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President Gül heralds new era in Turkish, Iraqi ties

Sunni and Shia are both at governmental level using religion for political purposes which is part of the terrorism in the region, those that use it on governmental levels ( Saudi Arabia and Iran ). The whole problem lies in politics, they change society, just look at pictures of women in the region a few decades ago and now, it used to be more secular, almost no headscarves in universities now it is going the Islamic direction. Now some think it is good. But take a look at the people who are bringing this change, incompetent backward retards still stuck in old times, sectarians not smart people.

You don't change society without changing the regime, the regimes change society so you know which regimes are to blame, no need to even name them.

Everyone knows where it all started and how it spread.
I thought we Iraqis are Ajam and other things as you referred to us before.

The problem is some Islamic ideologies, ideologies supported by some governments to burn the region and play their sectarian cards, as I said before, governments, that is 2 governments especially who are playing the Sunni Shia game.

Your Ibadi, so you just said that there are too many sects yet you do the same.

I am Ibadi because of my family but does not mean I will fight for such a sect , anyway I agree with you but change has to be slow and gradual , I am not really convinced about these revolutions were seeing right now , that lead only to destruction and we end up with worse regimes " islamists " .

I agree with you but after all we will Just have to wait for gradual slow peaceful change .
The problem both Shia and Sunni made up their own religion rather than sticking to the quran and even in leadership they abandoned the Shura system which was put in place and this is what Sayedna Ali and Hassan and Hussein were fighting over , Mu3awiya system of ruling is what prevailed among Sunnis and Shia .

Sunnis limited Ruling within the hands of king's family and Shia limited Ruling within the family of the prophet.

This is exactly what sayedna Ali was against and if he lived today he would be fighting against both sunnis and shia .

Today Islam is controlled by clerks who make up books and their own fatwas while shia and sunnis follow them like sheep .

Islam is not a clergy religion and this clergy system is what making many youth these days stay away from religion

The simpler the religion the better it is , if we simply followed quran we would have not ended up with so many sects and disagreements among us as muslims leading to worthless wars.
As I said read some Shiite books you want loose nothing actually you'll learn something then when you talk you talk from solid background. to us Shiite in Iraq its not Shia-sunni matter its a life or death because the sunni ruled for decades we didn't see any good from their rule more than backwardness humiliation death and more we want to build a better Iraq better life for all Iraqis a strong Iraq. Shiite are not sectarians if we are trust me we want give any thing to them in terms of rule we wont let them use violence and let the getaway with it since we have the power in all terms and we can stop them the same way Saddam did to us its easy and affordable!!! but this is not the way to build a united peaceful strong society in the country I hope you understand what I try to say.
As I said read some Shiite books you want loose nothing actually you'll learn something then when you talk you talk from solid background. to us Shiite in Iraq its not Shia-sunni matter its a life or death because the sunni ruled for decades we didn't see any good from their rule more than backwardness humiliation death and more we want to build a better Iraq better life for all Iraqis a strong Iraq. Shiite are not sectarians if we are trust me we want give any thing to them in terms of rule we wont let them use violence and let the getaway with it since we have the power in all terms and we can stop them the same way Saddam did to us its easy and affordable!!! but this is not the way to build a united peaceful strong society in the country I hope you understand what I try to say.

I do understand inshallah you will build your country , rabina ma3akom bro .
It seems the Turkish governemnt has gone mad, playing every tune they possibly can. Increasing ties with Iraq for bussiness and to keep a leverage over the Kurds, at the same time supporting the Kurds in north Iraq against the Iraqi governemnt for energy discounts, going against the Kurdish autonomy in Syria, supporting Islamist factions in Syria, Going against Sisi in Egypt. Seems like a recipe for disaster. The Kurds will eventually get some type of self rule in Syria and soon Turkey just as they do in Iraq.

But you can't expect the best relations while at the same time supporting the MB Style protests in Iraq. It's basically a win-loose relation. Turkey gets massive multi-billion contracts while at the same time interfering negatively in Iraqi affairs.
It seems the Turkish governemnt has gone mad, playing every tune they possibly can. Increasing ties with Iraq for bussiness and to keep a leverage over the Kurds, at the same time supporting the Kurds in north Iraq against the Iraqi governemnt for energy discounts, going against the Kurdish autonomy in Syria, supporting Islamist factions in Syria, Going against Sisi in Egypt. Seems like a recipe for disaster. The Kurds will eventually get some type of self rule in Syria and soon Turkey just as they do in Iraq.

But you can't expect the best relations while at the same time supporting the MB Style protests in Iraq. It's basically a win-loose relation. Turkey gets massive multi-billion contracts while at the same time interfering negatively in Iraqi affairs.

I think they will eventually re-think their policies, its only Erdogan who is the extremist one in their administration.
I think they will eventually re-think their policies, its only Erdogan who is the extremist one in their administration.
Next year there are elections anyway, according the guideline of AKP itself Erdogan cant be PM again, i think Erdogan will candidate for President and someone else will thake his place as PM.

And everyone will have his peace in Turkey while Erdogan is sitting in Cankaya manor. :D
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