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President Gül heralds new era in Turkish, Iraqi ties

Any way Saudi loosing Iraqi winning and Turkish done with the Alsaud nonesence policy and crimes checkmate.

they got what they wanted , Northern Iraq oil and gas , its all what Turks looked for . Saudi Arabia only wants to see Iraq neutral and keeps its nose out of Arab Gulf affairs and that has been achieved thanks to Iran and Alqauda policy of weakening Iraq through sectarian based killing on both sides.
Davatoglu is heading in the right direction. It is not a coincidence that both Iranian-Turkish as Iraqi-Turkish relations are improving the last two months. This is a deliberate choice of the Turkish and 'Shia' camp.

Al Maliki simply accepted Turkish Influence over northern Iraq " KRJ " gas and oil deals without central government consent , as the same time Turkey signed oil and gas pipeline deals with Iraqi Kurdistan .

For Turkey it has always been about oil and gas , they only played sectarian card to increase their exports to the Gulf and weaken Iraq and Syria to the point they cannot confront Turkey over its Dam Building projects on Euphrates and tigris rivers , the controversial Ilisu Dam will be operational in 2014 effectively will allow Turkey to control water flow to both Syria and Iraq.

Erdogan used Sunni card to unite Kurds and Turks as one nation Just like how Azeris and Persians united through Shia Islam , Ocalan himself spoke about building an alliance with Turks through Islam . The kurds realize the advantage they would get through their alliance with Turkey , after all Kurdistan is landlocked and Turkey could serve as an export hub for their oil and gas to the outside world in return for supplying Turkey with cheap oil and gas in addition to transit fees .

After all the vital 1/3 of Iraq oil and most of its gas lies in Kurdish controlled parts of Iraq in addition to arable land , while in Syria nearly all its oil and gas fields lies under the Kurdish PYD control , now they are shipping off oil on trucks to Turkey .

Shia and Sunni arabs in Syria and Iraq are the losers of all this thanks to the cult they are following rather than their nationalist interests .
My semantic never indicated such thing, what I'm insinuating was the fact that we can't work anything out with Iraqis under the current government for many reasons.

I don't think that Saudi has ever been a victim to the current Iraqi regime. But, as a matter of fact, they tried to inflict damage on our national security, but thankfully, everything had been dealt with decisively.

It is just that a large portion of the Iraqi Gov't and their religious establishment dislike us to death, nothing more and nothing less.


It is a good thing that Al-Malki openly admitted that he sought to meditate his relations with Saudi via the US, if this points something then I guess it should be the frustration of Al-Maliki's end to the Saudis'


I think you already know the answer to that question :angel: 

Good thing he openly confessed that he happens to have a problem with us, not the other way around, as many prefer to see it.

I would have Al-Maliki any day over Saddam if you ask me , after all thanks to him Iraq has been weakened to the point that it is the new Yemen of middle east.

Saudi Arabia should have relations with Maliki and encourage Sunni Factions to support him , after all the theology of the Dawa party of Iraq does not believe in Islamic state like the mullahs of iran .

offering Al-Maliki to carry Iraq oil through Saudi pipelines to red sea by-passing straight of Hormuz would certainly make him an ally rather than foe , or at least a neutral neighbor .

There is rivalry between Iraq and Iran on selling crude oil to India , Al Maliki visited India for 4 days Just for that.

When it comes to money , gas and oil people forget about their sect , Al-Maliki has his own oil pipeline plans with Jordan to .

If Saudi Arabia improves relation with Iraq it will certainly have a big impact on improving ties between Sunni and Shia Arabs in the region.
I would have Al-Maliki any day over Saddam if you ask me , after all thanks to him Iraq has been weakened to the point that it is the new Yemen of middle east.

Saudi Arabia should have relations with Maliki and encourage Sunni Factions to support him , after all the theology of the Dawa party of Iraq does not believe in Islamic state like the mullahs of iran .

offering Al-Maliki to carry Iraq oil through Saudi pipelines to red sea by-passing straight of Hormuz would certainly make him an ally rather than foe , or at least a neutral neighbor .

There is rivalry between Iraq and Iran on selling crude oil to India , Al Maliki visited India for 4 days Just for that.

When it comes to money , gas and oil people forget about their sect , Al-Maliki has his own oil pipeline plans with Jordan to .

If Saudi Arabia improves relation with Iraq it will certainly have a big impact on improving ties between Sunni and Shia Arabs in the region.

Ehh no.

Saddam weakened a strong Iraq by using it for his dreams like Hitler did, Maliki despite his possible incapability is struggling to rebuild it improving every sector.

Rivalry in oil is for all OPEC states.
Ehh no.

Saddam weakened a strong Iraq by using it for his dreams like Hitler did, Maliki despite his possible incapability is struggling to rebuild it improving every sector.

Rivalry in oil is for all OPEC states.

We now moved ahead with petro-chemicals long time ago , building such an industry takes 3 decades at least .

our petro-chemical industry is now main export generator , no longer raw crude oil makes a difference for us .

We have diversified away from oil in other fields and have one of the world's largest investment funds , the OPEC rivalry will be mostly between Iraq and Iran " when sanctions removed" .

Saudi Arabia has been reducing crude oil exports to use it as a feedstock for its petro-chemical and chemical industry.

Ehh no.

Saddam weakened a strong Iraq by using it for his dreams like Hitler did, Maliki despite his possible incapability is struggling to rebuild it improving every sector.

Rivalry in oil is for all OPEC states.

Well Maliki is much better than Saddam after all , good he is dead after all .
We now moved ahead with petro-chemicals long time ago , building such an industry takes 3 decades at least .

our petro-chemical industry is now main export generator , no longer raw crude oil makes a difference for us .

We have diversified away from oil in other fields and have one of the world's largest investment funds , the OPEC rivalry will be mostly between Iraq and Iran " when sanctions removed" .

Saudi Arabia has been reducing crude oil exports to use it as a feedstock for its petro-chemical and chemical industry.

Well Maliki is much better than Saddam after all , good he is dead after all .

The west & Asia don’t need refined oil for a higher price, they can refine it themselves the best, it’s mostly for internal use to refine oil.

Your Malaysian btw.
The west & Asia don’t need refined oil for a higher price, they can refine it themselves the best, it’s mostly for internal use to refine oil.

Your Malaysian btw.

Well were exporting refined products all around the world Today and feeding such a strategic industry requires availability of really cheap crude oil which we already have.

SABIC exports last year and its affiliates was 100 billion dollars and they have developed technologies to increase production and save costs.

Developing Such an industry requires heavy investment not all countries can afford unless they have oil fields to feed it .

China itself cant meet its own petro-chemical needs and has joined in financing the world largest refinery in Saudi Arabia .

We also have light industry that needs petro-chemicals , its a wide industry with many opportunities.

The west & Asia don’t need refined oil for a higher price, they can refine it themselves the best, it’s mostly for internal use to refine oil.

Your Malaysian btw.

My Father is from UAE and I have citizenship
Well were exporting refined products all around the world Today and feeding such a strategic industry requires availability of really cheap crude oil which we already have.

SABIC exports last year and its affiliates was 100 billion dollars and they have developed technologies to increase production and save costs.

Developing Such an industry requires heavy investment not all countries can afford unless they have oil fields to feed it .

China itself cant meet its own petro-chemical needs and has joined in financing the world largest refinery in Saudi Arabia .

We also have light industry that needs petro-chemicals , its a wide industry with many opportunities.

Refineries are expensive ( in billions ) but they are building many of them.
Iraq signs $6 billion refinery contract with Swiss firm| Reuters

I’m not an oil expert to argue about this btw so theres no point in it.
Refineries are expensive ( in billions ) but they are building many of them.
Iraq signs $6 billion refinery contract with Swiss firm| Reuters

I’m not an oil expert to argue about this btw so theres no point in it.

It is good Iraq is diversifying to , it will allow you to utilize your natural resources in a much better way. The thing most industries around the world from Automobiles to electronics rely on petro-chemical produced products as a raw material for their own industries.

For instance plastics , tyres and many other car components are made from petro-chemical products . The chemical industry forms 20% of USA industrial sector.

You see this is why we all want peace to be able to maximize the use of our natural resources , if we keep extremists aside then we can all live without tensions .

We will always have our differences but we need to get off each others throat at some point , joint projects that would align our economic interests would force our leaders to keep extremists at bay .

Iraq pipeline Projects with both Turkey and Jordan is a way of reducing these tensions after all Iraq leaders do not only want to rely on Hormuz .

Turks and Persians think of their national interests before sect interests and I am sure one day Arabs will do the same .
Refineries are expensive ( in billions ) but they are building many of them.
Iraq signs $6 billion refinery contract with Swiss firm| Reuters

I’m not an oil expert to argue about this btw so theres no point in it.

By the way building refineries takes time and requires strong security that is why Iraq needs to curb on sectarianism from both sides.

you also have to develop ports with huge capacity to handle exporting and storing such products that is why Iraq might need to join in developing Jordan ports along with the pipelines there and also build logistics in Egypt close to European markets.

This industry is really big and requires you to have investments outside your own country even close to major economies like EU .

There are huge investments made in both Turkey and Egypt in petrochemicals even though both countries do not have huge oil reserves , Just because of their proximity to EU and the free tade agreements they have with it which exempts both countries from the tariffs imposed by EU on such products.

This is why Russians are trying to influence both Egypt and Syria to keep away any Major gas or oil deals that would bypass Russian land and end its domination on EU market.

Think of energy and you will understand why we have all these conflicts .
By the way building refineries takes time and requires strong security that is why Iraq needs to curb on sectarianism from both sides.

you also have to develop ports with huge capacity to handle exporting and storing such products that is why Iraq might need to join in developing Jordan ports along with the pipelines there and also build logistics in Egypt close to European markets.

This industry is really big and requires you to have investments outside your own country even close to major economies like EU .

There are huge investments made in both Turkey and Egypt in petrochemicals even though both countries do not have huge oil reserves , Just because of their proximity to EU and the free tade agreements they have with it which exempts both countries from the tariffs imposed by EU on such products.

This is why Russians are trying to influence both Egypt and Syria to keep away any Major gas or oil deals that would bypass Russian land and end its domination on EU market.

Think of energy and you will understand why we have all these conflicts .

They are already doing all of that, it costs billions of dollars but those are available but as you said, it takes time before such projects are finished and become operational.

Anyway to argue oil industry you shouldn’t be arguing with me but rather someone with more interest in it.
They are already doing all of that, it costs billions of dollars but those are available but as you said, it takes time before such projects are finished and become operational.

Anyway to argue oil industry you shouldn’t be arguing with me but rather someone with more interest in it.

I am not arguing with you , infact good Iraq is investment heavily in oil industry , that means in future once these projects end Iraq will concentrate only on internal development and stay out of the worthless sectarian conflict in region.

To reach global markets Iraq will need Jordan and Turkey to ship off its oil to EU and Asia . After all you cannot Just rely on Hormuz straight and its heavily congested anyway .

Today 65% of our own oil exports bypass hormuz through pipelines and we have built refineries overseas also not Just in UAE , Saudi Arabia for instance has refineries in more than 20 countries .

The reason Egypt matters a lot to the Gulf is because we have a 3 million barrel oil pipline running from red sea port of Sukhna all the way to Alexandria on meditteranean sea and we have several petrochemical refineries there refining the crude oil passed there in addition to the Suez Canal to where our ship gains special treatments and passes first.

This is why we do not want any Islamic government taking over Egypt because we know those sub-humans will ruin everything up.

Refineries are expensive ( in billions ) but they are building many of them.
Iraq signs $6 billion refinery contract with Swiss firm| Reuters

I’m not an oil expert to argue about this btw so theres no point in it.

When it comes to oil and gas you find weird alliances .

The Russians supported sanctions against Iran oil and gas sectors Just to keep prices up .
Iraq signs 18 billion dollar pipeline Project with Jordan .

Now this is the type of strategic projects I am talking about , if this project is complete both Jordan and Iraq would become allies.

Iraq, Jordan Sign Oil $18bn Pipeline Deal | Iraq Business News

Jordan does not have any valuable oil field but has a strategic location for oil exports away from straight of Hormuz , while Iraq is landlocked but has huge reserves of oil .

When you combine Iraq and Jordan then here you go a strong alliance that can change a lot in the region away from both Gulf and Iran countries.

maybe in Future a moderate nationalist Arab alliance between Egypt , Jordan and Iraq will change a lot in this region , the hope will be on the young youth in these countries.
Iraq signs 18 billion dollar pipeline Project with Jordan .

Now this is the type of strategic projects I am talking about , if this project is complete both Jordan and Iraq would become allies.

Iraq, Jordan Sign Oil $18bn Pipeline Deal | Iraq Business News
Grand faw port will (high speed) rail connected to Berlin through Turkey, that project is bigger then the pipeline with Jordan therefor I already stated earlier Turkey-Iraq will not be enemies in the future anyway because the faw port interests bring more money to both.

Jordan does not have any valuable oil field but has a strategic location for oil exports away from straight of Hormuz , while Iraq is landlocked but has huge reserves of oil .
Not landlocked, more coastline than Jordan but I take the point..

As for the dams story.

With last year and this years havy rain, climate change is bringing in a lot of water in the rivers and land, the water hitting the ground adds to the rivers as groundwater, it’s not as big as an issue as you portray.
Recently the dams of Iraq are full because of the rain it even changes the most "desert" areas, all the land around the rivers are arable, enough for export to the world.

Heres recent satellite images, you can see the greenery this is a small part of Southern Iraq, it’s not as much of a desert as google maps shows, with the current rate of restoration of agriculture all the land among and between the 2 rivers will eventually be greenland able to grow foods.



I’m not here to argue theories of what might and could happen was what your doing, I just look at development, as for theories there are millions of things that can happen so what is the the point of concluding the outcome not knowing it after all.
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they got what they wanted , Northern Iraq oil and gas , its all what Turks looked for . Saudi Arabia only wants to see Iraq neutral and keeps its nose out of Arab Gulf affairs and that has been achieved thanks to Iran and Alqauda policy of weakening Iraq through sectarian based killing on both sides.
what are saying is totally out of your disappointment what happen is that your erdogan felt that his dreams about Iraq Syria is a mere delusion so they send their uglu to Iraq for better relationship. Now for the Kurdistan gas they work with Iraqi Gov to solve the issue and we are dealing with the Kurds now in soft manner for time being. about Saudi their dirty work in Iraq its not to keep it from sticking its nose in the gulf countries its actually to keep the country unstable hopnig another suny pig get-over Iraq control which is a mere delusion since the suny people in Iraq work with the Iraqi gov against the Saudi-Turkey terrorists so at the end we winning you loosing, check mate.
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