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[Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

What the hell is true Han?

Again,no population would stay "pure" after 2,000 years unless they are isolated groups such as the Andaman Islanders.

Vietnam certainly had contact with outsiders and had considerable Chinese influence.

PDF Vietnamese can't even read Hanzi and they think they can understand the concept of Han better than Han Chinese themselves :cheesy:

Nice speaking !

They can not read or write Chinese when they teach us China History , ironic !

China is the only nation which has annalistic style history books.

We are Chinese , our history is inherited and orderly and I am very proud of this.

Those Viet argue with us about Viet and China history is a Joke .
Nice speaking !

They can not read or write Chinese when they teach us China History , ironic !

China is the only nation which has annalistic style history books.

Those Viet argue with us about Viet and China history is a Joke .
If we are to believe these Vietnamese nationalists you would think that Chinese adopted everything from them:cheesy:
If we are to believe these Vietnamese nationalists you would think that Chinese adopted everything from them:cheesy:
Young Vietnamese can not read their own history book , they can not deny this !!!

Talk History with us ??

Study Chinese first !!!!!

It is really funny.
What the hell is true Han?

Again,no population would stay "pure" after 2,000 years unless they are isolated groups such as the Andaman Islanders.

Vietnam certainly had contact with outsiders and had considerable Chinese influence.

PDF Vietnamese can't even read Hanzi and they think they can understand the concept of Han better than Han Chinese themselves :cheesy:

Again you don't even understand the title so how can this be Qing's full territorial claims?

True han people in pure ethnicity, they are core people who created Han Dynasty in China, who conquered mainland China and established the country, it is called China today.
We have told you for many times :We signed UNCLOS with additional provisions which said very clear that the disputed area are not included .

lets see...............................

Upon ratification (7 June 1996)1/:

In accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China at its nineteenth session, the President of the People's Republic of China has hereby ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 and at the same time made the following statement:

1. In accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the People's Republic of China shall enjoy sovereign rights and jurisdiction over an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles and the continental shelf.

2. The People's Republic of China will effect, through consultations, the delimitation of the boundary of the maritime jurisdiction with the States with coasts opposite or adjacent to China respectively on the basis of international law and in accordance with the principle of equitability.

3. The People's Republic of China reaffirms its sovereignty over all its archipelagos and islands as listed in article 2 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the territorial sea and the contiguous zone, which was promulgated on 25 February 1992.

4. The People's Republic of China reaffirms that the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea concerning innocent passage through the territorial sea shall not prejudice the right of a coastal State to request, in accordance with its laws and regulations, a foreign State to obtain advance approval from or give prior notification to the coastal State for the passage of its warships through the territorial sea of the coastal State.

Declaration made after ratification (25 August 2006)

Declaration under article 298:

The Government of the People's Republic of China does not accept any of the procedures provided for in Section 2 of Part XV of the Convention with respect to all the categories of disputes referred to in paragraph 1 (a) (b) and (c) of Article 298 of the Convention.

Declarations or Statements upon UNCLOS ratification

Part XV section 2----- of disputes relating to the exercise of its rights in relation to scientific research, as well as with respect to the regulation of fisheries within the 200 nautical miles, including its discretionary powers for determining the catch, its harvesting capacity, the allocation of surpluses, if any, and the terms and conditions established in its conservation and management laws and regulations;

plus,UNCLOS doesn't determine sovereignty.it determines EEZ.plus,EEZ doesn't depends on reefs and shoals.read this.....

UNCLOS explained: Why China’s claims in South China Sea are invalid | Inquirer Global Nation

also,a very detailed picture of this dispute....

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True han people in pure ethnicity, they are core people who created Han Dynasty in China, who conquered mainland China and established the country, it is called China today.
Your history is sorely lacking,tell me how can people 2,000 years ago can have pure descendants today?

Han as an ethnoym originated in Northern Wei either as an ethnic slur or a term for the common people.

Otherwise Zhaoren or Jinren were used before that while Hua was preferred in the South.

The Song were baffled by Khitans labeling them as "Han" and Japanese/SEA states labeling them as "Tang",when Songren was the preferred ethonym.

Vietnamese are hardly pure either,Y Chromosomes originated from Sino Tibetans(O M134,O M117,O 002611) and Hmong Mien(O M7) speaking people.

O2b originated in either Central China and some subclades in Manchuria and Korea.
Again you don't even understand the title so how can this be Qing's full territorial claims?

don't try to make fake explanation on the map title.

bonus for you, look at carefully. its great Qing full map. No where is Islands

damn,ican not find xinjiang and tibet

There is no territory of China in the past.

What does is Xingang mean in Chinese, the new border, isnt' it ? PLA invaded in to Tibet 1953. They will regain independence from China soon.
True han people in pure ethnicity, they are core people who created Han Dynasty in China, who conquered mainland China and established the country, it is called China today.

I said it before, and I'm saying it again.
Bring your "true Han theory" to the UNESCO, see if they will give you a Noble prize or send you to jail for being racist and ignorant.
You people are racist and your country is racist don't mean the rest of the world are racist .

There is no territory of China in the past.

What does is Xingang mean in Chinese, the new border, isnt' it ? PLA invaded in to Tibet 1953. They will regain independence from China soon.

There is no room for wisdom and shame in your brain.
Xinging literally means "new territory", but there are two other characters when the Emperor of Qing changed the name 西域 to 新疆, which are "故 & 土", "故土新疆", which means "The new land that we owned".

Yes the USA army invaded the CSA, Prussia invaded "Germany" and Mughal invaded India, The South, most part of Germany and the whole India will regain independence from the USA, Eastern part of Germany and the northern part of India soon.
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Paracels, Spratlys not belong to China: 1904 Chinese map


A Chinese map published in 1904 reveals that the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelagos did not belong to China.

According to the Map of all Chinese provinces map, printed by Shanghai Publishing House in 1904, China stretches as far south as Hainan Island.

Purchasing the map from an elderly man in 1977 Dr. Mai Hong, former head of the Library of the Institute for the Study of Chinese and Demotic Scripts and Cultures, translated into Vietnamese that adequately represents the origin and date of the map.

The map was drawn in the Han (Chinese) scriupt across nearly two centuries (1708 – 1904), from the Kangxi Emperor who ruled China from 1661 – 1722 to the Guangxu Emperor from 1875 – 1908, Hong said.

The emperors asked many clergymen and gifted astronomers and mathematicians to make this map, he said, adding that in 1708, King Kangxi recruited some western clergymen to draw the map of the Great Wall.

In 1711, the King continued to ask the clergymen to survey lands in 13 provinces nationwide. After that, Chinese intellectuals and western clergymen worked together for nearly 200 years to finish this map.

Among the western clergymen were Matteo Bicci from Italy, Joannes Adam Schall Von Bell from Germany, and Ferdinandus Verbiest from Belgium, Hong says.

In 1904, the Shanghai Publishing House printed this map and distributed it to all provinces of the Qing Dynasty, the last imperial dynasty of China ruling from 1644 to 1912. The introduction of the map was written by the director of a Chinese observatory.

According to Pham Hoang Quan, a local researcher on Han-Chinese and Demotic Scripts, the map, measuring 115cm long and 140cm wide, was printed on separate sheets and belonged to a group of large-scale maps.

The map’s accuracy in terms of longitude and latitude is nearly on a par with modern maps. This map was made by experts at the Observatory of the Qing Dynasty, so it can be considered official, he said.

On July 4, Dr. Mai Hong contacted the National Museum of Vietnamese History to hand over the map for display and preservation.
Historical evidences of Vietnam’s Paracel and Spratly islands exhibited
PANO - An exhibition of documentary, photos and map collection, themed “Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly)- Historical evidence” was opened on September 25th at the Border Guard Academy by the Political Department of the Border Guard Command in the presence of delegates from other army units and schools in Hanoi’s Son Tay Town.

The exhibition showcases a collection of over 100 maps issued by Vietnam, Western countries and China from the 15th century on, affirming Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos, such as “Bản đồ Đại Việt Quốc” (the Dai Viet’s map) in Hong Duc Atlas (1490), “An Nam Đại Quốc Họa Đồ” (the Map of the Great Empire of An Nam) published by French Bishop Jean Louis Taberd (1836) and “Đại Nam nhất thống toàn đồ” (the Complete Map of the Unified Dai Nam) drawn in 1938.

Notably, the exhibition also displayed another collection of 150 maps presented by Tran Cao Thang to confirm that Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Archipelagos belong to Vietnam and reject claims of China’s sovereignty over these two islands. The collection includes maps published by the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, the United States of America, the Soviet Union and Hong Kong (China) from 1626 to 1980, featuring the southernmost point of China’s territory as Hainan Island.

The exhibition aims to raise awareness and responsibility of border troops and local students and people in protecting the national border lines and to contribute to reaffirming the national sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos.

Historical evidences of Vietnam’s Hoang Sa, Truong Sa islands exhibited - People’s Army Newspaper Online

The evidences will be brought to the international court against china's baseless claims...
China and North Vietnam signed to Geneva Accords from 1964, it stated that Islands in southern of 17 pararell belong to South Vietnam state. Pham Van Dong from North Vietnam regime, so he didn't have rights over South Vietnam's territory.

In the letter, Pham Van Dong stated only that North regime in Hanoi repest coast line of China related to North Vietnam only.

China stop lying about true nature of this letter. :coffee:
Geneva 1954, bro.
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