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Regional Destabilization & Neo-Colonialism

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Its extremely funny to see persians making videos , threads many things , they must feel so upset , they make videos of persian beaties and iran is not arabs , its funny , WHERE DO YOU SEE GOOD LOOKING SWEDISH OR SOMETHING MAKE THREADS LIKE SWEDISH BEATY

Swedish beauty vids are all around the web, fool. Iranian beauty is famous in the region and I even got Turkish friends here in Holland who acknowledge that.

Thank you for your intellectual contribution to thread guys, all we need was decide on who is more beautiful after all :)
Iranians are far more beautiful than Turks are. Ask any American that lives around California. ^

WTF man :rofl:


Thank you for your intellectual contribution to thread guys, all we need was decide on who is more beautiful after all :)

When i said, these kinds of threads are always ending up with the most retarded discussions, yesterday. They accused me as being a troll and not to go off-topic...
Ill laugh at that you see because i dont even need to do that because just randomly look at olympics or something or anything and you will find your answer , but you know what we are not embarrased and have a complex to make videos , i never even seen arabs or africans make videos of african beaty . do you see europeon ?

you guys even made a thread showing iran is not a desert etc it made me laugh so much .

Yes, almost every people I know make those vids. Look at the olympics? I see beautiful people. You can buy glasses if you can't spot them. The only reason why we make such threads and vids is because the western media isn't portraying Iran in a objective way and many people around the world do think Iran is just desert undeveloped. You should see the reaction of Americans and other people who are surprised when they see those vids. They are thankfull for that.
Oh? So we are not Turks because we don't look like them? But all of the Iranians are pure like snow :tup:

What you believe you are is in your own head. A statement closer to reality is that you are the turkified descendant of mainly Greeks and Armenians with a healthy infusion of turkified east eauropeans. Which makes all the pan-racial turkic noise I hear out of so many Turks all the more foolish and deeply ignorant.

As for Iranians, we are not pure as snow and we don't claim to be and fortunately racial values don't hold much currency with most of us. As I said, racialism was a discarded 19th century European ideology that unfortunately was adopted by Arab and Turkic intellectuals, attempting to redefine themselves.
iranians are knwon as arabs my most people anyway .

Most people here in Holland and around the world do know the difference. I don't know which people you know, but I'm advising you to hang around with people who have some intellect.
I exlained ethnicities not works like this.

I seriously can't get this, you guys claim Iranians don't care much about ethnicity but in the same time obsessed wit hthe ethnicity of Azeris ?
What you believe you are is in your own head. A statement closer to reality is that you are the turkified descendant of mainly Greeks and Armenians with a healthy infusion of turkified east eauropeans. Which makes all the pan-racial turkic noise I hear out of so many Turks all the more foolish and deeply ignorant.

As for Iranians, we are not pure as snow and we don't claim to be and fortunately racial values don't hold much currency with most of us. As I said, racialism was a discarded 19th century European ideology that unfortunately was adopted by Arab and Turkic intellectuals, attempting to redefine themselves.

Why are you talking to me like i claimed to be a pure Turk. You are the one who came up with appearances BS.

Ne Mutlu Türküm Diyene
This is what really matters for us.

Seriously shut up.
Im editing all my posts , i dont want to act together with these racist trolls.
an average turk looks much better a turk for sure , even that picture looks better , what are iranians / persians a mix of? your skin colour is like a like dark greenish , you must be a mix of Turks that ruled you and arabs.

Persians are known as arabs anyway everywhere .

Its funny how you guys are so embarrased of your looks you make videos on youtube like persian beaty and like we are not arabs and like iran isnt a desert , you see the complex? do you ever see that by somebody else , no need to be embarrased mate , we dont make videos because we are fine.

She is a very beautiful and attractive lady. I chose her on purpose because I didn't want to represent the Kazakh people with th e picture of an ugly old man. The point is that you and the Turks still living in the areas where they originally sprang from, clearly do not belong to the same general race (except being humans). So that makes a joke of all your hardcore pan-racial turkic ideologies. Not that one would normally need evidence to understand that racial theories and ethnocentricism are stupid ideas. But I think you and a lot of other Turks and Azeries do... unfortunately.

As for the the rest, I'll let you and Surena decide who's the fairest maiden of all...
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