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Iran equips vessels with 2,000-km-range anti ship cruise missiles


Feb 10, 2022
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Tehran (IP) - Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has for the first time equipped its vessels with a new type of indigenous cruise missile that has a range of up to 2,000 kilometers.

Iran Press/ Iran news: Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri made the announcement on Monday.
"Qadr-474" cruise missiles had been mounted on two classes of the IRGC Navy vessels, namely Martyr Mahdavi and Martyr Soleimani, according to Tangsiri.

He said that the advanced Soleimani warship, named after Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, has been equipped with various types of missiles with ranges of 200, 300, 750, and 2,000 kilometers.

Tangsiri added that the IRGC Navy is going to employ a new coast-to-sea cruise missile, named after Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis. The Abu Mahdi missile and two other cruise missiles with 750-km and 2,000-km ranges are smart, can be guided and go after a new target before the explosion, and can be launched even from regions deep in the land and behind the mountains to hit naval targets, he continued.

The senior commander also stated that the IRGC Navy will unveil four Soleimani-class vessels in the current Iranian year, noting that the new military catamarans can travel at a speed of 45 knots and are furnished with 300 km and 750 km missiles.

Ashura and Zolfaqar vessels had also been equipped with Kosar-200 and Kosar-222 defense missile systems, he concluded.
I feel that the naval engineers of Iran enjoy making catamarans of this kind. He seems to have fun doing it and when the passion, ingenuity and imagination is there then they can go a long way.
is QADR-474 just naval designation of Soumar LA-CM. The 2000 KM range matches the description

View attachment 934313

Hoveyzeh otherwise is in 1300-1400 KM range domain

They had also revealed the Abu Mahdi, which appeared to be a naval version of the Soumar with a range of 1000km:


I am assuming the Qadr is based on this same platform, but it could also be based on the Paveh platform. I'll be curious if they'll end up developing a low RCS naval cruise missile in the form factor of missiles like AGM-129 (which is air launched). Question is, to what extend would such low RCS cruise missiles reduce the reaction time of the American navy, i.e would they even make that much difference? It'll probably be better focusing on reducing the cost of these systems so you can deliver a swarm attack cost effectively, which is probably what the point of Paveh is (but a for a ground attack role).
They had also revealed the Abu Mahdi, which appeared to be a naval version of the Soumar with a range of 1000km:


I am assuming the Qadr is based on this same platform, but it could also be based on the Paveh platform. I'll be curious if they'll end up developing a low RCS naval cruise missile in the form factor of missiles like AGM-129 (which is air launched). Question is, to what extend would such low RCS cruise missiles reduce the reaction time of the American navy, i.e would they even make that much difference? It'll probably be better focusing on reducing the cost of these systems so you can deliver a swarm attack cost effectively, which is probably what the point of Paveh is (but a for a ground attack role).

Abu Mehdi is similar to Hoveyzeh which is 1350 KM in Land attack mode. Qdr-474 seems to be Paveh or Soumar's Naval version, the 2000 KM range seems about right for Paveh/Soumar.

Soleimani Missile Corvettes are turning out to be heavily armed. IRGC-N is building 12 of them. On their own, they can inflict some serious damage to any navy in the vicinity.

Hull design


Sensors and processing systems

AESA Radar

EW warfare package

2 × Chaff dispensers


1 × 30 mm auto-canon

4 × 20 mm gatling guns (Triple barrelled)

Cruise Missiles (Box + VLS)

6 × Qadr-474 Long range Anti-ship cruise missiles (2000 KM)

4 x Noor/Ghader Mid range cruise missiles (300 KM)

2 x Nasir Short range cruise missiles

Airdefence (VLS)

16 × Sayad 3 surface to air missiles (200 KM)


Aircraft carried 1 x helicopter

3 × Fast attack boats.
Abu Mehdi is similar to Hoveyzeh which is 1350 KM in Land attack mode. Qdr-474 seems to be Paveh or Soumar's Naval version, the 2000 KM range seems about right for Paveh/Soumar.

Soleimani Missile Corvettes are turning out to be heavily armed. IRGC-N is building 12 of them. On their own, they can inflict some serious damage to any navy in the vicinity.

Hull design


Sensors and processing systems

AESA Radar

EW warfare package

2 × Chaff dispensers


1 × 30 mm auto-canon

4 × 20 mm gatling guns (Triple barrelled)

Cruise Missiles (Box + VLS)

6 × Qadr-474 Long range Anti-ship cruise missiles (2000 KM)

4 x Noor/Ghader Mid range cruise missiles (300 KM)

2 x Nasir Short range cruise missiles

Airdefence (VLS)

16 × Sayad 3 surface to air missiles (200 KM)


Aircraft carried 1 x helicopter

3 × Fast attack boats.

The IRGC naval commander also talked about using ballistic missiles on naval ships. He also (a few months ago) said " sale dige, ye mooshaki miyad ke amerikahiya fekresho nakonand", I am assuming it will be a naval based ballistic missile. From his wording, it must be something potent.
The IRGC naval commander also talked about using ballistic missiles on naval ships. He also (a few months ago) said " sale dige, ye mooshaki miyad ke amerikahiya fekresho nakonand", I am assuming it will be a naval based ballistic missile. From his wording, it must be something potent.

They can technically launch AShBM Zolfaghar Basir or Persian Gulf Missile from ships easily considering they are mobile TEL-based systems.

What I would hope for is a supersonic AShCM or LACM in 2000 KM range category.
Since when is Sayyad-3 on Solemani Ship? I never heard that. Is this a recent development?

The senior commander also stated that the IRGC Navy will unveil four Soleimani-class vessels in the current Iranian year, noting that the new military catamarans can travel at a speed of 45 knots and are furnished with 300 km and 750 km missiles.

That will be 6 Solemani ships built in less than 3 years. Meanwhile Iran Navy cannot build even 1 Mowdj vessel in 3 years.

At the current pace, the IRGC Navy will exceed the Iranian Navy in terms of large surface vessels in next 10 years or so.
is QADR-474 just naval designation of Soumar LA-CM. The 2000 KM range matches the description

View attachment 934313

Hoveyzeh otherwise is in 1300-1400 KM range domain
The Soumar generation is way expensive than the jet powered cruise missiles developed in Iran. I hope they continue with improving the range of Ya-Ali generation plus other jet powered ones,

From what i saw with RUssia's depleting resources, conclusion is, it is better to develop cost-effective solutions rather than luxury items in this field such as mini-turbofan engines.
From what i saw with RUssia's depleting resources, conclusion is, it is better to develop cost-effective solutions rather than luxury items in this field such as mini-turbofan engines.
their problem is they are using-3000-4000km cruise missile to target 500km away , that is quiet a waste of resources
ya-ali have 700km of range and could satisfy more than 95% of russia needs in ukraine
The Soumar generation is way expensive than the jet powered cruise missiles developed in Iran. I hope they continue with improving the range of Ya-Ali generation plus other jet powered ones,

That is true. That is why the hoveyzeh variant was built. It’s more economical.

Replicating the soumar engine in a cost effective manner became difficult. Unless you are going to slap a nuke on it or only use it for a high value target, it’s too expensive to deploy in mass amounts.

Cruise missiles you need to be able to fire hundreds if not thousands as a decent % get intercepted due to slow speed and higher RCS. Thus cost plays a big part.

ya-ali have 700km of range and could satisfy more than 95% of russia needs in ukraine
Can you show me a picture of Ya-Ali in mass production form?

I have yet to see this missile outside of the prototype red paint.
Can you show me a picture of Ya-Ali in mass production form?

I have yet to see this missile outside of the prototype red paint.
have you ever saw Shahid-Abumahdi or Sumar or Hoveyzeh or.... in orange ?
do you believe they never were in prototype stage?

by the way if its not even in mass production right now it will become mass produced if the order for it come out.
and here the discussion was not russia buy ya-ali . here it pointe out rusia lack of short or medium range cruise missile and the fact that they had to use long range ones
big missile wouldn't want to be in the receiving end of that

it would cut the Israeli Sa'ar 5 in half
their problem is they are using-3000-4000km cruise missile to target 500km away , that is quiet a waste of resources
ya-ali have 700km of range and could satisfy more than 95% of russia needs in ukraine
I don't believe they cannot build a cruise missile in tha range equipped with their traditionally developed mini-turbofan engines. Their problem is that they never thought of cost-efficiency. Iranian mini-turbojet engines is the way to go. We have learnt from the 8 years war, war is not a joke, it is not a place to demonstrate your luxury items. You need something to fight with, with mid to good range quality hence cost-effective.
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