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Featured Riot in Sweden amidst Quran-burning rally

I ask you, when there is a Mars colony by 2036, what kind of Muslim do you want represented there ? A sensible one who will be really respected and automatically trusted to contribute to the survival of the settlement, or someone like these protesters in Sweden who cannot be trusted but feared and cannot be trusted to keep the settlement alive ?

Not slaves but engage in dialogue. When confronted by stubbornly biased people like the late Christopher Hitchens, push to the front sensible and intellectual Muslims like Tariq Ali ( read his Islam Quintet ) and not the ameer of the local Tablighi Jamaat.

Yes, @newb3e, I confirm that the first mosque in the Indian subcontinent was built in Kerala in present India in 629 AD, much before Tariq ibn Ziyad began his conquest of Spain and Portugal in 711 AD. The Kerala mosque still is in use. More info here.

Also, I am not sure but it is possible that India has the most mosques in the world. @Indos, is this true about Indonesia ?

newb3e, about the recent Bangalore riots, I am not sure but I will ask @Joe Shearer if the spark for the riots was set off by a Muslim bad-naming a Hindu deity.
You want to live forever
There will always be stupid and ignorant people all over the world who will not respect other religions. The answer is not to be like them but to either ignore them or to protest within the bounds of law of the country.

Our religion is not so fragile that it can be damaged by an ignorant mob or comments by the ignorant and petty minded people.
Not slaves but engage in dialogue. When confronted by stubbornly biased people like the late Christopher Hitchens, push to the front sensible and intellectual Muslims like Tariq Ali ( read his Islam Quintet ) and not the ameer of the local Tablighi Jamaat.

That's a very significant point. Somebody has just written about liberals and Muslims being in a mutuallly toxic relationship.
newb3e, about the recent Bangalore riots, I am not sure but I will ask @Joe Shearer if the spark for the riots was set off by a Muslim bad-naming a Hindu deity.

What I've read is that some idiot called Krishna a rapist, and this other idiot returned the insult aiming at the Prophet.

Really shameful that two fools should cause so much trouble.
Are we Muslims so emptied of intellectuals that we use violence to counter ignorant others ?

Obviously, Zakir Naik and Abu Faisal ( from Hyderabad, India ) types haven't helped in putting up the idea that Islam is a progressive system.

Because doing nothing while you cucks are beaten to death by Gau Rakshaks or watching idly as the Babri Masjid is demolished has really helped your situation.

Not sure why you Indian "Muslims" even comment on anything related to Muslims globally when you've been abetting Hindu terrorists for over 70 years in occupying Pakistani territory and peoples of Kashmir.
The whole point is to provoke people, and we fools more than oblige them every time.

It's true that they're trying to provoke a reaction but lets be clear that's what a bully does and the longer you take it the worse it'll get.

Violence like this isn't a total waste of time and effort. In another article they quoted one of the protestors who said:

What needs to follow is an understanding by the Muslim community in Sweden that they need greater participation and representation in Sweden's government.

Hopefully they channel that anger into organizing themselves and forcing change.

There also needs to be introspection within Muslim communities everywhere and a realization that they need to improve their financial situation through investments and better education with a focus on in demand careers instead of just pushing kids to become doctors or taking a hands off approach and letting them just decide everything on their own.

These White Christian Supremacist terrorists won't stop until they're forced to stop and sitting around acting "peaceful" isn't going to change your situation.
It's true that they're trying to provoke a reaction but lets be clear that's what a bully does and the longer you take it the worse it'll get.

Violence like this isn't a total waste of time and effort. In another article they quoted one of the protestors who said:

What needs to follow is an understanding by the Muslim community in Sweden that they need greater participation and representation in Sweden's government.

Hopefully they channel that anger into organizing themselves and forcing change.

There also needs to be introspection within Muslim communities everywhere and a realization that they need to improve their financial situation through investments and better education with a focus on in demand careers instead of just pushing kids to become doctors or taking a hands off approach and letting them just decide everything on their own.

These White Christian Supremacist terrorists won't stop until they're forced to stop and sitting around acting "peaceful" isn't going to change your situation.

Disagree with your framing, ignoring idiots who are seeking our attention and intending only to provoke is not the same as cowering in front of a bully. If a far right mob physically threatened me or my community, you can be sure I'd contribute a few straight rights and left hooks personally to see them off.

As for your call for forcing change, there's your problem, what you're really alluding to is some legal consequence on these people for disrespecting our faith. Freedom of expression is one of the most ingrained ideologies in all Western societies, polities, and countries, it's even ingrained in their culture. If you want this to change, fine, I guess as well as being free on speech, they're democratic, hence now you have the uphill task of trying to convince a majority of natives to give up their culture for the sake of your personal sensibilities. I'd say such a campaign has zero chance of success, and would instead only create a worse image of us, as intolerant and unable to assimilate.

As for the far right themselves, believe me I have direct and long standing interaction with these types. Their entire purpose here is to provoke, only to provoke. They gain nothing from burning Qurans. However when we react, protest worldwide, raise a hue and cry, and riot, then they are gaining fame, notoriety and support, when headlines splash about what happened as a result of their actions. Otherwise who cares what some bunch of degenerates did in their spare time and what books they chose to burn because they have nothing better to do? Ignore them, it's best.
The best Muslims can do is ignore - the far right thrive on an aggressive passionate response and then pointing the finger.
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @masterchief_mirza @Verve @Mangus Ortus Novem
Sorry to bother you chaps - but I’m intrigued that this type of news is brought to our respective attention by a little Hindu chap trying to soft troll - what interest is this to him? Think about the intent and the obsession gentleman. We weren’t born yesterday......
Oh there are plenty of self declared peace loving moderate non-hinduvadi liberal progressive secular republicans around who swear by their own mothers that they are liberal and moderate and wouldn't dare do anything to flame bait or soft troll anyone. They even bat their eyelids and rhetorically posit "who, moi?" when accused accordingly.

In the west, we are forced to live with such innocent individuals breathing in the same airspace as us day in, day out. Indians actually posting from India are so deluded that they think Pakistanis don't know what kind of people they are. Indians in India actually think their acts of deception, subterfuge and chanakiya go undetected, as though they were stealthy surgical strikes against a confused and disoriented enemy, perhaps they think that Pakistanis will be second guessing themselves - "maybe Indians are trustworthy, maybe they mean us well, maybe they do think Aman ki asha is the way forwards". These poor Indians in India forget that many of their kin have already blazed a trail in foreign lands, one that's hard to miss with all the scarcely concealed islamophobia and Pakistan-bashing, not to mention the generalised constant whining and petty arrogance of Brahmins in the west who presume they sit at the top of their imagined caste structures and everyone else must acquiesce to their demands - note that this is a policy not limited to just Pakistanis or Muslims (but we certainly are their first target....why? Because we know their game hence are the biggest threat to them).
Ignoring them is best, reacting is bad, reacting this badly is not only terrible, but it will cause backlash against you and create support for the far right scum. Muslims living in western countries need to understand how these societies operate, legally and culturally.

You have to protest against what is wrong.

BLM supporters protest. Feminists protest. LGBT community hold protests. Christians and Hindus protest. Muslims also have the right to protest. Especially against far right scum.

Far right scum are provoking not only Muslims, but they also provoke people of color. Just look at hate against immigrants and people of color in general. This is not solely a Muslim fight against far right racists. This is the time to confront these hatemongers. BLM movement is an eye-opener. Communities don't sit idle to take abuse. They protest and react.
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You have to protest against what is wrong.

BLM supporters protest. Feminists protest. LGBT community hold protests. Christians and Hindus protest. Muslims also have the right to protest. Especially against far right scum.

You don’t understand these people’s mentality, if Muslims ignore them, they wouldn’t care to spend the time and effort it takes to hold elaborate displays of provocation. Also I agree it’s our right to protest, but by the customs of these societies, it is also their right to burn whatever they please. And let’s just be clear here, protesting is still fine, rioting promotes a bad image of us, then we’re foolish to act this way.
You don’t understand these people’s mentality, if Muslims ignore them, they wouldn’t care to spend the time and effort it takes to hold elaborate displays of provocation. Also I agree it’s our right to protest, but by the customs of these societies, it is also their right to burn whatever they please. And let’s just be clear here, protesting is still fine, rioting promotes a bad image of us, then we’re foolish to act this way.

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. I fully understand the far right mindset. I live in a Western country. I was born and bred in a Western country. I interact with all kinds of people in Western society. That includes bigots and racists. The Netherlands has no shortage of such people.

Rioting is wrong, but protests are a must. You have to stand up against the racist scum mindset. Be rest assured. The racist won't change. They have to be confronted, humiliated and marginalised so that they go back into their shell. The Trump era has emboldened the racists. The far right is at war with not only the Muslims. The far right is a broader ideology that despises people of color. Muslims aren't alone in this war. As people of color we must unite and confront racists. The BLM movement in the US teaches us that protest can unite civilised people against bigots.
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what does an incident in sweden and Islam has anything to do with indians/hindus? or you guys in your inferiority cheers for anything against Islam?

These RSS Hindu fanatics equate Pakistan with Islam. Hence their hate for anything Islam. Of course they will cheerlead when their white racist brothers are burning holy books.
What I've read is that some idiot called Krishna a rapist, and this other idiot returned the insult aiming at the Prophet.

Really shameful that two fools should cause so much trouble.

Historian, did you not read that, after two fools, two communities burned down the city? In a country where one side is 15%? and in a state which is ruled by party of "terrorist Modi"?

What a pathetic attempt to show"neutrality" by mentioning "two fools". And then they wonder why they are made a joke of. LOL.

Thanks neutral hisotrian for starting my Sunday with a smile.
Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. I fully understand the far right mindset. I live in a Western country. I was born and bred in a Western country. I interact with all kinds of people in Western society. That includes bigots and racists. The Netherlands has no shortage of such people.

Rioting is wrong, but protests are a must. You have to stand up against the racist scum mindset. Be rest assured. The racist won't change. They have to be confronted, humiliated and marginalised so that they go back into their shell. The Trump era has emboldened the racists. The far right is at war with not only the Muslims. The far right is a broader ideology that despises people of color. Muslims aren't alone in this war. As people of color we must unite and confront racists. The BLM movement in the US teaches us that protest can unite civilised people against bigots.
Please join the rioters instead of using flowery language.
This "special quality" of not respecting the place where one is born&bred comes naturally to some people. And the world at large is well aware of that by now.
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