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PIJ leader in Tehran : Resistance made 'a great achievement' against Israel: Islamic Jihad SG

Palestinians need to do targeted attacks inside Israel. Shooting or suicide bombings on Israeli army or law enforcement inside Israel. Rockets aren’t effective against Israel.
Palestinians need to do targeted attacks inside Israel. Shooting or suicide bombings on Israeli army or law enforcement inside Israel. Rockets aren’t effective against Israel.
They tried. And since the last intifadah, Israel build the wall/fence around the Westbank, they left Gaza, and blocked the borders. Since then, almost no mass casualty events in Israel anymore.
For the Palestinians it might be better to embrace peace with Israel. It’s better for their own development too. Almost all Arab countries made peace with Israel, they didn’t want to wait for the Palestinians anymore to do that first.

If even your allies make peace with your enemy, maybe it’s time to reconsider your own position…
This war resulted in no tangible success for PIJ.

However, the thieving jews can't claim much either. They assassinated three commanders, all of whom will be replaced and they failed to destroy any launch sites.

I'm actually more impressed how PIJ kept up it's shoot and scoot strategy so well in the densely-packed and difficult to maneuver Gaza Strip.

That's coz Israel doesn't really want to destroy it or their missile sites. They have the iron dome- how often does pij missile kill and isreali?

They love killing civilians children at the cemetery etc.
That's coz Israel doesn't really want to destroy it or their missile sites. They have the iron dome- how often does pij missile kill and isreali?

They love killing civilians children at the cemetery etc.
Yeah, I don't deepthroat kikeroach media. Even that supposed accidental PIJ missile strike which allegedly killed civvies as per the KIKEDF's claims was debunked and later the KIKEDF itself retracted and said it was their airstrike which did it.

And yes, PIJ missiles did kill 18 kikeroaches. In the one week after the ceasefire, 18 deaths were recorded among kikeroaches that were attributed to "traffic accidents".

Funny thing is, all of them were from settlements surrounding Gaza and there was a rocket impact near every settlement they were from.

Kikeroaches have a military censor prohibiting publishing of such news - those who leak it get arrested by the shin bet. Of course, you are too much of a lying pussy so you'll reject all I said out of hand.
Ah well, maybe it’s time for Hamas and PIJ to do something about defending their people. Instead of attacking Israel and DOING NOTHING to help their own people. All the money they used for those missiles could be used to build hospitals, schools, sewers, useful stuff. Now they send all that money to Israel, only to be shot down by Iron Dome.

Economists would call those missiles a bad investment, with no money in return
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