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Powerful Late Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Pakistan

Some factions in Iran Specially IRGC are hardcore Anti-Pakistan they consider us an extension of their past civilization and the fact that they cant exert influence on Pakistani state to their advantage pains them. Pakistan was able nip the evil in the bud and no major Iranian Proxies in Pakistan survived. We are already barely keeping the Iranian assets in Pakistan under control.

What pains me most is that a vast majority of my countrymen have Loyalties in Tehran, Riyadh, and DC and dont have any care of Islamabad interests and security dynamics.

Had our Security apparatus been incompetent the sectarian violence in Pakistan would have gotten out of control. Not to mention they consider us and Turks a threat against their Expansionist Plans.

My only fear is that if there is indeed a major War the refugee Crisis and economic fallout will cost us alot and 2020s may become another lost decade like 1990s and 2010s.
Some factions in Iran Specially IRGC are hardcore Anti-Pakistan they consider us an extension of their past civilization and the fact that they cant exert influence on Pakistani state to their advantage pains them. Pakistan was able nip the evil in the bud and no major Iranian Proxies in Pakistan survived. We are already barely keeping the Iranian assets in Pakistan under control.

What pains me most is that a vast majority of my countrymen have Loyalties in Tehran, Riyadh, and DC and dont have any care of Islamabad interests and security dynamics.

Had our Security apparatus been incompetent the sectarian violence in Pakistan would have gotten out of control. Not to mention they consider us and Turks a threat against their Expansionist Plans.

My only fear is that if there is indeed a major War the refugee Crisis and economic fallout will cost us alot and 2020s may become another lost decade like 1990s and 2010s.

I am already reading some Anti Pakistan and Anti Govt and Anti Army comments from Pakistani Shia .. :tsk:
I am already reading some Anti Pakistan and Anti Govt and Anti Army comments from Pakistani Shia
Confronting our Fellow countrymen(13-18%) is what our mortal enemies desire. Our authorities need to talk to their leaders before it gets out of hand.
Confronting our Fellow countrymen(13-18%) is what our mortal enemies desire. Our authorities need to talk to their leaders before it gets out of hand.

well you can't talk to these people who are more Iranians than Iranians themselves, and their loyalties are with Tehran not with Islamabad, I hate those people who will curse their own country, army and Govt for Tehran and Riyad .
It needs some special kind of intellectual dishonesty to deny that Solemani was single handedly responsible for butchering hundreds of thousands of Sunni Muslims in Syria. How can we forget the cries and tears from Aleppo, Raqqa, Mosul and Idlib? Those poor innocent sunni civilians that were ruthlessly butchered just to protect Iranian interests in the region.

Tell me, am I being sectarian here or this actually happend in Syria recently?

Alhumdulillah this tyrant was steam roasted by tyrants bigger than him. May he get what he deserves in the afterlife. No doubt, Allah eventually destroys every Pharoah.
Iranians are hard core Nationalists and their Public thrive on anti Sunni Propaganda , honestly this General means nothing to Pakistan except someone who threatened Pakistan but his killing will have dire consequences on region, for that reason I am against his killing but for what he did to Sunni Muslims in region for that his death was long overdue .

I dont like when Pakistanis Sugarcoat him as some kind of a Muslim Hero who stood against American Israeli and ISIS evil axis.

That guy was responsible for changing the demographics of Syria in favor of Assad from Damascus to Homs and Lebanese border you wont find many Sunnis. They have imported entire communities from elsewhere to secure Syrian Core. Just check the religion of Syrian refugees in Jordan and Turkey 95 percent of them are Sunnis. This guy planned and executed the Butchery in Aleppo all the while Justifying it under the guise of Fighting ISIS.

Call a Spade a Spade we shouldn't shed any tears for him just as we shouldn't if tomorrow some one blows up MBS. Pakistan and its interests should always come first.
FC is ripe with corruption,specially the border guards.

Its a porous border. Its not like they have a transit terminal refinery.

The problem is more on the Iranian side than Pakistan. It seems that local population on the Iranian side cannot be weaned off smuggling. Be it carpets or oil.
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