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Plan to restore Pakistan - Lets have suggestions to restore our pride

yeah i am... I am going to launch an political party which will consist upon "meant for the Job" persons. which will consists upon the people like experience with MBAs, Tech specialists, Dr.s, agriculture specialists, Religion experts, and some law experts (ofcourse) as well. with the agenda to change the system, and remove mess from the establishment.

But big BUT is who is going to support? will this system let me to come up? Or last will this system will allow me to remain un-corrupt?

Back to this post.. http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...suggestions-restore-our-pride.html#post430651

I too am thinking of becoming a politician...Just wondering which party should I join? Any suggestions? PTI is the most suitable for youngsters as far as I know...
those are the most relevant and very valuable suggestions.
I am very glad to see some one taking the time out and speaking their mind.

If i may add my two cents on the issue.

I feel the basic difference between India and Pakistan, was when Nehru introduced land reforms in India long way back.
At the same time the feudal system in Pakistan was gaining strength.

To cut it short, the one root cause that led to the failure was Feudal system.

HOW .... one may ask?

During the early years was the time institutions are formed and they are strengthened.
Every department find out what exactly it is supposed to do, and how best it can be done. and then they learn ways of doing it even more efficiently over a period of time.

You can imagine ur self in yearly year Pakistan, and imagine institutions being born and taking root, guided by some very energetic and well respected scholars.

Unfortunately, that is where the imagination turns into a nightmare.

Institutions were distributed amongst the political infidels (feudal) who had two basic problems
1. The feudal is not educated or equipped to do the job.
2. The feudal has first priority of increasing their own kingdom not the country.

Now there are some who were not feudal but wanted to ride the power van none the less. They took help of religion and became Mullah.

You may take a look now and see what is going on.

Zardari = A Baloch tribe, Feudal to the bone.
Bhutto = Sindhi Feudal
Jatoi = Sindhi Feudal ( at a time Jatoi family had most land in Asia)
Gillani = Feudal from south punjab AND self proclaimed religious leader.
Khakwani = Feudal from south western punjab
Rukun-uddin = South Punjab feudal and self proclaimed blood line holder of saint Rukhundin.
Sharif = Feudals from central punjab.
Balore = Feudal from Peshawar.

Fakhar imam, Doltana family, Tiwana family, Cheema Family,
and so on ....

The total number of these feudals is less than 10,000.
yet they are ruling ,180,000,000 people.

Mere Aziz humwatno.

Iqbal's message for you, was to be a momin beyond human
A visionary beyond knowledge
A saint beyond holy.

If you and I, if WE can realize our love for each other.
We will rule the world.
So please keep writing, and keep discussing
very soon we are going to start doing it.
First people should start paying taxes
Pay their utility bills with their best honesty
Feudal start paying their agricultural tax. 90% land own by feudal lords and pay no taxes.
People should start think like Pakistani
Politicians should stop BEGGING for foreign funds for their personal luxuries.
Sell all govt units which are running in deficit.
People should paying attention toward their works instead of keeping an eye on his or her neighbors.

And stop accusing other for their personal failure. Learn and fix

For the voters to politicians ...
" you fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me".
I think the first step should be to develop a good educational system. Its with the education we can change the mind of the people. We should also have our own books written in urdu, because books nowdays are written by people that are our enemies(British, Oxford). They write what they feel is right, and often what is wrong ecpecially when it comes to islamic history. When we got a better education and we have changed the mind, changes will come automatically.

The steps that we can take is to make a political party, and start spreading our message. Since we live abroad its easier for us to see the problem with the country. Seoncdly we have got a good eduation, a education which has changed our mind and our attitude.
Pakistan Zindabad
Hopefully this will be a long thread,

We have read enough of global conspiracies and mega plans to
destabilize Pakistan.

Are you between 18 and 35 years of age ?
are you sick of the present system and shameful existence ?
are you worried about your future ?

Please read on and help me and every one else to make a mark.

I request the readers of this forum and this thread to please suggest
ways and means whereby we can restore the glory that belongs to
this great nation.

I am fully aware of the problems that face us, however I also believe
that the more we discuss problems the further we get from solutions.

I consult the senior citizens, I have full faith in the youth of Pakistan.

InshAllah We will save our country and we will walk proud.

So lets be positive have faith in Allah and start to offer solutions.

Pakistan Zindabad !

Start your morning in positive directions from today. Forget past mistakes and dont think to correct them.We are not in a position to correct the past mistakes and wrong actions and decisions and we have no time for such corrections.

1.Protect the interest of Pakistan in Foreign policies.

2.Stop preparation for a judicial coup in Pakistan. Build viable judiciary. One Judge removed 110 judges, halted the judicial system and created chaos in Judiciary with a permanent fear in the minds of remaining sitting judges and possible new appointees. Please start a new judicial system with whatever stuff you have as it was before Julyt 31, 2009 as a fresh.

2.The president of Pakistan should emerge as Mr.Putin of Russia. He is as strong as Mr.Putin but he has been nabed by advisers and aides who are only interested in their welfare not for the welfare of Pakistan or its people. Please stop this from today and start afresh.

3.Pakistan Army should come forward and say in clear words that no directions or actions may be under taken which are against the interest of Pakistan. Control the Terrorism issue on ints own without intereference of any Federal or provincial goverments advises.

4.Paliament should start making laws protecting interest of the people and should immediately stop maligning each other or protecting the interest of their parties.

5.Send a message to US India Israel and Afghanistan to do their own business and asked them to immediately halt all operations they had under taken to de-establize Pakistan. If they do not then plan a stretegy to safe guard the interest of the country at all costs.

6.Ask TTPs branded Mullahs and other Mullahs to confine thyemselves in Masjid and Madrassah only. Say them in clear words that you are for Masjid and Madrassah and any other actions from their side shall not be tolerated with Zero tolerance policy.

7.Make future country policies as straight as other countries are giving for themselves. The people involved in making financial and current affairs policies are creating a false cry that if they do not opt for the directed policies country would become bankrupt. This is not so, our geopolitical status and present US and Nato failure in Afghanistan and Iraq giving us a new lease for economic development and our new status in the south asian region. We would have lot of mony in shap of billions of dollars if we do not support the war of others but asked them to under take their operations of security without their physical help but on the basis of cash flow for such security operations from those stake holders. Definitely they shall provide huge money to save their interest.

8.Come forward, and start working on change of visions in the mind of our nation. Forget past, start afresh, with the stuff what we have today. I am sure we shall have a properous country and developed nation.
God Bless Pakistan.
I think the first step should be to develop a good educational system. Its with the education we can change the mind of the people.
Pakistan Zindabad

I think this has to be the key note ...
Almost every one has emphasized on improving education
having a single system and standard through out the country.

so YES education goes on the top.

Mr SMIQBAL has provided some good insight also on what should be done, and I fully agree on every point that SMIQBAL has made.

For now the posts contain a lot of verbs, as in things that
need to be done, and things that should be done ...
this is fine for now, as we are only gathering input at this stage

soon, we will have to think of a plan on how to get this done also...

so i will encourage you all to participate in that respect also.

Yes, feudalism is a huge problem. The landlords keep their people uneducated and poor and control them through corrupt police and mullahs. This means there is no middle class and no true democracy.

As you pointed out, India did the right thing with Nehru, and now our politics is 100% controlled by these feudals, which makes it very difficult to reform the system. I don't think it will go without a military coup or a violent revolution, like the French revolution.
Yes, education is a priority but we need to make sure it is universally available.

If the rural farmers under feudalism don't get educated -- and the feudal landlords will make sure it remains so -- then we will create a two-tier society. The educated urban people and the uneducated, slave farmers. It will also make a mockery of democracy because the poor farmers will continue to vote the way they are ordered to.

Also, nobody is going to pay honest taxes unless they are forced to. That is why we need an improved tax collection system and an independent anti-corruption department to check up on everybody.

That is why I suggest a town hall meeting every three months where top politicans and anti-corruption officials take questions from ordinary people. These meetings should be televised on every channel -- the government can force the media to do that.

Yes, feudalism is a huge problem. The landlords keep their people uneducated and poor and control them through corrupt police and mullahs. This means there is no middle class and no true democracy.

As you pointed out, India did the right thing with Nehru, and now our politics is 100% controlled by these feudals, which makes it very difficult to reform the system. I don't think it will go without a military coup or a violent revolution, like the French revolution.

Yes, a violent revolution by people of knowledge and ideology may change the Pakistani society from a feudal to a true democracy. But, a military coup will not do the trick. Check the family background of many of military officers. Many of them are the sons or sons-in-laws of those feudal chiefs. Even the Parliament will not take up the matter for discussion, because many of the Parliament members themselves belong to those same families.
Is a middle class a prerequiste for Democracy? Originally Democracy was rule of the tribes - I may be wrong, but research from several sources should clear up that.

Violent revolution? taking peoples private property? And this to improve Pakistan? That's a tough sell - so you say you want a revolution..
Is a middle class a prerequiste for Democracy? Originally Democracy was rule of the tribes - I may be wrong, but research from several sources should clear up that.

Violent revolution? taking peoples private property? And this to improve Pakistan? That's a tough sell - so you say you want a revolution..

Middle class is not a prerequisite, but democracy without an informed citizenry is a sham. Also, you can't have true democracy when a big part of the voting block consists of indentured farmers who are ordered to vote a certain way.

Nobody wants a violent solution but, as people have pointed out, all our civilian politicians and some parts of the military are in the feudal camp.

As far as taking private property, it is problematic but sometimes you have to do things in the national interest. These bloogsuckers have abused the country long enough. Europe, Japan, China, India all used to have feudalism, but they don't any more. I don't know all their history of how they freed themselves. Maybe there is a better way...
Nah, nah - no stealing peoples property, just because we may not like that some are so rich and most so poor is not an excuse to engage in theft -- and that's what it is, it's theft.

Generally, I think we should pay more attention to the notion of EVOLUTION - when you know what you want, you work towards it, it does not just suddenly happen -- you want members of Majlis who are legal experts and do not work to get these elected, why blame the rich for being successful where we are not?

Look guys, soon graduation will not be a requirement to be in Majlis - "people friendly democratic" majlis will ensure that in the guise of democracy the majlis is stacked with duffers - Majlis's primary mission is to craft laws -- and the Judiciary has taken over that role, instead of following the law, they now make the law.

And most Pakistanis are apathetic about it.

Even worst the system of local govt is now dissolved by these so callled "democrats"

Back to EVOLUTION -- we work towards what we want, it worked for you, it worked for me, it will work for Pakistan, First decide what you want, then run it through the filter of ethics and morality, then run it through the filter of political reality - - then put it into action -- this is what is done the world over - in Pakistan we undo what the previous govt has achieved and so it seems we have been standing still.
Nah, nah - no stealing peoples property, just because we may not like that some are so rich and most so poor is not an excuse to engage in theft -- and that's what it is, it's theft.

We are not talking here about some hard working industrialist who climbed his way to the top through sheer grit and determination.

These feudals inherited their land -- much of it before independence under dubious circumstances -- and do not obey the laws of normal industry. They do not pay fair taxes; their employees (slaves) do not have adequate compensation or living/working conditions; their employees (slaves) are not free to change employers (masters) or to lodge any kind of complaint.

This is institutionalized slavery. The only reason it keeps going is because the power structure is dominated by them.
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