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Woman judge raped in India - UP.

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Events like those happening in my state make me hang my head in shame.

Each time this party comes to power the law &order situation takes a dip.This time its gone too far.

The Govt in New Delhi will not take immediate action for two reasons - it is giving the legitimate party time to mend their ways which they should and next, sacking them Govt needs Presidents ok and initiating this so soon would give everyone a point to rally behind.

This Govt will go but in a while.

Why do some people in UP support this father-son criminal duo? And would they be pissed if the Central government threw them out?
No one invests in UP; even if any investment comes, it is in Western UP in three districts which are adjacent to Delhi.
Delhi too has the issue of Rape the very popular happened last year. I dont think its poverty or investment its the mindset of indian men that is the issue. when they see girls they feel like they are **** machine i think.
Why do some people in UP support this father-son criminal duo? And would they be pissed if the Central government threw them out?

See, the Indian voter invariably hates the party in power. More often than not the party in power gets voted out unless it does some earth shattering improvements like BJP in Gujarat, MP & Chattisgarh . In Punjab when the Akalis won for the second time in a row they were more surprised than anyone else.

This party in UP replaced the BSP - they have been taking turns because the national parties - Congress & BJP had lost their voters on local issues. Now, with the BJP doing unexpectedly well in UP they will win hands down in this state.

To answer your Q , the people will not be pissed off if this Govt is sacked but it will make all other parties worst fears come true and that ' I told you so..' thing will start.

The Central Govt is doing the right thing by giving them a long rope.
Delhi too has the issue of Rape the very popular happened last year. I dont think its poverty or investment its the mindset of indian men that is the issue. when they see girls they feel like they are **** machine i think.

I read about this sometime last year. Whatever it is, since UP is the most populous state in the Republic of India (almost 200 million), this is a major issue and not something that should be 'swept under the carpet' so to say. This must be addressed to ensure international confidence in India's ability to prosecute rapists and domestic violence.
Why do some people in UP support this father-son criminal duo? And would they be pissed if the Central government threw them out?

It's un-constitutional.... people selected shit and should bear consequences of there selection.... ironic/ sad but true
See, the Indian voter invariably hates the party in power. More often than not the party in power gets voted out unless it does some earth shattering improvements like BJP in Gujarat, MP & Chattisgarh . In Punjab when the Akalis won for the second time in a row they were more surprised than anyone else.

This party in UP replaced the BSP - they have been taking turns because the national parties - Congress & BJP had lost their voters on local issues. Now, with the BJP doing unexpectedly well in UP they will win hands down in this state.

To answer your Q , the people will not be pissed off if this Govt is sacked but it will make all other parties worst fears come true and that ' I told you so..' thing will start.

The Central Govt is doing the right thing by giving them a long rope.

Thanks for the clarification.
Why do some people in UP support this father-son criminal duo? And would they be pissed if the Central government threw them out?

If you watch game of thrones, you will understand the dynamics of keeping inept ruler of land has it's benefits to other players
Why do some people in UP support this father-son criminal duo? And would they be pissed if the Central government threw them out?

Yadavs support them because both father son duo are yadavs and muslims support them because these criminal duo wear skullcap and abuse BJP in public, everything that a muslim wants in UP. Together they form 26% voting block and are very difficult to be thrown out of power.

Delhi too has the issue of Rape the very popular happened last year. I dont think its poverty or investment its the mindset of indian men that is the issue. when they see girls they feel like they are **** machine i think.

These instances of rape are different from those of Delhi. In Delhi instances of rape are individual crime and police prosecute rapist to full extent of law

while in UP, Rapes are taking place as a tacit of political intimidation with connivance of local Police, and as a punishment for not voting for SP government in general election.

If you watch game of thrones, you will understand the dynamics of keeping inept ruler of land has it's benefits to other players

He is not inept and criminality including rapes in UP are not by accident but by design.
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Yadavs support them because both father son duo are yadavs and muslims support them because these criminal duo wear skullcap and abuse BJP in public, everything that a muslim wants in UP. Together they form 26% voting block and are very difficult to be thrown out of power.

These instances of rape are different from those of Delhi. In Delhi instances of rape are individual crime and police prosecute rapist to full extent of law

while in UP, Rapes are taking place as a tacit of political intimidation with connivance of local Police, and as a punishment for not voting for SP government in general election. It is a moot point that perpetrators in all these rapes were yadavs.
When BSP is in power they did same then SP tomorrow Congress or BJP will have same issue to overcome. God save Daughter of UP.
What is President's rule?

When law and order system in the state is out of control(that means there is widespread violence) which state government fails to control it or when no party in the state's legislative Assembly has majority to form the government, then Central Government can apply president's rule and the Governor rules the state until next the chief minister is elected. Governors are nominated by Central government.
When BSP is in power they did same then SP tomorrow Congress or BJP will have same issue to overcome. God save Daughter of UP.

Both Congress and BJP are answerable to whole of India and their reign in any state is tempered by national concerns.This kind of shit never takes place in BJP or Congress ruled states because perpetrators know that they would be prosecuted even if CM belong to their own community because these parties could not afford to sully their reputation on national level.

On top of that BSP never supported criminals openly like SP. Their government was harshest for Criminals in past 20 years.
Like China there should be strong law and effective law implementing agency to control this epidemic. Some time i feel communism is better than democracy taking this kind of social issues on consideration
its not like rape isn't happening elsewhere, but over here its strange,brutal, cold-hearted and completely fearless of the law & judgement

what kind of people live in UP, I mean like language and culture wise, if you don't mind me asking, just curious?
The kind of people that live in UP are the ones you dont wanna know . But still two kinds of people live here one who work day and night for a peice of bread and the second one who sit tight at home all day long like nawabs .
The language spoken is mainly hindi and urdu while you may find english speaking people in parts of Lucknow and Noida . The attitude which is the main cause of its backwardness is Chalta hai attitude . Here no one takes the responsibility , maybe this was a reason I left India to work outside .
However the best thing about UP is its food . Trust me I have travelled all over India with my friends and when you compare the food with Mumbai or Chennai you would know the difference .
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