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[Question] Why do we Chinese dislike Dalai Lama?


Apr 30, 2012
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United States
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can briefly explain why Dalai Lama is considered as a joke among many Chinese? I know it has a lot to do with politics, but I just don't know much about the details of what he did, and what is he trying to accomplish, in which resulted him to be so disliked/hated.

I admit that I didn't follow the news much about this in the past, and my Chinese history is "pretty horrible" XD

I tried googling, but most of the answers/opinions I got are from the Western perspective, in which favors Dalai Lama, and possibly biased?

Anyways, hope ya'll think tanks can help me out a bit here, any help is appreciated!


PS: Please don't troll, I appreciate debates, but please not trolling.
the jews are still hunting down nazis who are nonagenerians. and china cannot forgive a lama who authorized armed rebellion against the state and who was barely 70 yo and who continued to be in cohorts with the same angloamerican conspiratorial forces that first funded and armed his troopers to kill chinese soldiers and civilians.
the jews are still hunting down nazis who are nonagenerians. and china cannot forgive a lama who authorized armed rebellion against the state and who was barely 70 yo and who continued to be in cohorts with the same angloamerican conspiratorial forces that first funded and armed his troopers to kill chinese soldiers and civilians.

So what holds China back from getting him?
the jews are still hunting down nazis who are nonagenerians. and china cannot forgive a lama who authorized armed rebellion against the state and who was barely 70 yo and who continued to be in cohorts with the same angloamerican conspiratorial forces that first funded and armed his troopers to kill chinese soldiers and civilians.

Interesting, thanks. Think I need to look into that too.

Also, how about things that happened recently, like why are we blaming him for the protesters that set themselves on fire? What does lama have to do with this, directly/indirectly?
I don't know what we Chinese mean? It is such a broader group of people. I bet there are a lot of Chinese, in mainland, Taiwan, HK, the US, Canada, Europe do not dislike him. In fact, I know a lot of Chinese-Chinese are crazy about him.

If he ever was allowed to return to China one day, he would be more popular than Jacky Chan.

Such a silly question anyway.
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can briefly explain why Dalai Lama is considered as a joke among many Chinese? I know it has a lot to do with politics, but I just don't know much about the details of what he did, and what is he trying to accomplish, in which resulted him to be so disliked/hated.

I admit that I didn't follow the news much about this in the past, and my Chinese history is "pretty horrible" XD

I tried googling, but most of the answers/opinions I got are from the Western perspective, in which favors Dalai Lama, and possibly biased?

Anyways, hope ya'll think tanks can help me out a bit here, any help is appreciated!


PS: Please don't troll, I appreciate debates, but please not trolling.
Tibet was a free country until 1950s Until China Invaded because of prior historical claims over the region. I believe Dalai lama was the Religious/Political head of the region.Invading Chinese took away his Political Influence in the region.So, he Incited armed rebelion against the chinese .When the chinese Retailated he fled to India. In the next following years, Indians and CIA actively supported the tibetian rebels ,encouraged by Dalai lama. Chinese CCP then started demonising him by propaganda that how he is a Western puppet. As of now I believe the support for tibetian rebels has ceased .Now even Dalai lama is approving chinese claims over tibet ,But asking for more political autonomy and freedom in the region. But ccp being communist does not allow it.

On a personal note, from his speeches , I don't think He is a bad guy. If some one Invades your home, takes away your freedom ,You are going to retailate .But I believe chinese should act Pragamatically and give the tibetians some Political space in the region.It will be win win for everyone.
This Dalai Lama is an idiot.

I don't care that he now supports Chinese sovereignty over Tibet autonomous region. He only did that because there was no other practical choice.

He is nothing but a troublemaker.

The only concession I would ever grant him, would be to let him see the soil on which he was born one final time before he dies of old age. Nothing else.
Tibet was a free country until 1950s Until China Invaded because of prior historical claims over the region. I believe Dalailama was the Religious/Political head of the region.Invading Chinese took away his Political Influence in the region. he Incited armed rebelion against the chinese .When the chinese Retailated he fled to India. In the next following years, Indians and CIA actively supported the tibetian rebels ,encouraged by dalai lama. Chinese CCP started demonisig him by propaganda. As of now I believe the support for tibetian rebels has ceased .Now even Dalailama is approving chinese claims over tibet ,But asking for more political autonomy and freedom in the region. But ccp being communist does not allow it.

On a personal note, from his speeches , I dont think he is a bad guy. If some one Invades your home takes away your freedom ,You are going to retailate .But I believe chinese should act Pragamatically and give the tibetians some Political space in the region.It will be win win for everyone.

Tibet wasn't a free country, it was even protected by the Qing government while the British causing troubles there. It is a part of China. The action of the CCP was a maintenance of territorial integrity. In fact freeing Tibet was one of the few good things that the goddamn CCP have ever done, since the CCP wipe off the serfdom in Tibet and Siniora system from the hands of the Lamas and landlords. Not to mention the fertility rate and educational level of Tibetan people in Tibet rarely grow until the CCP has come.
The CCP even help write a Tibetan-English-Mandarin (Han) Dictionary (unlike other minorities in China such as Mongolian, Korean and Kazakh, Tibetan vocabulary cannot even meet the need of learning modern technology), while Dalai can't even come up a dictionary in India and they have to teach their children by English at school.

As for political space, there are many Tibetan have power in Beijing (the NPCSC), also in Tibet the highest leader and most of the officers are Tibetan.
This Dalai Lama is an idiot.

I don't care that he now supports Chinese sovereignty over Tibet autonomous region. He only did that because there was no other practical choice.

He is nothing but a troublemaker.

The only concession I would ever grant him, would be to let him see the soil on which he was born one final time before he dies of old age. Nothing else.

CD ..You are entitled to your views .There is Proverb in my mother tongue " It takes two hands to clap" . Tibetians would have some genuine grievances against the Chinese ,that lead to the uprisings. I am sure Chinese had their share of issues with him. Truth is Usually some where in the middle.

Learn from our experiences in the Kashmir ,We also the use the same carrot and stick policy regarding former millitants like Yasin malik .It works better in long run.
So what holds China back from getting him?

the chinese aren't a rootless race: we won't release an acherontic force just to catch a criminal now beyond our border. the jews, the anglosaxons can do all that, and they will eventually be destroyed precisely due to their rootlessness, in the name of another brand of rootlessness, and via the means of some other form of rootlessness - and china shall be the negation of them all.

in other words, china is too noble for that, unlike the dirty, malefic jews, or anglosaxons, or their lamaist running dogs.
Tibet wasn't a free country, it was even protected by the Qing government while the British causing troubles there. It is a part of China. The action of the CCP was a maintenance of territorial integrity. In fact freeing Tibet was one of the few good things that the goddamn CCP have ever done, since the CCP wipe off the serfdom in Tibet and Siniora system from the hands of the Lamas and landlords. Not to mention the fertility rate and educational level of Tibetan people in Tibet rarely grow until the CCP has come.
The CCP even help write a Tibetan-English-Mandarin (Han) Dictionary (unlike other minorities in China such as Mongolian, Korean and Kazakh, Tibetan vocabulary cannot even meet the need of learning modern technology), while Dalai can't even come up a dictionary in India and they have to teach their children by English at school.
Yes I would compare it with how we took control of Goa after Independence. I am not against the chinese invasion of tibet.I was talking more in general about Political freedom of tibetians.

the chinese aren't a rootless race: we won't release an acherontic force just to catch a criminal now beyond our border. the jews, the anglosaxons can do all that, and they will eventually be destroyed precisely due to their rootlessness, in the name of another brand of rootlessness, and via the means of some other form of rootlessness - and china shall be the negation of them all.

in other words, china is too noble for that, unlike the dirty, malefic jews, or anglosaxons, or their lamaist running dogs.
What is Your Problem with Jews.I doubt you are even a chinese. Most chinese I tend to know are very pragmatic in views.I dont think they hate Jews.
Yes I would compare it with how we took control of Goa after Independence. I am not against the chinese invasion of tibet.I was talking more in general about Political freedom of tibetians.

I'm glad you understand (now give me a kiss will ya).
I have edited some words at the first post, which is related to Political freedom.

But of courses claiming for independence is still forbidden.
Interesting, thanks. Think I need to look into that too.

Also, how about things that happened recently, like why are we blaming him for the protesters that set themselves on fire? What does lama have to do with this, directly/indirectly?

he used to move his blinded followers to kill, and you don't think the same hold on tibetans could be deployed more creatively? nowadays the killing is simply turned inward and onto themselves - it is still killing, but just more desperate. it is emblematic of the lama's frustration and the hopelessness of his cause and the beginning of the end of his evil designs. no smell makes for awesomer symbol of chinese sovereignty and irresistible power in tibet than burned lama flesh - the smell of conquest, of triumph, and of power!
Tibet was a free country until 1950s Until China Invaded because of prior historical claims over the region. I believe Dalai lama was the Religious/Political head of the region.Invading Chinese took away his Political Influence in the region.So, he Incited armed rebelion against the chinese .When the chinese Retailated he fled to India. In the next following years, Indians and CIA actively supported the tibetian rebels ,encouraged by Dalai lama. Chinese CCP then started demonising him by propaganda that how he is a Western puppet. As of now I believe the support for tibetian rebels has ceased .Now even Dalai lama is approving chinese claims over tibet ,But asking for more political autonomy and freedom in the region. But ccp being communist does not allow it.

On a personal note, from his speeches , I don't think He is a bad guy. If some one Invades your home, takes away your freedom ,You are going to retailate .But I believe chinese should act Pragamatically and give the tibetians some Political space in the region.It will be win win for everyone.

Sikkim was a free country until 1975 until India invaded.:chilli:
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