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India raises Dalai Lama security after Chinese 'plot'

The delusional bhramins in dehli are getting way out of their league. They are alone screaming about the tibet issue when the
whole world including chinese tibetens don't give a damn. These delusional morons are in need for another 1962 spanking and
this time our chinese friends should take no prisoners.

Are you frekking crazy or what saying the whole world dont give a Damn abt his Holiness.. Go read some books of his rather than just the One book you were given on the day of your birth. Period.
P.S. - We fought bravely , what did U do... begged us for help , Little little abdul running to his dad , " dad.. dad , say to karim to give back my lollipop" Bongs needed to be reminded of their place , which is under our Punjabi Jooti!! NgFU.






Do U need more proof , keep Ur book aside and read His Holiness`s "Beyond Relegion"
Does anyone know what security/police force protects him? I had heard it was SFF but am not 100% and wouldn't is be more prudent to give him Z category security and have NSG protect him? He is someone with genuine threat to him but isn't a protectee??!!
India raises Dalai Lama security after Chinese 'plot'


enior police chiefs in charge of his security are looking to buy chemical and poison detectors to foil any plot to assassinate him.

The Dalai Lama revealed reports of a China-backed conspiracy to kill him by Tibetan women posing as devotees seeking his blessing in an interview with The Daily Telegraph last month.

He had been warned the women would have poisons on their clothes or in their hair which would infect him when he laid his hands on them for a blessing.

"They would have said they were sick, to receive a blessing from me, and my hand would have touched them," he said.

His allegation drew a withering response from China which dismissed the claim as absurd, but it caused alarm among Indian security officials responsible for his safety.
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Despite being the subject of several threats over the years, including some from Tibetan dissidents who reject his non-violent 'Middle Way' to seeking autonomy from Chinese rule, he lives within a relatively relaxed security cordon.

His palace in Dharamsala, at the heart of a Buddhist temple complex, appears to be guarded only by a handful of unarmed security men and scanner.

Now, according to Indian officials, the Dalai Lama, who retired from his role as Tibet's political leader last year, will have his food tested by his personal doctor and be protected by new screening equipment to detect any poisons and harmful chemicals entering his inner sanctum.

"We are looking at chemical detectors to establish what kind are required. The information [of a potential poison attack] is from the Tibetan government in exile so we're looking at what technology is available. This particular threat emanated from Lhasa. They told us there was a threat of a chemical being thrown at him," said I.D Bhandari, Director General of Police in Himachal Pradesh.

India raises Dalai Lama security after Chinese 'plot' - Telegraph

The Dalai Lama is over the hill; His time in the sun is over: Why would China want to kill him after all these years. Why wait 50 long years to kill him? This report is pure propaganda.
I fail to see what good he really did ? His deranged and overzealous followers are turning themselves into BBQ, while all the time this guy enjoying the spoils of a good life, dining and boozing with the rich and famous.

At least Mother Teresa served the people.
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