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Regional Destabilization & Neo-Colonialism

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turkic panturkism is kinda virus that infected few of us like the infaction that zionists made with pan arabs or Nazism and etc .we are not idiot to stock in nationalism .soon these idiot gonna deny that bakeri brothers where azeri.

ok whatever .keep blah blah we hate whatever is against our shia belief and now your government and now this panturkism its all means anti Islam for me not just shia so we hate both i see no deference when you are friend with or not because your country is ruled by their rules.
I don't want to hear a word about assimilation from Turks and Azeris. You guys have the worst track record in institutionalized racist and supremacist policies. You didn't even let Kurds celebrate Nowruz until a few years ago and called them mountain Turks. And I won't mention the plight of the Armenians and Talysh people of Azarbaijan. Unfortunately you went for the bottom of the barrel 19th century European pan-racial, fascist ideologies and have really made it your own.

100% agree with you. I am an Iranian-Azari and its like having stalkers follow me around tell me I'm "Turk" and they "know more about my language" and as it turns out they can't even read my language in the original script or even translate a simple poem. They remind me of creepy men that follow women around who don't like them.

They couldn't translate a simple poem in Azari !!!

Iranian-Azari General Yahya Rahim Safavi

In case the Ataturk-spammers didn't notice, "Iranian-Azari General Yahya Rahim Safavi accused Turkey of serving US and Israeli interests," and that is what this thread is about. And by the looks of it, he doesn't want anything to do with Turkey either.
I sent videos of Turkish-Azerbaycan friendship i dont have to say anything else. It talks for itself .


Like you? And who are you? Who is an Oghuz Turk? Does that mean turkified descendant of greco-armenian victims? Cause you know, original Turks look like this

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Oh? So we are not Turks because we don't look like them? But all of the Iranians are pure like snow :tup:
Oh? So we are not Turks because we don't look like them? But all of the Iranians are pure like snow :tup:

You should know that I've met Real Ethnic Turks on a trip to the Altay mountains (near China) and they said that they wish Turkey would stop trying to encroach on their culture. It says a lot.

And you are not Japanese either, because you also don't look like them; and I'm sure they would be pissed off if Mustafa Kemal (a/k/a "Attaturk") claimed he was Japanese.

Do you thin kethnical differences in the past appeared because of nationalism ? its have nothing with nationalism, you don't have to be nationalist, pan-turkist or whatsoever, being an ethnic Turk not makes you lesser Shia or lesser Iranian, as I said Turkic is ethnicity, "Turk" does not mean a person from Turkey, you're an "Iranian" by ethnic Turkic stock.


Did you read my post ? I said most of the ethnicities formed in later centuries by mixing absorbing others, how can we stay genetically pure after all ? are we a closed society like jews ? if we're living with other ethnicities we will naturally mix with them, thats how its works in every part of world, and seriously while accusing some Turks for Mountain Turks etc. claims, you're not aware of that Persians doing same thing for Azeris, actually 9 of 10 Persians I have seen doing that while those Turks with stupid theories about Kurds are just a small minority.

Tabriz Azari

Did you also met unicorns ? ser
Lol, now these people started to question our Turkishness.

You should know that I've met Real Ethnic Turks on a trip to the Altay mountains (near China) and they said that they wish Turkey would stop trying to encroach on their culture. It says a lot.

I'm sure they did friend.

And you are not Japanese either, because you also don't look like them; and I'm sure they would be pissed off if Mustafa Kemal (a/k/a "Attaturk") claimed he was Japanese.

Well, then you are not an Azeri either, there are Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Persian and god know what bloods running in your veins right now.

Why are you keep bringing Ataturk?
Oh here you go, Persians are far more concerned about their ethnicity.

Persians? If you still don't know, let me educate you. I'm an Iranian. And matters that relate to Iran are of my concern. The question is why you lot are so obsessed with the internal goings on of Iran.

Dude, most of the ethnicities today formed by mixing&absorbing others, most of them are formed in some centuries ago, Azeris of today are Turkic by ethnicity for centuries, your logic is like saying today's Slavic Macedonians are same with Ancient Macedonians, or today's Turks of Anatolia are same with Hittites, Lycians etc.

Good point! Which makes the extremist pan-racial identity and ideology followed by most Turks all the more asinine.

Seriously being Turkic by ethnicity will not make them lesser Iranians, why you guys so obsessed with that ?

Thank you professor obvious! Last time I checked it's you and your friends on the Iranian section, talking about Iranian Azaris.
You're an Iranian and ALSO Persian, like Azeris.

Most Turks ? where ? in the entire forum I saw few Turkish members with such ultra-nationalist ideas and they constantly getting banned, same amount of Iranian nationalist also constantly getting banned, we're talking in civilized ways here, don't drag everything to nationalism, and please as said 9 of 10 Persians constantly trying to prove Azeris are not Turkic, if its not Persian nationalism, I know nothing.

So what ? is it forbidden to talk about that ?
Iranians are far more beautiful than Turks are. Ask any American that lives around California. ^
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