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PM Erdogan: Green light for 2500Km Ballistic Missile.

According to Tubitak officials domestic cruise missiles which have 500 km (CEP 5m) range already delivered to Air Force but has not been tested yet. They are planning to finish first prototype of bigger version of SOM which have 1500km range at the end of this year. While SOM's weight 600kg it will be approximately 1500 kg and equivalent of Tomahawk. It's range is being planned to increase 2500km in 2014.


Türk Füzesi SOM
TÜB?TAK 2014 hedefi - En Son Ekonomi Haberleri - HTEkonomi
TBTAK: Hedefimiz 2 bin 500 kilometre menzilli fze yapmak - Hrriyet EKONOM
I am not a rocket engineer, but if it were that easy, why has North Korea - with all the years invested in missile technology - failed twice in putting a satellite in orbit ?

Turkey and Pakistan don't need a satellite launcher, first because Russia/China/US will launch theirs, second because it is not economical and would drain huge resources away from more productive tasks. Iran has no choice because no one is willing to launch their satellites. In addition, it needs satellite surveillance in case of military conflict ... during the Iraq war, the US was providing Iraq with satellite pictures, while no one provided Iran with any. Turkey can rely on Nato. Pakistan ... has a nuclear deterrent.

What is the difficult thing in converting a 2500 km missile to 11,000 ICBM is it just not matter of scaling design and more fuel
Yes we can get them from different sources but still its better to be totally independent especially when it comes to defence systems.
I am not a rocket engineer, but if it were that easy, why has North Korea - with all the years invested in missile technology - failed twice in putting a satellite in orbit ?

Turkey and Pakistan don't need a satellite launcher, first because Russia/China/US will launch theirs, second because it is not economical and would drain huge resources away from more productive tasks. Iran has no choice because no one is willing to launch their satellites. In addition, it needs satellite surveillance in case of military conflict ... during the Iraq war, the US was providing Iraq with satellite pictures, while no one provided Iran with any. Turkey can rely on Nato. Pakistan ... has a nuclear deterrent.

it's not just the necessity of being independant, but also the knowledge that is to be harvested from getting there. Being able to do everything yourself, and choosing to have others do it, is very nice.
Buying ballistic missiles or missile tech is illegal but it propably will happen behind closed doors. There is a question in my mind that are we going to be nuclear state?

I do not want that. I hope we are not becoming a nuclear state. This would damage our relationships with nearly every country. Turkey has the capability and the knowladge to build a nuclear bomb. We were in the nuclear black market ot long ago supplying nuclear knowladge and tech to both Pakistan and Libia and lets not forget both Clinton and Bush signed an order to allow Turkey access to US nuclear technology

You guys dont understand something. Turkey is unfurtunally nothing else but a watchdog of the Western Imperialists. Turkey has enough nukes to destroy the whole middle-east. To make this treath bigger they need the missiles to launch these so thats why USA gave green light for Turkey. 1. A nato shield that to protect Israel and maybe in order to attack Turkish terrain, 2 to attack Iran or Russia.

Our strategy must always be on defence not on attack.

thats my opinion. Thanks.
Turkish missiles over Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Rome (and others)

The Ottoman siege of Vienna may have failed in 1683. But the Turks will soon be back at the gates (well, this time, the skies) of Europe.

Much to the pride of millions of Turks, the state scientific research institute, TÜBITAK, recently reported that its scientists this year would finish an all-Turkish missile with a range of 1,500 km, and, in 2014, another with a range of 2,500 km (no typo here).

The head of TÜBITAK said the order for the missile program had come from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

I read daily Hürriyet quoting TÜBITAK’s president, Professor Yücel Altınbaşak, as saying that “this is a most realistic project.” And I watched an engineer from TÜBITAK’s missile project group, telling state television channel TRT that “the Turkish missiles were more advanced than the U.S. or German missiles.” I felt proud.

Yet I was curious and checked the world map. Put the country which claims to maintain zero problems with its neighbors and others at the epicenter of a circle with a diameter of 2,500 km, and here are some of the cities which may in the future see Turkish missiles over their skies: Athens, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Beirut, Brussels, Geneva, Algiers, Jeddah, Cairo, Copenhagen, Kiev, London, Milan, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Damascus, Tehran, Tel Aviv, Tripoli, Warsaw, Vienna, Zurich and Amman.

I failed to guess which one(s) of these cities could be a security threat to Turkey in the future. But apparently, the Turco-Persian sectarian rivalry is heating up as Tehran already has the 1,300-km Shahab-3 missiles in its inventory. In any case, the move is just another indication that Turkey does not see its future within the largely inter-operable NATO and European security structures.

Contrary to common knowledge, ballistic missiles often lack precision, can be intercepted and can carry limited payload (an average 500-1,000 kg). In comparison, a conventional F-16 fighter can carry a payload that if four or five times bigger and is considered an agile war asset. There is a big “but” here. Rogue states often tend to opt for missiles, calculating that these war toys can also carry biological, chemical and nuclear warheads.

And the big question here is why should Turkey, which boasts a modern air force with highly deterrent firepower, need ballistic or cruise missiles? With which countries within a diameter of 2,500 km does Turkey think it may, in the future, have to battle? Which targets within a range of 2,500 kilometers may it hope to hit which it cannot with a 1,000-km missile?

What justifies the earmarking of – possibly – hundreds of millions of dollars worth of taxpayer money for the Turkish missiles? Are biological, chemical or nuclear weapons in Turkey’s various contingency plans for future warfare? What’s the point of NATO membership, then? Does Turkey intend to leave the alliance? More importantly, what are the political deliberations behind this ambitious plan?

With a delay of a few decades, Turkey is going along the path that countries like North Korea, Libya and Iraq tried in the 1990s – and Iran in the last decade. In fact, observers have invariably suspected a strong link between Iran’s ambitions for missiles and a future nuclear weapons program.
For the moment, New York, Beijing, Seoul, Brasilia, Ottawa and Tokyo look safe and immune to future Turkish anger. But give Mr. Erdoğan another 10 years in power and Turkey might have another one with a range of 15,000 km by then.

There are a couple of minor problems, though. Since Turkey is a signatory to the Missile Technology Control Regime, it may now find more difficult access to some of the “ingredients” necessary to make a missile.

Second, I am not sure whether the punishing Turkish missile should be dubbed the Attila, or the Sultan Mehmed II. Third, and on a less significant basis, one triviality about the future Turkish ballistic missile could be that once shot and targeting, say, Tel Aviv, it may just be last seen over the skies of Edirne…


New Article about turkish Cruise-/Missile Programm, very one sided writen ! The Author does forget that Turkey Sphere of influence have increased during the last 10 Years ! On the other Side Oil and Gas are found in international Waters around Cyprus, this could also attract interest of european and Regional Powers. The Area of Influence Include Balkan, north Africa, arabian Peninsula, Eurasia/Central Asia and Parts of indian Subcontinent. Turkey need long Range strike Capabillity for a credible Detterence against any agressor in it's sphere of Influence !

New Article about turkish Cruise-/Missile Programm, very one sided writen ! The Author does forget that Turkey Sphere of influence have increased during the last 10 Years ! On the other Side Oil and Gas are found in international Waters around Cyprus, this could also attract interest of european and Regional Powers. The Area of Influence Include Balkan, north Africa, arabian Peninsula, Eurasia/Central Asia and Parts of indian Subcontinent. Turkey need long Range strike Capabillity for a credible Detterence against any agressor in it's sphere of Influence !


Typical burak bedil.

He talks about 3.th world countries that have that kind of weapons but he ignores same kind of weapons that uk, france and other major developed countries have.

Having that kind of weapon does not mean we gonna use it.

Kemalists against every good step that Turkey achived. Not because they are bad, because akp in charge.
Here is a new video *0:34* where the guy says thats the 8x8 big truck is made for a special cooperation project with ROKETSAN.
What can A big 8x8 truck can carry for ROKETSAN ???

Here is a new video *0:34* where the guy says thats the 8x8 big truck is made for a special cooperation project with ROKETSAN.
What can A big 8x8 truck can carry for ROKETSAN ???


Cruise or ballistic Missiles !:tup:
Turkey aims to increase ballistic missile ranges

ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News
Missiles with a range of 2,500 kilometers are a realistic target according to Professor Yücel Altınbaşak, head of Turkey’s State Scientific Research Institute. However, analysts remain uncertain as to Turkey’s capacity or need to achieve this goal
Turkey’s top science body TÜBİTAK already has the technology to build the 185-kilometers. Now, it is working on longer ranges.

Turkey aims to build ballistic missiles with a range of 2,500 kilometers within the next two years, Turkish officials have said, but analysts remain uncertain as to whether the country needs, or can even achieve, such a capability.

Professor Yücel Altınbaşak, head of Turkey’s State Scientific Research Institute (TÜBİTAK), recently told reporters that the decision to build the ballistic missiles was made at a recent meeting of the High Board of Technology and in line with a request from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Altınbaşak said TÜBİTAK had already produced and delivered a missile with a range of 500 kilometers to the Turkish military and added that the missile had displayed a mere five-meter deviation from its target in field tests. In the next phase of the program this year, TÜBİTAK will first test the 1,500-kilometer missile before heading for the final goal of 2,500 kilometers.

Altınbaşak said building missiles with a range of 2,500-kilometer was a “realistic target for Turkey.” But analysts voiced doubts about Turkey’s ballistic ambitions.

“TÜBİTAK already has the technology to build the 185-kilometer stand-off-munitions (SOM) missiles. It may have reached the 500-kilometer range recently by diminishing the payload or by some other modifications. It is still dubious, however, how the tests for 500 kilometers went unnoticed globally,” a missile technology expert said.

A Middle East political expert said Turkey’s decision to produce cruise and ballistic missiles may mark a change in threat and security design perceptions.

“Why would the Turks need these missiles? Where will they use them? Against which threats? It is also intriguing that Turkey, which seeks a modern air force with deterrent firepower, is going along the path many rogue states with no modern air force capabilities have gone,” the specialist said.

Since 1997, Turkey has been a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) which was established in 1987 by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, and the United States.

The MTCR was created in order to curb the spread of unmanned delivery systems for nuclear weapons, specifically delivery systems that could carry a minimum payload of 500 kilograms a minimum of 300 kilometers.

Experts agree that the MTCR has been successful in helping to slow or stop several ballistic missile programs; Argentina, Egypt and Iraq abandoned their joint Condor II ballistic missile program, while Brazil, South Africa, South Korea and Taiwan also shelved or eliminated missile or space launch vehicle programs.

Some Eastern European countries, such as Poland and the Czech Republic, destroyed their own ballistic missiles to – in part – better their chances of joining MTCR.

But there is consensus that the MTCR regime has its limitations. India, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan (all non-members) continue to advance their missile programs. All four countries, with varying degrees of foreign assistance, have deployed medium-range ballistic missiles that can travel more than 1,000 kilometers and are exploring missiles with much greater ranges. Similarly, Iran has supplied missile production items to Syria.

The missile expert said Turkey’s announcement for ballistic missile production may ring alarm bells in some of the countries which produce “the ingredients” for these missiles.

“From now on Turkey may find it increasingly difficult to have access to some of the components it will need to achieve its missile ambitions,” the expert said. “Some countries may think it more appropriate to introduce limitations to the Turkish purchase of some technology.”


BUSINESS - Turkey aims to increase ballistic missile ranges
It wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. Even though the Knowhow and expertise of building those missiles are sweet I don't see Turkey using them for anything except maybe trying to launch satellites into space..
due to economic resons
1200km is enough for Turkiye , Turkiye has a lot of of top priority project
if you dont launch a satellite every month , also space program is not economic
we need cooperation with other countries for that
In the last 10 Years Turkey has increased it's politic and economic Influence. The Balkan, north Africa, arabian Peninsula, Central Asia and Parts of the indian Subcontinent are the Area of turkish Interest. From these Areas Turkey faces Threats of an ballistic Missile Attack.

With it's strong industrial Capabillities Turkey can develop far more Advanced Missiles than Pakistan or Iran, in a much shorter Timeframe !

LOL okay then. lets wait and see
LOL okay then. lets wait and see

it can...

doesn't mean it has to. we dont have a rush. beside, we have more allies to choose from, and they have better products if they want to co operate with us.
Iran today has doubled its military budget so if you thought they were making things before, then your gonna surprised how much more they will make.

I am sure Turkey could make such missiles in 3-4 years, that missiles will probably like Iran's shahab 3b missile. making MRBM is not making candy.. and in about 5-6 years they might have a sejill2 like missile.Turkey will be probably mass producing missile like Iran if they out them funding into it in about 10-15 years. Iran makes many different missiles, its gonna be very hard for Turkey to catch up, unless they get help from outside, which is what they be doing.

This move to come out and say this in public is stupid move by Turkey, this now makes Iran your new enemy, since they will think this is aimed at them.but in reality its aimed at many countries.

anyway good luck to my Turkish friends.
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