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Russia warns Saudi against giving Syria rebels missiles

I find it remarkable that the Arab world seems to hate each other more than anything else...
colonial mentality and years of slavery have literally killed their analytic power it seems. The one force who is benefiting from this is West and Israel.
what russia did when their own choppers and jets were down by same missiles and same hands in afghanistan :oops:

The same hand that downed Russian jets and choppers then went to bomb KSA and bring down Twin Towers...Karma is a B**ch..isn't it?
Russia is supplying thousands of Metis M laser guided anti tank guided missiles to NDF free of charge who uses them to kill rebel soldiers.
This is sick man. when will we learn from our mistakes of past. we so called civilized governments, America Iran China and most importantly my Pakistan, armed remote militant groups with AKs and RPGs, and now they have become a threat to our existense.
imagine these vagabonds and cut-throats with anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft manpads.
AlNusra and ISIS are carbon copies of TTP. Even if u have differences with Assad but no one in there right mind can support Terrorist against a set structured govt.Unbelievable by our govt if they do this.

Disgusting and pathetic if this news is true. For once our govt start watching its own interests instead of following saudi and american dictations.

These weapons will ultimately be used against all middle eastern governments and bring unstability to the whole region.

We should stay away from this fire and mend our own home before meddling some where else.
Let Assad and FSA decide fate of there country .

and BTW There is a TTP to handle first.
So I guess Pakistan have no problem handling manpads to TTP's best friends then it'll flood into Pakistan.

You now understand why Pakistan is in such a mess.

The politicians and generals in Pakistan don't think that far ahead. As long as they can make millions in commissions, they will sell to anyone and let future Pakistanis worry about the consequences.
Also, I would be somewhat surprised if Pakistan is indeed supplying arms to Syria, through indirect channels or not, as China has always favored Assad over the opposition.
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colonial mentality and years of slavery have literally killed their analytic power it seems. The one force who is benefiting from this is West and Israel.
To be fair, you Pakistanis love blowing yourselves up too.

The GCC Arab dictators are the biggest curse on the Muslim world.
Iran is the biggest threat and destabilising force hell bent on regional hegemony. Their actions prove this beyond doubt.
To be fair, you Pakistanis love blowing yourselves up too.

Iran is the biggest threat and destabilising force hell bent on regional hegemony. Their actions prove this beyond doubt.

Well, the way I see it, Iran is unconditionally supporting a strategic ally of its, just like the U.S. does (unfortunately) with Israel. The Islamic Republic's relationship with the Syrian government has been close long before Bashar came to power, it seems only natural that they continue it.

Good and evil are very subjective terms, especially when talking about the affairs of the Middle East.
To be fair, you Pakistanis love blowing yourselves up too.

Iran is the biggest threat and destabilising force hell bent on regional hegemony. Their actions prove this beyond doubt.

Saudia is the biggest threat, it is a threat to well being if the region.

Pakistan's involvement in Syria is uncalled for and it will divide the country, unfortunately we have a prime minister whose daughter works in a Saudi harem and majority of my countrymen are blinded by their love of Arabs.

Naturally some of us will side with Iran due to similarity in culture and heritage we share, we will stand with them in their hour of need.

Let Syrians fight it out it's not our place to meddle but if Pakistan does decide to meddle then it must realise that those who are not Arab lovers will be more then happy to raise arms against it, be it what ever bitter end that may take us too.

Only good Arab is a dead Arab, long live Iran zameen.
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Well, the way I see it, Iran is unconditionally supporting a strategic ally of its, just like the U.S. does (unfortunately) with Israel. The Islamic Republic's relationship with the Syrian government has been close long before Bashar came to power, it seems only natural that they continue it.

Good and evil are very subjective terms, especially when talking about the affairs of the Middle East.
As I said in another thread, Iran has spent many years and many billions of dollars for the sole purpose of surrounding Israel.

They have high-jacked a once democratic Lebanon and turned it into Tehran's playground. They made Assad a dependent of Tehran, they have funded/armed Hamas and Islamic Jihad and during Morsi's brief reign in Egypt, were straight in there to try and gain influence.

Now why would a country spend decades and billions of Iranian citizen money on surrounding a country they have no land dispute with?

And you think Israel should be more worried about GCC?
Only good Arab is a dead Arab, long live Iran zameen.

I agree that Pakistan and Iran should retain strong ties but, honestly, I thought your people practically worshiped Arabs. Is that true or not?
As I said in another thread, Iran has spent many years and many billions of dollars for the sole purpose of surrounding Israel.

They have high-jacked a once democratic Lebanon and turned it into Tehran's playground. They made Assad a dependent of Tehran, they have funded/armed Hamas and Islamic Jihad and during Morsi's brief reign in Egypt, were straight in there to try and gain influence.

Now why would a country spend decades and billions of Iranian citizen money on surrounding a country they have no land dispute with?

And you think Israel should be more worried about GCC?

Can same not be applied to Saudia?.

I agree that Pakistan and Iran should retain strong ties but, honestly, I thought your people practically worshiped Arabs. Is that true or not?

I am a Pukhtoon I was always a independent minded person, money, religion etc can't buy me.

I will always support Iran as most of my people belong to the iranic family, religion has nothing to do with it, before Islam I was a Pukhtoon and after Islam I am still a pukhtoon.

We have our fair share of countrymen who think they are South Asian Arabs hence their love of Arabs but some of us look down on Arabs as we have culture and heritage that is unmatched and hence no identity crisis.

I agree that Pakistan and Iran should retain strong ties but, honestly, I thought your people practically worshiped Arabs. Is that true or not?

Depends on what side if the indus you are from.
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