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pol l in chinese defence forum about gaza conflict

we support palestine people
but almost no one support hamas

How much Chinese people know about Palestine other than western media propaganda and labeling that they used to???? I can categorically say indians are more aware of history and what is going on than Chinese.
Most Chinese are too fascinated and impressed by the West. The first thing a Chinese student does when he/she lands in the US is change their name to a Western name like Jenny or Jack etc. as if that would make them Western. Other nationalities follow this practice as well but not as much as Chinese. This " Inferiority Complex " is the result of past occupation of China by the West.
How much Chinese people know about Palestine other than western media propaganda and labeling that they used to???? I can categorically say indians are more aware of history and what is going on than Chinese.

It is much more than historical awareness, in my opinion. Chinese have low impression of Muslims and thinks of Muslims as losers. They want to use Muslim nations as strategic pawns and for resource needs. That is what is coming out of what many Chinese posters are expressing in this forum. The ones that comment with restraint are aware of protecting Chinese national interest and are perhaps close to CPC elite or are aligned with their interest, but that is not the majority view of Chinese citizenry. This is what the poll shows, and Chinese are much more aware about the world than Indians, most of whom are delusions idiots.

Most Chinese are too fascinated and impressed by the West. The first thing a Chinese student does when he/she lands in the US is change their name to a Western name like Jenny or Jack etc. as if that would make them Western. Other nationalities follow this practice as well but not as much as Chinese. This " Inferiority Complex " is the result of past occupation of China by the West.

With due respect, I disagree. What you say is true to an extent, but mostly Chinese do it for practical and pragmatic reason, to make their name familiar and friendly to Western people. Chinese have never been fully occupied by the West. I would think the Chinese rather suffer from the opposite condition, superiority complex. Most are pretty confident that they will beat the West in a few decades. And in order for them to beat the West, if they need to take in Russia and India in their BRICS grouping, the two biggest anti-Muslim nations on earth, then they will not hesitate to dump Muslim world, except for the ones they need mineral resources from or strategic geographic access from.
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That's what i'm potinting out , i honestly can't figure out how many people think of china as a communist state that thinks of nothing but the good of humanity , the chinese are one of the most racist in this world , certainly the most xenophobic and on top of the list of american/jew lovers
I can't say they are racist I think they are not much aware of international history, don't know if their tv channels have talk shows in which main national or international incidents/events discussed.
That's what i'm potinting out , i honestly can't figure out how many people think of china as a communist state that thinks of nothing but the good of humanity , the chinese are one of the most racist in this world , certainly the most xenophobic and on top of the list of american/jew lovers

How much Chinese people know about Palestine other than western media propaganda and labeling that they used to???? I can categorically say indians are more aware of history and what is going on than Chinese.

Most Chinese are too fascinated and impressed by the West. The first thing a Chinese student does when he/she lands in the US is change their name to a Western name like Jenny or Jack etc. as if that would make them Western. Other nationalities follow this practice as well but not as much as Chinese. This " Inferiority Complex " is the result of past occupation of China by the West.

Lots of China-bashing in this thread. :no:

Over some random online poll as well.

China voted to support Palestine in the recent UN vote, and past ones as well. Even though we didn't need to.

And America votes against it. And supports Israel with their veto power, and with all their military power too.

But still, China is the bad guy right? :cheesy:
How much Chinese people know about Palestine other than western media propaganda and labeling that they used to???? I can categorically say indians are more aware of history and what is going on than Chinese.
actually it is a chinese defence forum. maybe one of the most popular and patroitic forum in china.
and most of members there do care about history and our future.

many see israel is an “Evil” but a necessary "Evil".
Lots of China-bashing in this thread. :no:

Over some random online poll as well.

China voted to support Palestine in the recent UN vote, and past ones as well. Even though we didn't need to.

And America votes against it. And supports Israel with their veto power, and with all their military power too.

But still, China is the bad guy right? :cheesy:
It is exactly that, a random on-line poll on a forum. and it should not be taken seriously. War on terror is the inn thing to say nowadays, and most youth are bombarded with it, that is why the poll is 71% in support of it. it could have been in any other country and would have been the same. People will answer a poll based on one or two articles they came across, but government agencies have a deeper knowledge of the situation and I am pretty sure that if a real poll is conducted in China about this matter the numbers will be the opposite.
Both India and China have acted sensibly keeping a balance between humanitarian aspect and strategic interest. Both the countries are against the severe human right violation and genocide committed by the state of Israel. What looks like a horribly idiocy by the China and India bashers here is their one eyed view of world affairs.

You can not be selective on humanitarian matters. The countries who are relentlessly attacking China and India for their clandestine support for Israel were visibly numb and indifferent when mass atrocities were committed in Sri Lanka and African countries. What ever happening in Gaza is wrong but the way some members are acting like holy saints is simply a joke.
It is much more than historical awareness, in my opinion. Chinese have low impression of Muslims and thinks of Muslims as losers. They want to use Muslim nations as strategic pawns and for resource needs. That is what is coming out of what many Chinese posters are expressing in this forum. The ones that comment with restraint are aware of protecting Chinese national interest and are perhaps close to CPC elite or are aligned with their interest, but that is not the majority view of Chinese citizenry. This is what the poll shows, and Chinese are much more aware about the world than Indians, most of whom are delusions idiots.
I dont thinks of muslims as losers ( many of chinese indeed dont have good feeling on muslims, )

butthinks of muslims is a potential thread. we are afraid of them. they are expanding so fast.

Israel is and never be a thread to china.

many muslims countries are not even secular countries.
nowaday muslim countries are break up and weak in generall, their power are too low to interfere our muslim matters.
If the muslims countries be strong or united in future ( that is deep in their religions),they will interfer our own muslim matter.(that is deep in their religion)
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That's what i'm potinting out , i honestly can't figure out how many people think of china as a communist state that thinks of nothing but the good of humanity , the chinese are one of the most racist in this world , certainly the most xenophobic and on top of the list of american/jew lovers

And the Irony Of The Year Award goes to... *drumroll*

P.S. Doing a poll on the Internet that doesn't conform with Hamas' dogmatic stance is no more tantamount to "American- and Jew-loving" than supporting Iraq is to hating the US.
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1. support isreal anti terror war 70.88 %
2. support hamas kick israel out of gaza 7.99%
3. support no one, neutral 21.13%

巴以冲突你们支持哪一方-军事畅谈-超级大本营军事论坛-最具影响力军事论坛 -

I would be VERY concerned if I were you.

The same Western propaganda which has convinced Chinese people to support Israel over Muslims will eventually convince them to hate their own government,

And, before you talk of "Muslim" extremists, the CCP has been careful to de-link the Xinjiang conflict from religion and present it as an ethnic, separatist conflict. The fact that you, and so many Chinese, view the Xinjiang conflict as a religious conflict shows that Western propaganda is winning hands down within China over the CCP narrative.
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