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Polish Woman Drugged, Raped In India By Taxi Driver

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Polish Woman Drugged, Raped In India By Taxi Driver
Police Hunt For The Accused

NEW DELHI, Jan 5, (AFP): A Polish woman was drugged and raped as she travelled to the Indian capital with her two-year-daughter, police said Sunday, the latest in a string of sexual attacks on women in the country.

The woman, 33, and her daughter were travelling in a taxi from the city of Mathura where they live to New Delhi last Thursday when she was allegedly raped by the driver.

The driver drugged the woman at some point during the 150 kms (93-mile) journey and she was attacked after she passed out, Delhi police spokesman Rajan Bhagat told AFP.

The woman woke up on a bench outside a railway station in New Delhi with her toddler crying by her side, the officer said, adding that details of the attack were still unknown. “It is still a bit unclear, but prima facie, it seems she sat (in the taxi) voluntarily.

But yes, thereafter, in the car he drugged her using some spray... medical report has confirmed rape,” he said. The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, reported the incident to police who are searching for the driver, Bhagat said.
Polish Woman Drugged, Raped In India By Taxi Driver
Police Hunt For The Accused

NEW DELHI, Jan 5, (AFP): A Polish woman was drugged and raped as she travelled to the Indian capital with her two-year-daughter, police said Sunday, the latest in a string of sexual attacks on women in the country.

The woman, 33, and her daughter were travelling in a taxi from the city of Mathura where they live to New Delhi last Thursday when she was allegedly raped by the driver.

The driver drugged the woman at some point during the 150 kms (93-mile) journey and she was attacked after she passed out, Delhi police spokesman Rajan Bhagat told AFP.

The woman woke up on a bench outside a railway station in New Delhi with her toddler crying by her side, the officer said, adding that details of the attack were still unknown. “It is still a bit unclear, but prima facie, it seems she sat (in the taxi) voluntarily.

But yes, thereafter, in the car he drugged her using some spray... medical report has confirmed rape,” he said. The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, reported the incident to police who are searching for the driver, Bhagat said.

India should pass a law prohibit women from travel without another man. This is a brutal idea but what is needed for the safety of women in India.
This is getting disgusting day by day; it has already damaged the tourism sector in India more of that will just put unrecoverable outcomes to tourism in India.
UP..those folks dont learn easily. :X

Hope that cabbie gets caught and hanged soon.
This is getting disgusting day by day; it has already damaged the tourism sector in India more of that will just put unrecoverable outcomes to tourism in India.

its just rapes being reported in India , nothing more...Statistics show India is far far safer than any western country(New Delhi excluded) ...

the folks in U.P and Delhi are a weird bunch..
Unfortunately she placed her trust where it didn't belong.
catch him and put the foreskin around his neck, or hang him by his balls.
There should a mandatory death sentence for rape cases if proven beyond doubt.
If you look at my post...I love to troll as much as the next guy. But these endless rape articles are getting very old. If you look at a population the size of the US, (a little over 317 million) you are going to find an amazing amount of idiots who do idiotic things. India has over a billion...plus is poorer on average (less education and options when you decide to do something idiotic). These post mean nor prove a damned thing....this stuff happens everywhere (yes, even in sainted Islamic countries where it is not reported, or just considered a marriage etc). Let's keep the trolling to national policy, etc., where a real case can be made for institutional stupidity...if we look for individual cases....we can find them all day. (now if a whole village is complicit, that goes towards "institutional")
Spicy food !

You don't have any idea about spicy ketchup !
We have "Whataburgers" here in Texas....so I know a little about spicy ketchup!

Just noticed the ratings the "mods" have given me. Not sure if I should be insulted or flattered that they pay attention.
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