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pol l in chinese defence forum about gaza conflict

Lots of China-bashing in this thread. :no:

Over some random online poll as well.

China voted to support Palestine in the recent UN vote, and past ones as well. Even though we didn't need to.

And America votes against it. And supports Israel with their veto power, and with all their military power too.

But still, China is the bad guy right? :cheesy:

China and India basically have same stand when it comes to Israel Palestine conflict :) . We remain cautious with each step as we have relations with both West and arab world .
Lots of China-bashing in this thread. :no:

Over some random online poll as well.

China voted to support Palestine in the recent UN vote, and past ones as well. Even though we didn't need to.

And America votes against it. And supports Israel with their veto power, and with all their military power too.

But still, China is the bad guy right? :cheesy:

I am one with great respect for Chinese People and their Culture.

My observation is purely on factual basis. Most Chinese are very Po-Western and that is indicated over many Polls.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Pro-Western.

I have spent forty (40) years of my life in the US. There are many things I admire about the West and Particularly the US.

But I don't change my name or my identity because that is really who I am. ( BTW I have a difficult Muslim name but still all my American Friends , Colleagues and Students remember my name perfectly well). :cheesy:
Most Chinese are too fascinated and impressed by the West. The first thing a Chinese student does when he/she lands in the US is change their name to a Western name like Jenny or Jack etc. as if that would make them Western. Other nationalities follow this practice as well but not as much as Chinese. This " Inferiority Complex " is the result of past occupation of China by the West.

They do that because their names are almost unpronounceable to Westerners. You can even claim Chinese posters here use English replacement names since if they translated their names to English people would be constantly asking them what their name tags mean.

It's bad enough translating a Chinese name to English like Yexin and still people f it up.
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The result would be same in pretty much every non Muslim country. People around the world are so fed up with Islamist extremism that most people would favor Israel regardless of the civilian casualty in Gaza.
You have to look closely at the context in which this poll was conducted. The diction in which the survey was written could have an enormous influence on the answers brought about by the interviewees. How did the poll question present the problem? Did it label Israel's war as an "operation" or "attack"? Did the poll question present Israel's war as an "aggression" or a "war on terror"? These subtle but important semantic nuances would wield enormous influence on the opinions of even the most moderate thinkers. A subtle change from the word "conflict" to "attack", for one, could touch on very controversial topics from China's history that are still very fresh on the citizens' minds.

You'd also have to bear in mind the political and social circumstances that prevail in the country. China, unlike many European or North American nations, have taken in numerous Islamic terror attacks, and unlike most Middle Eastern countries, has cordial relations with Israel and its military. If you were a Chinese citizen living in fear of terrorism while hearing about the unequivocal support Israel has given China, you'd also be hard-pressed not to sympathize with Israel's cause.

Hence, polls like these are at most useful for satirical articles or perhaps the occasional political cartoon. To draw political or cultural conclusions from these would be quite the wasted effort.

Polls are useless. Ask the same people next year and see what their answers will be.
I participated on that poll, as i am a regular user of CJDBY, and my user name is the same 'RCRMJ"

and I voted option 1 as well ! because the option 1 translated into English literary means : "support and salute to all courageous Israeli soldiers who are at front line fighting against terror"

considering the current terrorists attacks in China, which sparked rages among ordinary Chinese against Islamic extremest, so the result was understandable, should the vote was taken years ago, the results would be vastly different!

besides China and israel always have a subtle relationship in terms of agriculture, high-tech and military```and we know it

anyway, dont draw your conclusion too soon, CJDBY is a forum that with hardcore defense enthusiasts, nonetheless, from general Chinese forums the reaction towards the current situation in Gaza are very much inline with the sentiment we have here on PDF

at end the day, China is a divers country with different opinions, only those half-witted would think we believe what was 'installed' by the governemt:D
Look how the question is framed.

Israel's "anti-terror" war.

Hamas war against Israel.


Anybody with no enough knowledge will obviously vote one.

That's the whole Western strategy. Western media frame the conflict in a completely wrong manner to get masses behind Israel
The wording of the questions is wrong and I'm not surprised by the result.
actually it is a chinese defence forum. maybe one of the most popular and patroitic forum in china.
and most of members there do care about history and our future.

many see israel is an “Evil” but a necessary "Evil".

there is no " necessary Evil " .... the evils created this " necessary evil " to justify their sins ....

sooner or later , the Chinese will pay heavy price for being in love with westerns/zions ....

ost are pretty confident that they will beat the West in a few decades.

westerns are more smarter than them , they already attached China economic to their own , Chinese have to PROTECT westerns if they don't want to fail , at least tile Dollars and euro are common currency ...

and don't forget that western still has their greatest weapon against china .... economic sanction

The result would be same in pretty much every non Muslim country. People around the world are so fed up with Islamist extremism that most people would favor Israel regardless of the civilian casualty in Gaza.

thanks to AQ , Al Nusrah and FSA cannibals and ISIS ...
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I support Israel on this war on terror, and also support Palestinian to become a nation
The Muslim world is 1.7 billion strong

hugh land mass with an immense amount of resources and potential

a future world power

israel is a tiny entity with 7 million population almost 2 million of whom are arab/Muslim and limited resources

Anyone who stands with israel brutality and occupation of Palestine will be reminded of it in the future

You cant expect to support israel then work with the muslim world
there is no " necessary Evil " .... the evils created this " necessary evil " to justify their sins ....

sooner or later , the Chinese will pay heavy price for being in love with westerns/zions ....

westerns are more smarter than them , they already attached China economic to their own , Chinese have to PROTECT westerns if they don't want to fail , at least tile Dollars and euro are common currency ...

and don't forget that western still has their greatest weapon against china .... economic sanction

thanks to AQ , Al Nusrah and FSA cannibals and ISIS ...
I have to say your knowledge of current chinese society and economy is pretty much insignificant and ignorant```

we do not associate a religion to a nation, what we hate is religious extremest, not a certain group or a nation````
The poll only shows how easily common people are influenced by medias.
The people on CD forum often say the western medias are biased towards China and foreigners are fooled by these medias, but their attitudes are greatly influenced by the western medias, too.
Fortunately, there are still wise men in our government and can differentiate those Arabic military groups.
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An internet poll is not really reliable. Take a look at this BBC poll instead:

Like most of the world, China's impression of Israel is negative. But it also has the 2nd lowest negative impression among Asian countries (after India).
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