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Why don’t Iranic people get along the same way Turkic people do?


Apr 30, 2012
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I can understand the Arabs and Turks having issues with the Iranic Kurds, but Iran itself is heavily Iranic, why is the issue between them and the Kurds not given more attention? And at the same time, Iran and Iranic Afghans also have major issues in which they almost went to war.

Granted, Pakistan is half Iranic half Indic and it at times has issues with Iranic Iran and Indic India.

But Turkic Turkey does not seem to have issues with other Turkic people the same way, like the Azeris and central Asia. Could it be due to their lack of borders unlike Iran sharing borders with other Iranic countries? The only Iranic country Iran is at good terms with is Tajikistan.

Then there’s the problem with many Turks being Iranic or Romanfied Turks instead of full pledged Turkics. Many Azeri Irans being ‘Turkic speaking Iranics’, etc.

The issues with ethnicities and linguistics are very confusing and there is a lot at play.


@Foinikas @Hack-Hook @LegionnairE @Trisolaran @dBSPL @lastofthepatriots @ThunderCat @Dalit @RayKalm @sammuel @PaklovesTurkiye @PakLeader
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Nobody other than people on defence forums identity themselves in that way.

The issue between Turkey and Iran is the long standing power struggles between the ottoman and persian empire.
There's a myriad of problems among the Turkic states of Central Asia. Just because you aren't aware of these issues doesn't mean they don't exist. The time of irredentism is over, in fact, it never really arrived in the first place.

Slaves hate each other. Germanic Netherlands have nothing in common with Germanic Austria. Arabs constantly sell each other out to foreign powers.

The very idea of unity based on ethnicity or race has historically never worked out without one party getting totally annihilated.

I am a Turk. I'm not a big fan of most Turkic states. They're corrupt, poor, uneducated and pretty much dictatorships.

Personally, I'd chose a Bosnian over any Kazakh in a heartbeat.

Don't forget: internet =/= real life.

To this day, the strongest community (be it a group of a few people or an entire nation) is bound together by ideology (= philosophy, beliefs, values, principles and so on).
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I can understand the Arabs and Turks having issues with the Iranic Kurds, but Iran itself is heavily Iranic, why is the issue between them and the Kurds not given more attention? And at the same time, Iran and Iranic Afghans also have major issues in which they almost went to war.

Granted, Pakistan is half Iranic half Indic and it at times has issues with Iranic Iran and Indic India.

But Turkic Turkey does not seem to have issues with other Turkic people the same way, like the Azeris and central Asia. Could it be due to their lack of borders unlike Iran sharing borders with other Iranic countries? The only Iranic country Iran is at good terms with is Tajikistan.

Then there’s the problem with many Turks being Iranic or Romanfied Turks instead of full pledged Turkics. Many Azeri Irans being ‘Turkic speaking Iranics’, etc.

The issues with ethnicities and linguistics are very confusing and there is a lot at play.

Pakistan is majority Indo-Aryan, not "Indic" and a large fraction Iranic. I will get back to you on this.
In Afghanistan, Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks are much closer to a shared 'Persian' identity than the ruling Pashtun Taliban.
Because it's a stupid way to identify one's self with no basis in reality outside of Internet/forums

I have much more in common with dardic kashmiri than with Indo Aryan Bengali, Sindhis have much more in common with baloch than with Indo Aryan marahati
Pashtuns of kp probably have much more in common with Panjabis or dardic chitralis than people of Tehran

You know what I mean?

Hell you wanna go deeper than that add religion and ideologies
Tajiks of Afghanistan have much more in common with other Afghans than they have with tajiks of communist influenced Tajikistan
Despite having shared clans lines we have more in common with other Muslims of PK than with our non Muslim blood

Identity is very complex
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I can understand the Arabs and Turks having issues with the Iranic Kurds, but Iran itself is heavily Iranic, why is the issue between them and the Kurds not given more attention? And at the same time, Iran and Iranic Afghans also have major issues in which they almost went to war.

Granted, Pakistan is half Iranic half Indic and it at times has issues with Iranic Iran and Indic India.

But Turkic Turkey does not seem to have issues with other Turkic people the same way, like the Azeris and central Asia. Could it be due to their lack of borders unlike Iran sharing borders with other Iranic countries? The only Iranic country Iran is at good terms with is Tajikistan.

Then there’s the problem with many Turks being Iranic or Romanfied Turks instead of full pledged Turkics. Many Azeri Irans being ‘Turkic speaking Iranics’, etc.

The issues with ethnicities and linguistics are very confusing and there is a lot at play.

@Foinikas @Hack-Hook @LegionnairE @Trisolaran @dBSPL @lastofthepatriots @ThunderCat @Dalit @RayKalm @sammuel @PaklovesTurkiye @PakLeader
I don't know what 'get along' means. Many times, people cannot get along in the same household but can get along with strangers in London, New York or Toronto. Shared ethnicity is neither necessary nor sufficient to live as peaceful neighbors. People whose origins are in nomadic tribes, as in Bedouin tribes of Arabia, have a hierarchy of loyalties. The well-known aphorism is:
"I am against my brother, my brother and I are against my cousin, my cousin and I are against the stranger".
Same way Punjabi’s, baloch, Sindhis, muhajirs and pukhtoon don’t get along?

I think different culture, language and way of life.
I can understand the Arabs and Turks having issues with the Iranic Kurds, but Iran itself is heavily Iranic, why is the issue between them and the Kurds not given more attention? And at the same time, Iran and Iranic Afghans also have major issues in which they almost went to war.

Granted, Pakistan is half Iranic half Indic and it at times has issues with Iranic Iran and Indic India.

But Turkic Turkey does not seem to have issues with other Turkic people the same way, like the Azeris and central Asia. Could it be due to their lack of borders unlike Iran sharing borders with other Iranic countries? The only Iranic country Iran is at good terms with is Tajikistan.

Then there’s the problem with many Turks being Iranic or Romanfied Turks instead of full pledged Turkics. Many Azeri Irans being ‘Turkic speaking Iranics’, etc.

The issues with ethnicities and linguistics are very confusing and there is a lot at play.

Not true. Remember Uzbeks and Kazakhs hate each other. Uzbeks apparently have a saying when mentioning a person's stupidity "are you kazakh?"

Remember the Uzbek-Kyrgyz ethnic riots in 2009. Have a look at this:

Not true. Remember Uzbeks and Kazakhs hate each other. Uzbeks apparently have a saying when mentioning a person's stupidity "are you kazakh?"

Remember the Uzbek-Kyrgyz ethnic riots in 2009. Have a look at this:


Yeah, ironically, Syrians who speak or learn Turkish are far more closer to modern day Turks than Kazakhs yet they are generally disliked by them.
Yeah, ironically, Syrians who speak or learn Turkish are far more closer to modern day Turks than Kazakhs yet they are generally disliked by them.

Socio-politics. A bit like Hazaras who feel closer to Persians than to Turkic peoples. But have a look at this. One cannot tell who's Turkish or who's Syrian:

Yes Turks hate each other in central asia that is why they are often at wars and killing each other. Most of them are happy to have soviets/russia tell them what to do if it means it doesn't descend into chaos again. Iranians on the other hand don't normally identify as Iranians eg. Kurds/Azeris/baloch. And central asian turks don't identify themselves as "turks" either they are krygz or kazakh or uzbek not just a label that gets thrown on them.
Iranic peoples were never united in history.

I hope this changes soon.

The Taliban government seems to have good relations with Iran, but Tajikistan hate them. Many pashtuns hate tajiks too.

Many Iraqi kurds are puppet of jews and we hate them .

Other problems also exist for example sunni_shia difference,...
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Iranic peoples were never united in history.

I hope this changes soon.

The Taliban government seems to have good relations with Iran, but Tajikistan hate them. Many pashtuns hate tajiks too.

Many Iraqi kurds are puppet of jews and we hate them .

Other problems also exist for example sunni_shia difference,...

The Taliban and Iran were at the verge of war not too long ago over water.
Because of chaos in this world of Iranic people.

We do not have a major power to end foreign interference among Iranic lands. You can add Arabs to Iranic people since they share us their beliefs.

If and only if Iran could truly stand up to Americans, then it will be able to gather them under one banner like before when Iran was an strong global power.

It must be mentioned that after centuries of confusion among Iranian rulers, the current Islamic republic is preparing itself for it. Not by changing borders but an alliance that can guarantee safety of member states against foreign interference.

First and biggest barrier in the way of uniting Iranic/Islamic nations is Israel. An American dagger in the heart of Islamic and Iranic nations. When its gone, we can reach agreements among each other.

The Taliban and Iran were at the verge of war not too long ago over water.
Those dams were bulit by Americans, they were the ones that diverted the river.

Still it can be solved through dialogue and negotiations.

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