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pol l in chinese defence forum about gaza conflict

The Muslim world is 1.7 billion strong

hugh land mass with an immense amount of resources and potential

a future world power

israel is a tiny entity with 7 million population almost 2 million of whom are arab/Muslim and limited resources

Anyone who stands with israel brutality and occupation of Palestine will be reminded of it in the future

You cant expect to support israel then work with the muslim world
hahaha keep making a fool of yourself. Israel is 7 million, and yet is putting 1.7 billion to shame

The result would be same in pretty much every non Muslim country. People around the world are so fed up with Islamist extremism that most people would favor Israel regardless of the civilian casualty in Gaza.
You couldn't be more wrong. People are fed up with Israel not giving a damn and bombing children with no remorse.
As a Chinese, I'm gonna tell the truth. Ordinary Chinese supporting Israel because of western media influence? Hell no. It is the Chinese Muslims who totally ruined their image. No one could love them if you know how they think, how they talk and how they act. If you want to be loved, please be a good person first. I didn't see any merit Muslims had delivered to us.
As a Chinese, I'm gonna tell the truth. Ordinary Chinese supporting Israel because of western media influence? Hell no. It is the Chinese Muslims who totally ruined their image. No one could love them if you know how they think, how they talk and how they act. If you want to be loved, please be a good person first. I didn't see any merit Muslims had delivered to us.
Gotta agree with this one. This is the same situation in most countries. To be honest Muslims have proved themselves to be a virus that causes trouble wherever they go. Years ago I used to support Palestine but now it's totally different.
most of them just hate muslim extremnist more.
because we have similar problem.

Hamas is 'muslim extremist'? Are you guys ****** kidding me? 'Anti-terror' war?

Gotta agree with this one. This is the same situation in most countries. To be honest Muslims have proved themselves to be a virus that causes trouble wherever they go. Years ago I used to support Palestine but now it's totally different.

I'm going to kindly you ask you to take that statement back. It would upset many of your friends here.

As a Chinese, I'm gonna tell the truth. Ordinary Chinese supporting Israel because of western media influence? Hell no. It is the Chinese Muslims who totally ruined their image. No one could love them if you know how they think, how they talk and how they act. If you want to be loved, please be a good person first. I didn't see any merit Muslims had delivered to us.

That makes no sense at all. So according to your logic, because Americans happen to be Christian. If I don't like their actions I should condemn every white christian in the world if a conflict erupted in some European nation even if they're defending their selves.

What a pathetic logic, no, I would support who's right in that case. If white Christians were under occupation I would support them.

Further, Muslims on this forum out of fear of upsetting Chinese make no mention of China's human rights violations or killings of the Uyghurs. Even though they can mention that and turn China's reputation to garbage within days.
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Not surprised, to the common Chinese citizen, they don't see the distinction between Hamas and ETIM.
CD forum is mostly pro-West right-wing.

A left-wing forum will have the opposite result.
The wording on the Poll is pro-Israel so I'm not surprised by the outcome.

and don't forget that western still has their greatest weapon against china .... economic sanction

Why would we sanction our top importer? That's stupid and would put huge pressure on any other country that will replace them.
I would be VERY concerned if I were you.

The same Western propaganda which has convinced Chinese people to support Israel over Muslims will eventually convince them to hate their own government,

And, before you talk of "Muslim" extremists, the CCP has been careful to de-link the Xinjiang conflict from religion and present it as an ethnic, separatist conflict. The fact that you, and so many Chinese, view the Xinjiang conflict as a religious conflict shows that Western propaganda is winning hands down within China over the CCP narrative.

thats exactly i was thinking n this is the ground reality..
Frankly as a common civilian,we are strongly against the Israel's behavior of bombarding Palestine civilians.
The poll could hardly represent the majority of the netizens because most of Chinese support Palestine to protect their homeland and civilians and think Israeli is too greedy and stingy.But I want to say that we are very scared at muslim extremist because those bastards kills a lot of civilians in China not only officials.As a common people,frankly it is very hard to distinguish the details inside but it simply leads to passive way.It is not only in China but in many many nations.Anyway we must get along well with muslim though they are in a mess now.Even though we are not familiar,we must respect.
Some members here pointed that Chinese are kind of racist.Which part of ethnic minority is looked down upon in China?China has 56 ethnic groups and we get along well in general though recently there are plenty of terrorism.
In our TV,the news just tells us the battle is going on and there are many many common civilians dead.We always could see the Hamas leader and the Israel premier to express their protest.What we common cilivians could do is to condole those Palestine deceased.We are not very familiar with muslim religion though we have business with them but we don't have influence there.That is truth.
Down south of my country 21 civilians got killed by waring faction of muslim tribes.I would say the poll in China and India is the same with my country
Indians and Chinese share common views on this topic. Once we solved border issue, I believe Inida would become a far more comfortable neighbour for China.

CD forum is mostly pro-West right-wing.

A left-wing forum will have the opposite result.
You are totally wrong on this. If this poll happened in Tianya, you will see even higher numbers.
Indians and Chinese share common views on this topic. Once we solved border issue, I believe Inida would become a far more comfortable neighbour for China.

You are totally wrong on this. If this poll happened in Tianya, you will see even higher numbers.

The Palestinians have done nothing wrong to China, and I don't think it is ok to taunt other people's misfortune.

I would be VERY concerned if I were you.

The same Western propaganda which has convinced Chinese people to support Israel over Muslims will eventually convince them to hate their own government,

And, before you talk of "Muslim" extremists, the CCP has been careful to de-link the Xinjiang conflict from religion and present it as an ethnic, separatist conflict. The fact that you, and so many Chinese, view the Xinjiang conflict as a religious conflict shows that Western propaganda is winning hands down within China over the CCP narrative.

OP is a Chinese Christian, nuff to say.
Chinese brothers disappoint me. We even have Chinese members that are trying to kiss Indian ***, and trying to forsake relations with Pakistan.

Well, If you Chinese want to do that, go ahead. But we, Pakistanis will always be here. If a nation of a billion can not stop us, then 2 nations of over 2 billion cannot either.
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