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Featured Riot in Sweden amidst Quran-burning rally

Please join the rioters instead of using flowery language.
This "special quality" of not respecting the place where one is born&bred comes naturally to some people. And the world at large is well aware of that by now.

Of course RSS pandit. Respect to you means lying down and taking abuse on the chin. Especially for Muslims. Except when a Hindu is in pain he needs justice. The Hindu is the only victim, right?

LOL at world. Stop using this oneliner. The world does not consist of RSS pandits and white racist fanatics. Your papa America has taught you to use this phrase since they love to use it themselves.

Now quickly change your avatar because you aren’t conquering shit. China will beat you up with bats. We will do the rest. Now STFU and quickly take hike from this forum you Indian fool. You don’t even belong here.
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no need to convert , we just need to reform hindu religion , we should have critical eyes like kabir das . all hindus need to believe in single god .
If HIndus did not have 'critical eyes', they would be stuck where someone else is since 14 centuries.

May be the concept of "many paths leading to one destination" is unknown to you. If you consider God as destination, it is one already. If you consider the path to be God, please give a name to the destination first.

The concept of oneness is very part of Hinduism "ek omkar, nirakar, nishkam"

No Hindu believes that supreme is multiple.

One into many and many into one.

Many infinities merging into one infinity.

Each of them is infinity.

You can bow down to any infinity. With full knowledge that there is greater infinity than those individual infinities. And of course, you can bow down to the greatest infinity also.

All parts of God are God themselves.

How can something not have an element of God if it exists with the consent of God?

Can an element of God not be God? No.

Can an element of infinity be finite? No.

So Hindus worship everything. Even demons.

That in no way means that "Supreme is multiple". Not at all. Irrespective of what Kabir says. Many Kabirs have come & gone.
Of course RSS pandit. Respect to you means lying down and taking abuse on the chin. Especially for Muslims. Except when a Hindu is in pain he needs justice. The Hindu is the only victim, right?

LOL at world. Stop using this oneliner. The world does not consist of RSS pandits and white racist fanatics.

If you are born&bred at one place, any place, you accept & love it with all its qualities, bad ones included.

Of course, you can try to change the bad qualities. But you wont hate or damage the place where you are born & brought up. It has fed you. It has made you whatever you are.

It is like, you wont cut your hand because it is cancerous. You will try everything else. And still if you have to cut it, you will regret it.

(Of course, "you" means, civilised normal. You can ignore & continue if applicable. LOL)
ha ha ha .......every pakistani comes cheering china , you talk about yourself :omghaha:

LOL says the American lap dog.

Your American daddy begs Pakistan every day to abandons CPEC and now you are here to do the same on your daddy’s behalf. Keep going ugly dot head. Try harder.
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LOL says the American lap dog.

Your American daddy begs Pakistan every day to abandons CPEC and now you are here to do the same on your daddy’s behalf. Keep going ugly dot head.

you were sitting in Americans lap for 40 years for dollars , ruined your country in afghan jihad by supplies of american dollars and arms , now it is china where you are getting your due for cheering . we always kept independent policy .
you were sitting in Americans lap for 40 years for dollars , ruined your country in afghan jihad by supplies of american dollars and arms , now it is china where you are getting your due for cheering . we always kept independent policy .

LOL says the little police officer of America who has the job of containing China. Little American poodle. Even Iran ditched you and threw you aside. Chabahar was going to be your savior. Just look at you now. Begging for regime change in Iran.

If Pakistan took American dollars your papa is free to break relations LOL Plead to papa America to isolate Pakistan. Go on. Papa America will listen to mighty India.
LOL says the little police officer of America who has the job of containing China. Little American poodle. Even Iran ditched you and threw you aside. Chabahar was going to be your savior. Just look at you now. Begging for regime change in Iran.

If Pakistan took American dollars your papa is free to break relations LOL Plead to papa America to isolate Pakistan. Go on. Papa America will listen to mighty India.

ha ha ha ......... :omghaha:
muslim sud work together and make this insult just like holocaust cuz there are enough people who have been haters of society called far right. Muslims sud have big familes easy solution for everything.
ha ha ha .......every pakistani comes cheering china , you talk about yourself :omghaha:
Jitna China China ye karte hain utna to chota bachca bhi Mummy Mummy nahi karta.
Honestly, its very embarrassing to surrender existence & identity like this. But then, it is no surprise from someone who has adopted foreign identity and hates original self.
Hopefully, realisation will dawn one day. Very unlikely but hope is very powerful.
Not everyone is like Gandhi. Sit idle and take abuse like a bitch.

Of course you are an ally of white racists. Makes sense for you to be the devil’s advocate.

Well, zero fvck was given to your crocodile tears.
Do you know there are MANY level of identities between Gandhi & terrorists? If one is not Gandhi, that one need not be rioter or terrorist. Even I am not Gandhi. And I am sure I am not going BOOM either.

You want India to have no allies? Why?

Being an ally is better than being a stooge. In fact, being an enemy is also better than being a stooge. What you think?
LOL says the little police officer of America who has the job of containing China. Little American poodle. Even Iran ditched you and threw you aside. Chabahar was going to be your savior. Just look at you now. Begging for regime change in Iran.

If Pakistan took American dollars your papa is free to break relations LOL Plead to papa America to isolate Pakistan. Go on. Papa America will listen to mighty India.
Wow, India is begging for regime change in Iran? Begging whom?
You definitely know more about Indians than Indians themselves. @untitled, another one.
Wow! Why you are on even discussion forum with your little mind?
Indians has everything to do with Islam and Muslims even more than Pakistanis.
We are a secular society with 200 million Muslim. We don't live separately with them as we are a mixer Society. Asia's first mosque were build in India, Kerla. India has most numbers of mosques in the world. And you are saying Indians has nothing to do with Islam?lol
And for your reminder, the same pattern of riots happened in Bangalore (INDIA) too.
Aage ki jaankari mere dost @jamahir bhai dege.

Burn down the cities...

And then CRY...


If want Sharia... live in a country where SHARIA is implemented... Specially if you are a migrant i
you were sitting in Americans lap for 40 years for dollars , ruined your country in afghan jihad by supplies of american dollars and arms , now it is china where you are getting your due for cheering . we always kept independent policy .
They think everyone is like them. India is a terrorist country. Modi is a terrorist. India is a stooge. Hindus are terrorists. India has no independent policy. It is manifestation of inner anger at self

It is actually commendable that inspite of being a poor third world country for most of independent era, India has adamantly stood its ground.

Past history is evidence in itself. But the biggest example is, even under the regime of "terrorist Modi", India has not sided with Israel against Palestine even when Israel has been vocal about its support for India internal matters like J&K

(My personal opinion was, with Modi at helm, India would openly be with Israel against palestine. But it is not. Whether its good or bad I dont know but it it is clear indication of how firm remains on its stand on certain issues irrespective of which party is in power. I do feel that, in future India will side with israel without ifs&buts)
They think everyone is like them. India is a terrorist country. Modi is a terrorist. India is a stooge. Hindus are terrorists. India has no independent policy. It is manifestation of inner anger at self

It is actually commendable that inspite of being a poor third world country for most of independent era, India has adamantly stood its ground.

Past history is evidence in itself. But the biggest example is, even under the regime of "terrorist Modi", India has not sided with Israel against Palestine even when Israel has been vocal about its support for India internal matters like J&K

(My personal opinion was, with Modi at helm, India would openly be with Israel against palestine. But it is not. Whether its good or bad I dont know but it it is clear indication of how firm remains on its stand on certain issues irrespective of which party is in power. I do feel that, in future India will side with israel without ifs&buts)

india should have joined chinas one belt one road , should have relations with everyone . we can not depend on america they are not dependable at all .
Historian, did you not read that, after two fools, two communities burned down the city? In a country where one side is 15%? and in a state which is ruled by party of "terrorist Modi"?

What a pathetic attempt to show"neutrality" by mentioning "two fools". And then they wonder why they are made a joke of. LOL.

Thanks neutral hisotrian for starting my Sunday with a smile.

It was never anybody's case that 'terrorist Modi', or his sycophants, were competent or efficient. They have demonstrated their capabilities in every walk of life. Including silly posts on PDF.
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