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Rebels preparing to smuggle Ghaddafi’s chemical weapons into Syria via Turk

We won't let go :) & will never forget the blood.

Feel free to do whatever you wish.
of course you can't forget the Syrian blood, it will haunt you people... all the Syrian bloodshed, is because of people like you who believe in terrorism and violence to achieve their goal...
when you own a Syrian Passport, you can have a say if Alasad stays or leaves... the Syrian people have spoken, if Syrians wanted Alasad gone, do you think Alasad would last a week in office??
and in order to fulfill your agenda, you willing to kill millions of Syrians and destroy the whole country... that is how much bloodthirsty you people are.. you don't care about the Syrian lives, neither you care about the country...
Leave Syria for Syrians....

After the ongoing slaughter of our people in there, we will never compromise with you or your masters. You and the ones you're clapping for will pay a dare price for the crimes you committed in there.

of course you can't forget the Syrian blood, it will haunt you people... all the Syrian bloodshed, is because of people like you who believe in terrorism and violence to achieve their goal...

It was Iran's and Hezbollah who started it all, along with the Shia militias.
After the ongoing slaughter of our people in there, we will never compromise with you or your masters. You and the ones you're clapping for will pay a dare price for the crimes you committed in there.

Syrians were living in peace and happiness, til GCC puppets along with their masters supported terrorism and killing of Syrians... review Syria before and after the conflict... Every Syrian blood drop falls on people like you who support bloodshed, war and terrorism and your puppet governments...

It was Iran's and Hezbollah who started it all, along with the Shia militias.

how did they start it? did they shoot the police during the so called "peaceful" protests? Enough BS,, you are one ignorant and blind person, your racism will keep you blind and ignorant...
Your masters strated it all! Just check this out


Don't worry, we've got big things in stores for you, you haven't seen anything yet.

Syrians were living in peace and happiness, til GCC puppets along with their masters supported terrorism and killing of Syrians... review Syria before and after the conflict... Every Syrian blood drop falls on people like you who support bloodshed, war and terrorism and your puppet governments...

how did they start it? did they shoot the police during the so called "peaceful" protests? Enough BS,, you are one ignorant and blind person, your racism will keep you blind and ignorant...

This video counters you claim :lol:
Your masters strated it all! Just check this out


Don't worry, we've got big things in stores for you, you haven't seen anything yet.

This video counters you claim :lol:

I'm not watching no Shia-Sunni video... I know you are ignorant, and this thread illustrate your ignorance or you just want to ignore the facts...

This how it all started...

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I'm not watching no Shia-Sunni video... I know you are ignorant, and this thread illustrate your ignorance or you just want to ignore the facts...

This how it all started...

Assad's media is a disgrace, incompetent media outlets had always been exposed :lol:
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Assad's media is a disgrace, incompetent media outlets had always been exposed :lol:
watch the video.. plus do some research

is this peaceful? and this from the protesters themselves...



Saudi media is an epic fail, full of lies and propaganda, your friend balckeagle was embarrassed many times because of Al3brieyh... :omghaha: grad missile :rofl:
Saudi media is an epic fail, full of lies and propaganda, your friend balckeagle was embarrassed many times because of Al3brieyh... :omghaha: grad missile :rofl:

LMFAO, Do you know how many rewards Al-Arabyia got? Do you know how popular it is? Your Media outlets are total jokes :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:

And I quote

حصل موقع العربية الإلكتروني جائزة "أفضل تخطيط استراتيجي للمواقع العربية" في عمّان وذلك عن موقع "استثمر في السعودية" (InvestInSaudi.com) وهو الموقع الذي أسسته وأدارته قناة العربية لصالح الهيئة العامة للاستثمار في السعودية، وهي هيئة حكومية معنية بتطوير البيئة الاستثمارية السعودية.[55]

وحازت العربية على ثلاث جوائز خلال المهرجان العربي الرابع للإعلام في بيروت، فذهبت جائزة أفضل مذيعة نجوى قاسم أما أفضل مذيع فكانت من نصيب الإعلامي طاهر بركة، بينما سمي موقع القناة الإلكتروني، الأول عربيا.[55][56][57]

كما حصلت على جائزة خاصة عن إعلانها "الأقرب إلى الحقيقة"، وذلك خلال حفل إطلاق فعاليات مهرجان جربة التلفزيوني في تونس. وكانت لجنة الحكم التي يرأسها جان كلود بولس، الرئيس السابق لجمعية الإعلانيين الدولية (IAA) ومدير عام قناة السومرية الفضائية، وذلك بناء على إعلان العربية الذي وصفته اللجنة "بالأخاذ والمثير للاهتمام في تعبيره عن أهمية الإعلام الذي يتوخى الدقة والتوازن والموضوعية".[58] ويظهر ذلك الإعلان مشهد لساحة حرب شرق أوسطية مركّبة على الطريقة الهوليوودية، يتبين فيما بعد أنها ليست سوى الغشاء الخارجي للحدث الحقيقي الذي يتمحور حول معاناة أم وبكائها على طفلها الميت. الإعلان نفسه ربح جائزة كريستال الإعلامية خلال حفل توزيع جوائز كريستال - للشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا (CRISTAL - MENA) في الدار البيضاء في المغرب في فبراير 2006.

بحلول نهاية عام 2006 أعلنت مؤسسة جائزة الإيمي الدولية أسماء قنوات التلفزة المرشحة لجائزتها كانت العربية إحدى القنوات التي تتنافس مع قنوات عريقة وعتيقة في خبرتها الإعلامية مثل سكاي نيوز وبي بي سي نيوز. ودخلت العربية كمنافسة في فئتي الأخبار العاجلة عن إذاعتها للتقرير الأول للمحقق الدولي ديتليف ميليس المتعلق بقضية اغتيال رفيق الحريري رئيس الوزراء اللبناني السابق، وكذلك عن فئة التغطية الإخبارية الشاملة في بثها للجلسة الأولى لمحاكمة الرئيس العراقي السابق صدام حسين في أكتوبر 2005.

Our agendas are plain and simple, Assad must go.

Couple of questions:

That flag under your AV - that's Saudi Arabia? Whatever, it's not Syria, so who are you to say Assad must go? Isn't that the business of Syrians?

Aside from the fact that this is for Syrians to decide, lets say Assad must go. WTF is he going to be replaced with considering the current situation? Some puppet government dictated by globalists residing in Paris, London, and Washington, DC? Or some rich despot in Qatar or Saudi Arabia?

Syrians had legitimate complaints about their government but their movement to address it got hijacked by outside interests who don't give a damn about Syria, it's people or their sovereignty. They are now overrun by violent and psychotic terrorists so, problems with the current leaders notwithstanding, they need their government to fight off those who seek to murder, kidnap and subjugate them.
Rebels will loose battle the day US agrees for Russian formula on chemical weapons
Couple of questions:

I'm all ears my boy :smart:

That flag under your AV - that's Saudi Arabia? Whatever, it's not Syria, so who are you to say Assad must go? Isn't that the business of Syrians?

Well, We have been playing a broekn record over the last two years and something, WE WILL NOT SIT ASIDE WATCHING ASSAD BUTCHERING THE SYRIAN PEOPLE. Take it or leave it. Maybe you should have told this to Mrs. Clinton when she said that Gaddafi must go, so please, drop the attitude, okay?

Aside from the fact that this is for Syrians to decide, lets say Assad must go. WTF is he going to be replaced with considering the current situation? Some puppet government dictated by globalists residing in Paris, London, and Washington, DC?

The National Syrian Council along with the Free Syrian Army are the heart, and mind of the Syrian people. These two instituions speak on behalf 18 million Syrians. The Syrian people have spoken, and their voices are being heard.

Or some rich despot in Qatar or Saudi Arabia?

LoLz, The Saudi leadership doesn't slaughter its own people, in fact, they stood with you when you needed them the most. So tell me, who's the despot in all this?

Syrians had legitimate complaints about their government but their movement to address it got hijacked by outside interests who don't give a damn about Syria, it's people or their sovereignty. They are now overrun by violent and psychotic terrorists so, problems with the current leaders notwithstanding, they need their government to fight off those who seek to murder, kidnap and subjugate them.

Maybe you don't give a damn, but certainly not us.

[Bregs];4760792 said:
Rebels will loose battle the day US agrees for Russian formula on chemical weapons

It took us 8 years to bleed the USSR out, the bottom line is that we won't back down, wether the US or Russia liked it or not.

Isn't that true @Aeronaut homie :smart:?
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Yzd Khalifa,

Spare us your bullshit about caring so much for the Syrian people. Nobody here was born yesterday. You want to talk geopolitics then be an adult and drop the rhetoric.

Hillary Clinton is a world class criminal and the Egyptians figured that out. You might learn something from them.

I have no idea what you're talking about with the Saudis standing with the US when the US needed them most but the Zionists are also allies the US. So what? The US is in bed with snakes.

Now, lets have a look at who is behind the National Syrian Council and their other Potemkin organizations, who speak only for themselves and their globalist buddies:

The Syrian National Council

The most quoted of the opposition spokespeople are the official representatives of the Syrian National Council. The SNC is not the only Syrian opposition group – but it is generally recognised as "the main opposition coalition" (BBC). The Washington Times describes it as "an umbrella group of rival factions based outside Syria". Certainly the SNC is the opposition group that's had the closest dealings with western powers – and has called for foreign intervention from the early stages of the uprising. In February of this year, at the opening of the Friends of Syria summit in Tunisia, William Hague declared: "I will meet leaders of the Syrian National Council in a few minutes' time … We, in common with other nations, will now treat them and recognise them as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people."

The most senior of the SNC's official spokespeople is the Paris-based Syrian academic Bassma Kodmani.

(photos at article)

Here is Bassma Kodmani, seen leaving this year's Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia.

Kodmani is a member of the executive bureau and head of foreign affairs, Syrian National Council. Kodmani is close to the centre of the SNC power structure, and one of the council's most vocal spokespeople. "No dialogue with the ruling regime is possible. We can only discuss how to move on to a different political system," she declared this week. And here she is, quoted by the newswire AFP: "The next step needs to be a resolution under Chapter VII, which allows for the use of all legitimate means, coercive means, embargo on arms, as well as the use of force to oblige the regime to comply."

This statement translates into the headline "Syrians call for armed peacekeepers" (Australia's Herald Sun). When large-scale international military action is being called for, it seems only reasonable to ask: who exactly is calling for it? We can say, simply, "an official SNC spokesperson," or we can look a little closer.

This year was Kodmani's second Bilderberg. At the 2008 conference, Kodmani was listed as French; by 2012, her Frenchness had fallen away and she was listed simply as "international" – her homeland had become the world of international relations.

Back a few years, in 2005, Kodmani was working for the Ford Foundation in Cairo, where she was director of their governance and international co-operation programme. The Ford Foundation is a vast organisation, headquartered in New York, and Kodmani was already fairly senior. But she was about to jump up a league.

Around this time, in February 2005, US-Syrian relations collapsed, and President Bush recalled his ambassador from Damascus. A lot of opposition projects date from this period. "The US money for Syrian opposition figures began flowing under President George W Bush after he effectively froze political ties with Damascus in 2005," says the Washington Post.

In September 2005, Kodmani was made the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) – a research programme initiated by the powerful US lobby group, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The CFR is an elite US foreign policy thinktank, and the Arab Reform Initiative is described on its website as a "CFR Project" . More specifically, the ARI was initiated by a group within the CFR called the "US/Middle East Project" – a body of senior diplomats, intelligence officers and financiers, the stated aim of which is to undertake regional "policy analysis" in order "to prevent conflict and promote stability". The US/Middle East Project pursues these goals under the guidance of an international board chaired by General (Ret.) Brent Scowcroft.

Brent Scowcroft (chairman emeritus) is a former national security adviser to the US president – he took over the role from Henry Kissinger. Sitting alongside Scowcroft of the international board is his fellow geo-strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who succeeded him as the national security adviser, and Peter Sutherland, the chairman of Goldman Sachs International. So, as early as 2005, we've got a senior wing of the western intelligence/banking establishment selecting Kodmani to run a Middle East research project. In September of that year, Kodmani was made full-time director of the programme. Earlier in 2005, the CFR assigned "financial oversight" of the project to the Centre for European Reform (CER). In come the British.

The CER is overseen by Lord Kerr, the deputy chairman of Royal Dutch Shell. Kerr is a former head of the diplomatic service and is a senior adviser at Chatham House (a thinktank showcasing the best brains of the British diplomatic establishment).

In charge of the CER on a day-to-day basis is Charles Grant, former defence editor of the Economist, and these days a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a "pan-European thinktank" packed with diplomats, industrialists, professors and prime ministers. On its list of members you'll find the name: "Bassma Kodmani (France/Syria) – Executive Director, Arab Reform Initiative".

Another name on the list: George Soros – the financier whose non-profit "Open Society Foundations" is a primary funding source of the ECFR. At this level, the worlds of banking, diplomacy, industry, intelligence and the various policy institutes and foundations all mesh together, and there, in the middle of it all, is Kodmani.

The point is, Kodmani is not some random "pro-democracy activist" who happens to have found herself in front of a microphone. She has impeccable international diplomacy credentials: she holds the position of research director at the Académie Diplomatique Internationale – "an independent and neutral institution dedicated to promoting modern diplomacy". The Académie is headed by Jean-Claude Cousseran, a former head of the DGSE – the French foreign intelligence service.

A picture is emerging of Kodmani as a trusted lieutenant of the Anglo-American democracy-promotion industry. Her "province of origin" (according to the SNC website) is Damascus, but she has close and long-standing professional relationships with precisely those powers she's calling upon to intervene in Syria.

And many of her spokesmen colleagues are equally well-connected.

See, The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking?, The Guardian Thursday 12 July 2012, for full article.

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