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Plan to restore Pakistan - Lets have suggestions to restore our pride

Now as for the comments by Zeeshukhan
MAN does not run any thing if a system is present,
the basic definition of system is violated if it is let for individual interpretation.
I would encourage you to please go around the ESTA code 1977,
and see for yourself why this system is such a failure.:coffee:

U didnt get my point dear. The essence of what I said above is if the “man” is competent then he will not eventually follow the system, but instead make the system good automatically.

ESTA code 1977 is a system made by man……….so, if there is any mistake in it, its mean the “man” who made it made the mistakes.

We are Muslims and we have the best system to follow……..what else we need, but once again it’s “man” who is not following the system……..

Don’t get confuse with words “man” and “system”………hope u understand….
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U didnt get my point dear. The essence of what I said above is if the “man” is competent then he will not eventually follow the system, but instead make the system good automatically.

ESTA code 1977 is a system made by man……….so, if there is any mistake in it, its mean the “man” who made it made the mistakes.

We are Muslims and we have the best system to follow……..what else we need, but once again it’s “man” who is not following the system……..

Don’t get confuse with words “man” and “system”………hope u understand….

Ok great, I agree with your argument by in large,
just one suggestion, that the way we design systems is to make sure there is constant feed back and improvement processes built into the system.
Bullet proof and water tight, that is how we are trained to design the systems.

As for your suggestions in the previous post, I am in agreement with all of them.
U didnt get my point dear. The essence of what I said above is if the “man” is competent then he will not eventually follow the system, but instead make the system good automatically.

ESTA code 1977 is a system made by man……….so, if there is any mistake in it, its mean the “man” who made it made the mistakes.

We are Muslims and we have the best system to follow……..what else we need, but once again it’s “man” who is not following the system……..

Don’t get confuse with words “man” and “system”………hope u understand….

Don't get confused between "Muslim" and "government/system".:coffee:
As a matter of fact I have been waiting for some one to break the idea and to encourage the readers in this direction.
I have done some research on this concept, and I have some blue prints as well....

One problem is that collusion gives an advantage, so political parties will form again in another form. Here's the way I saw it explained in another forum:

Take a simple parliament of 5 people. If each person votes independently, they each have 20% of the power. Now, if three people form a "party" and always vote the same way, they now control the decision. The "party" has 100% power and each "party" member now has 33% of the total power.

One way to alleviate this problem would be to form a new committee for each piece of legislation and select committee members at random. The selection process (software) would make sure that people who have a history of voting together are less likely to be put in the same committee again.

Also, in order to guard against corruption and increase accountability and citizen participation, each politician would be required to hold open "office hours" or televised town hall meetings at least once a month.

Please do suggest how can this be shared ? and how can this be presented ?

Both of these ideas will be dead-on-arrival to the established politicians, along with other reforms like:

- abolish feudalism
- enforce taxation
- reform corruption
- make teachers and police into proper middle class professions using a combination of salary increase and tax exemptions

One option would be to identify a maverick, charismatic individual who could sell these ideas to the public. I haven't been following Imran Khan lately. I agree with a lot of his ideas, though he needs to be unequivocally supportive of our fight against the TTP.

Another option is to write up a proper manifesto and distribute it over the internet to college campuses, media outlets, etc. If you can put it up on a website, then it's a matter of publicising the website. One technique is called glamor bombing. For example, if you live in Pakistan, you can print up business cards with just the name of the website. Then volunteers can leave the business card all over the place, including inside library books and magazines, internet cafes, college notice boards, etc.
Ok, im back !
I had to take time out for this... and im pretty sure i wont be able to put every thing right the first time, so it will need a couple or epochs to get through.
I would off course welcome all the readers to please go through this and point out the loop holes.
Here goes ...

I agree with the fact that the basic notion of political parties may be abolishes all together. The running of the country requires skill, knowledge and experience.

Unfortunately none of which can be provided by politicians.

I suggest that the concept of provinces should be finished, and replaced with districts only.

So i suggest that a departmental view be taken of the institution of governance.
We can make a list of services that the citizens MUST be guaranteed
1. Food
2. Shelter health
3. Safety and security
4. Right to earn a living
5. Education
and we can have departments dedicated to providing these services. The department them selves may be distributed at the level of districts.
Food shelter, education and health must be provided by the state, and on equal basis to all citizens.

The land should be managed by the state, and not owned by any individual,
this should hold true for agricultural as well as mineral produce.
Reason for that is that none of the land owners actually put the coal in the land, so why should they get money for it ?
Similarly none of the land owners should own the produce of the land since they didn't carve the rivers and didn't cause the climate for it to be fertile.
In both cases the actual effort is put in by the workers, and the wealth is coming form nature.
Thus workers should be distributed the produce of nature equally.

Up till here you may feel this is almost a socialist setup and it really is.

Now comes the difficult part. two parts, religion and say of the people.

As per the constitution Pakistan is an Islamic republic and thus steps need to be taken to keep the country and nation on the whole in line with that requirement.

Now, if we can launch a Mullah education program some thing similar to what the saudi gov has done and ensure that no one without qualification is allowed to mislead the people,
Thus to nationalize religion in a sense also.

This will give two advantages, 1 the requirement of keeping pakistan Islamic is fullfilled.
2. Since every one gets together on friday prayers, it provides a very instrument to find the will of the people.
some tweaking will be required to fine tune this exactly, and how to accommodate minorities.
but by in large i feel that this system can full fill all the design requirement set for it.

Now I need your comments and suggestions.... how can this be refined.
This will give two advantages, 1 the requirement of keeping pakistan Islamic is fullfilled.

Good suggestion, but constitution compliance with Shariah will get above mentioned results.!!
Good suggestion, but constitution compliance with Shariah will get above mentioned results.!!

Religion is a touchy issue ... to say the very least.
and a lot of people will give us flak if we try and say too much about it.
I would however propose two things in this regard.

1. Religion in general and shariah in particular is just a frame work, Deity has intentionally stopped short of implementation and left it for us to sort out.

2. For all contention there should be a policy of cold storage. Because all the contending parties, sunni, shia, hindu etc have faith in the return of Mehdi (Mesiah) and these issues should be just postponed for the expert.
Hopefully this will be a long thread,

We have read enough of global conspiracies and mega plans to
destabilize Pakistan.

Are you between 18 and 35 years of age ?
are you sick of the present system and shameful existence ?
are you worried about your future ?

Please read on and help me and every one else to make a mark.

I request the readers of this forum and this thread to please suggest
ways and means whereby we can restore the glory that belongs to
this great nation.

I am fully aware of the problems that face us, however I also believe
that the more we discuss problems the further we get from solutions.

I consult the senior citizens, I have full faith in the youth of Pakistan.

InshAllah We will save our country and we will walk proud.

So lets be positive have faith in Allah and start to offer solutions.

Pakistan Zindabad !

i believe on allah
first i want to tell you that we are so far from the right path. the path wich tell us to how we spend our life and solve our problems we are out of system, the system wich protect us from the evilness
actully we are so far from the reality. we need to read deeply about the islam read quran and then we find the soltion
we make our self contented tolrance crouption free and we need the real justice
Now why has every one gone silent here....

Suggest please... fertilize a revolution !
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