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[Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

1838 Vietnam Map:

Đại Nam entire map drawn in 1838 by Emperor Minh Mạng, it show Paracels and Spratly belong to Vietnam (that time Vietnamese still used Chinese characters)
1838 Vietnam Map:

Đại Nam entire map drawn in 1838 by Emperor Minh Mạng, it show Paracels and Spratly belong to Vietnam (that time Vietnamese still used Chinese characters)

Those islands don't even looks like Paracels and Spratly at all if you compare this map to the modern map.
Those islands don't even looks like Paracels and Spratly at all if you compare this map to the modern map.
You should not ask for a map of Vietnam in 1838 which can be drawn exactly like a modern map today.
You can read the captions on the two islands (by chinese characters), it means Paracels and Spratlys. Clearly, the map shows the two islands belong to Vietnam.
You should not ask for a map of Vietnam in 1838 which can be drawn exactly like a modern map today.
You can read the captions on the two islands (by chinese characters), it means Paracels and Spratlys. Clearly, the map shows the two islands belong to Vietnam.

Of course they can't be as same as the modern one, but at least you have to make them "similiar".
I can't really find any resemblance here. None of the distance and the distribution of the islands march each other.
Are you really sure that 黃沙 and 萬里長沙 are Paracels and Spratlys, isn't there a possibility that you mistaked your 黃沙 and 萬里長沙 to other people's Paracels and Spratlys?
I don't have time to walk you though Chinese texts read 論衡.說苑,白虎通,風俗通義 etc to see that Yuechang's location was unknown.

Which part of the Chinese Han Zi that you Grand Historian could not read?

《 尚书大传 》:
交趾 之南,有 越裳国 ,周公居摄六年,制礼作乐,天下和,越裳氏以三象重译,而献白雉
交阯 ,字亦作 交趾 , 交趾郡 ( 交阯郡 ),西汉郡治,今越南 河内

I have cited the source 《 尚书大传 》, so that you now would have broaden your knowledge about "Yuechang" ...

Need to learn Chinese or Chinese History ... do come to my class Chinese History 101 ... Grand Historian :D
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