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PM Erdogan: Green light for 2500Km Ballistic Missile.

The MTCR seeks to limit the risks of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by controlling EXPORTS of goods and technologies that could make a contribution to delivery systems

MTCR has nothing to do with indigenous projects!
Does PM's order mean that Turkey will resign MTCR ?

Turkey is not allowed to Export Weapon Systems or Technology for Carrier Systems which have a Range more than 300 km and can carry payload more than 500 km. MTCR does not forbid Turkey to develop it's own MRBM, ICBM !
The MTCR seeks to limit the risks of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by controlling EXPORTS of goods and technologies that could make a contribution to delivery systems

MTCR has nothing to do with indigenous projects!

Turkey is not allowed to Export Weapon Systems or Technology for Carrier Systems which have a Range more than 300 km and can carry payload more than 500 km. MTCR does not forbid Turkey to develop it's own MRBM, ICBM !

"...conducting their missile non-proliferation policies in a manner consistent with the Regime's overall goals and activities."
I misunderstood, my mistake.
Thanks by the way.
You mean the Arabs that rebelled against your nation and joined with the British?

I think we Turks can not blame Arabs for their alliance with UK. Because it was Ottomans fault to keeping them out of the
modernity and illiterate. But also Ottomans are innocent because they did not keep up with modernity as well. Ottoman peace is all about do not interfere with the local customs, collect taxes recruit for military service and justice between communities. It is
the easiest way. We only introduce the modern ways of thinking after Ataturk regime. Also he faced with heavy opposition but
God bless he was powerful in his time. He was a sole man and nobody is perfect. But without him I just wonder what kind of
country Turkey will be know. Mostly likely the Sunni version of Iran or much worse. We have problems with democracy but it is
better than nothing. I also wish to say that during Ottoman days an ordinary turkish man does not even right to immigrate another
city or own a land. If you born as a peasant in small Anatolian village you will probably die as one. And you will be
serving in the army for many long years. Please who seeing the Ottoman dream see the back of the glory. Allah bless democratic Turkey and our peaceful days.
I think we Turks can not blame Arabs for their alliance with UK. Because it was Ottomans fault to keeping them out of the
modernity and illiterate. But also Ottomans are innocent because they did not keep up with modernity as well. Ottoman peace is all about do not interfere with the local customs, collect taxes recruit for military service and justice between communities. It is
the easiest way. We only introduce the modern ways of thinking after Ataturk regime. Also he faced with heavy opposition but
God bless he was powerful in his time. He was a sole man and nobody is perfect. But without him I just wonder what kind of
country Turkey will be know. Mostly likely the Sunni version of Iran or much worse. We have problems with democracy but it is
better than nothing. I also wish to say that during Ottoman days an ordinary turkish man does not even right to immigrate another
city or own a land. If you born as a peasant in small Anatolian village you will probably die as one. And you will be
serving in the army for many long years. Please who seeing the Ottoman dream see the back of the glory. Allah bless democratic Turkey and our peaceful days.
All you say is true but the relationship that Israel and Turkey shared was more than just strategic alliance once.

My people were hurt on a personal level when the Earthquake of 99 happened, so much that they literally stood in lines just to help save Turkish lives, let alone all the lives that our soldiers saved in Turkey. I`ve read that Turkish mothers that were saved by Israelis named their newborn children "Ziona" and "Israel".

And just like that, a regime changes in Turkey and all the special relationship we shared slowly died and turned to animosity.

It is very unfortunate, very few true friends in this world.
All you say is true but the relationship that Israel and Turkey shared was more than just strategic alliance once.

My people were hurt on a personal level when the Earthquake of 99 happened, so much that they literally stood in lines just to help save Turkish lives, let alone all the lives that our soldiers saved in Turkey. I`ve read that Turkish mothers that were saved by Israelis named their newborn children "Ziona" and "Israel".

And just like that, a regime changes in Turkey and all the special relationship we shared slowly died and turned to animosity.

It is very unfortunate, very few true friends in this world.

Think hard, who changed this cordial relations? the turkey islamist regime or the Israeli soldiers on Flotilla?

A recent example i can give. 28 Pakistani soldiers died in friendly fire, relations between USA-Pakistan dip to a new low. Now tell me, will you blame Pakistan Army and Government for destroying the relations ?

So dont sugar coat your words and try to honestly and neutrally express your views.
All you say is true but the relationship that Israel and Turkey shared was more than just strategic alliance once.

My people were hurt on a personal level when the Earthquake of 99 happened, so much that they literally stood in lines just to help save Turkish lives, let alone all the lives that our soldiers saved in Turkey. I`ve read that Turkish mothers that were saved by Israelis named their newborn children "Ziona" and "Israel".

And just like that, a regime changes in Turkey and all the special relationship we shared slowly died and turned to animosity.

It is very unfortunate, very few true friends in this world.

wow named Ziona and Israel... interesting, could you provide any source for that.

Another thing is you are blaming the whole change in relation on the current government. let's not forget that Israel also has new government. Are you telling us that the government of israel doesn't have any responsibility in the deterioration of the relationships ? don't forget ayalon when you reply.
wow named Ziona and Israel... interesting, could you provide any source for that.

Another thing is you are blaming the whole change in relation on the current government. let's not forget that Israel also has new government. Are you telling us that the government of israel doesn't have any responsibility in the deterioration of the relationships ? don't forget ayalon when you reply.
Quake Relief Shows Israel Feels Deeply For Turkey - NYTimes.com

Eight babies have been born here since the quake. One boy was named Israel, and one girl is called Ziona. Their names are symbols of how firmly the earthquake has sealed the alliance between Israel and Turkey.

''God bless the Israelis,'' said one new mother, Serap Balcioglu, whose child was born blue and seemingly lifeless but was revived by an emergency team at the hospital. ''They're taking beautiful care of me. What would we do without them?''

It is Erdogan that hugged and shook hands with one of Israel`s worst enemies just a few days ago. Hamas that swears to never stop until Israel is destroyed was welcomed a brother in Turkey.

The relationship has been deteriorating since AKP won the elections not since the flotilla.
it's amazing that you find no fault on your side, I guess it's bound to happend either way one day then.
it's amazing that you find no fault on your side, I guess it's bound to happend either way one day then.
What was done to the ambassador was childish and immature. But the relationship has been going down hill a long time before that.
According to NTV news channel, Tubitak made a announcement that 1500 km ranged missile will be tested in 2012, 2500 km ranged missile planned to be tested in some point in 2013.
According to NTV news channel, Tubitak made a announcement that 1500 km ranged missile will be tested in 2012, 2500 km ranged missile planned to be tested in some point in 2013.

If Media didn't make a common fault in this news and If It is really Tubitak SAGE announced news, You have to get one step back and bow your head with a great respect because They like making such surprises to public... They are the developer institute of SOM cruise misssile, Cirit Semi Active Laser guided missiles and many others thingsrelated with missiles. All they are working on missile systems... It is their profession...
They are the developer institute of SOM cruise misssile, Cirit Semi Active Laser guided missiles and many others thingsrelated with missiles. All they are working on missile systems... It is their profession...
Yup. Tubitak Sage really came around to become a great contribution to our defense industry. Aren't they also cooperate with Aselsan on mid and long range missile defense systems?
Coming from several sources of trt-haber and TUBITAK-Sage missile SOM increased from:

180km (Block A) to 300km (Block B?) Confirmed.

Tests for 500 km (Block C?) Are being tested.

The cruise missile / ballistics of 1,500 km will be finished at the end of the year (late 2012) and version 2500km finished in the next 2 years.


I cannot post links because i'm new ask google : turk-fuzesi-som-icin-geri-sayim-basladi
Yup. Tubitak Sage really came around to become a great contribution to our defense industry. Aren't they also cooperate with Aselsan on mid and long range missile defense systems?

Bro, SAGE is everywhere in missile sector Even If you see the emblem of SAGE on them or not. SAGE is R&D institute which mostly transfer the new home-developed missiles' guidance/propulsion/design and fuel technologies to Roketsan and MKEK.

Take a look SOM cruise missile. It is like a test-bed platform that uses more than 4-5 different guidance system to reach the target with a high precision. That's the differences of SAGE...
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