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US sends advanced weapons to Syrian rebels. Take THAT, Vladi !!

Americans are idiots. They are creating a safe haven for Al-Qaida. A Syria under Assad was liberal, secular and afforded a very tolerant life to all Syrians.

Except the ones Assad gassed.

A Syria under this terror outfit will be another Afghanistan or Iraq. I dont understand why thay want to destroy that country? You can hate Assad but why are letting loose these bloody wolves who have nothing but indoctrination of hate in them

Assad is no better.
Americans are idiots. They are creating a safe haven for Al-Qaida. A Syria under Assad was liberal, secular and afforded a very tolerant life to all Syrians.

A Syria under this terror outfit will be another Afghanistan or Iraq. I dont understand why thay want to destroy that country? You can hate Assad but why are letting loose these bloody wolves who have nothing but indoctrination of hate in them
No safe haven. A place for them to congregate and die....with the added benefit of irritating Assad.
take that vladi? You mean take that last bastion of secularism in the middle east. youre a true american and showed how americans really are
Its all about capitalism!! As long as those war profiteering corporations continue to make some $$ and the Zionists get their chance to destabilize any last military obstacle to their planned domination then who gives a flying you know what if the country of target is secular or religious, democratic or authoritarian, as long as the parties involved are satisfied, that is all that matters.

And about the American people, well they're all mostly brain dead zombies who can't think for themselves and depend on their zionist controlled media to do the thinking for them.
In somewhat-related news, the US-Russia-etc deal on Ukraine seems DOA and the situation remains tense.
They are BOTH our enemy. Just because Assad doesn't scream 'Alu Akbar' before he drops a barrel bomb doesn't mean anything.
So what did Assad do to America?? Are you going to connect him to 9/11 as well to justify American intervention against him just as you did with Saddam in 2003??
take that vladi? You mean take that last bastion of secularism in the middle east. youre a true american and showed how americans really are
Don't worry. Assad is winning. The yanks are gonna get so much egg on their faces, they could make a giant omelet out of it! :P
So what did Assad do to America?? Are you going to connect him to 9/11 as well to justify American intervention against him just as you did with Saddam in 2003??

Assad is an Iranian lackey.

Don't worry. Assad is winning. The yanks are gonna get so much egg on their faces, they could make a giant omelet out of it! :P

Then we can have it with the giant potato. Eggs and home fries.:bunny:
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