are a military and economic might you yindoos are scared to counter them all you are doing is shouuttt loud!
Assuming whatever you said is true, you think India "respects" china for this?
A yes or no would suffice.
Yes. Did he not make it clear to you? Or are you trying to make him say what you want to hear?
fear and voilence are two different thing! as i said you dong have capacity to understand Islam or Islamic unity!

when we were united your ancestors cleaned Muslim rulers horse shit! were your ancestors forced to do that job i doubt it!
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