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US sends advanced weapons to Syrian rebels. Take THAT, Vladi !!

today they are freedom fighters , and when they say No to USA democrazy than they become terrorist and Al-Qaeda members , hats of to the stupidity of America and American peoples ...
Lol, stupidity? Trickle arms to some of the less radical groups....just enough to bleed both sides. seems a great plan to me. That said....nothing very high tech....not like they can copy them anyways.
@xenon54 this is what secularism means in Syria, A Muslim praying with a Christian in a Church, in Syria secularism means tolerance and love... something you don't see at all in the M.E...

This is in Yabroud... THIS IS SYRIA, Where Muslims pray in Churches, and Christians pray in Mosques!




Basically, Syria is being as platform for the next World War 3. People will not remember the leader for the destruction of Syria, rather it is ones who caused this to happen, preparing to negate influences of either party as we post.
Lol since when is Syria secular?:rofl:
The only real secular country in ME is Turkey.


Since everything was OK before zionist Al Qaeda invasion
Erdogan is a muslim brother forbidding everything: smoking, eating, studying, breathing

They are BOTH our enemy. Just because Assad doesn't scream 'Alu Akbar' before he drops a barrel bomb doesn't mean anything.
Assad doesn't behead to ashame the name of Allah for the JEWS
@xenon54 this is what secularism means in Syria, A Muslim praying with a Christian in a Church, in Syria secularism means tolerance and love... something you don't see at all in the M.E...

This is in Yabroud... THIS IS SYRIA, Where Muslims pray in Churches, and Christians pray in Mosques!

Is everyone that confused in Syria? :unsure:
Meh. For every advanced ATGM the US gives Syrian rebels, Putin gives 10 times that many to the Assad regime. The Assad regime has 10 times the number of men as Syrian rebels. Syrian rebels cannot topple Assad. :p:
Lol, stupidity? Trickle arms to some of the less radical groups....just enough to bleed both sides. seems a great plan to me. That said....nothing very high tech....not like they can copy them anyways.

yeah and remember when last time you idiots provide light weapons to Afghanis who are still kicking your A$$'s ?? go and read about Libya .....or I highly recommend you stop watching Fox and CNN ..and your so called great plan lead you to a destructive economy ... and millions of innocent peoples blood is on your flag ...
first you armed them and than you try to bring democrazy with Aircraft carries and B2 bombers ...
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Lol, stupidity? Trickle arms to some of the less radical groups....just enough to bleed both sides. seems a great plan to me. That said....nothing very high tech....not like they can copy them anyways.
The point is that except for a few inside FSA, rest of the rebels, and also Syrian government are not much different. They are all almost the same thing. The point is that both sides are enemy with USA, and it would be a good policy to just keep the balance between them, either by sending arms or anything else and avoid directly interfering in this crisis.
Americans are idiots. They are creating a safe haven for Al-Qaida. A Syria under Assad was liberal, secular and afforded a very tolerant life to all Syrians.

A Syria under this terror outfit will be another Afghanistan or Iraq. I dont understand why thay want to destroy that country? You can hate Assad but why are letting loose these bloody wolves who have nothing but indoctrination of hate in them
yeah and remember when last time you idiots provide light weapons to Afghanis who are still kicking your A$$'s ?? .....

Where are Afghanis' kicking Americans asses ? Surely not in Afghanistan.:usflag:
yeah and remember when last time you idiots provide light weapons to Afghanis who are still kicking your A$$'s ?? go and read about Libya .....or I highly recommend you stop watching Fox and CNN ..and your so called great plan lead you to a destructive economy ... and millions of innocent peoples blood is on your flag ...
first you armed them and than you try to bring democrazy with Aircraft carries and B2 bombers ...
Kicking our ***? Lol....the only thing they can pull off is attacking hotels filled with civvies while dressed in women's clothes. All the virgins in the world can't get them to attack a US base anymore. Lol....brave warriors of Islam indeed. (plus Syria is the new cause celeb for the nut-cases...less idiot fodder for the Talibs)
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