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Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Dozens of rockets from Gaza strike southern Israel | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Dozens of rockets launched from the Gaza Strip landed in southern Israel on Wednesday, a day after an Israeli airstrike killed three Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.

The al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, claimed responsibility for the attacks, saying:

"The response has begun to the crimes of the occupation, the latest of which was the killing of three members" of the group on Tuesday.

According to Israeli reports, rockets landed in open areas near the town of Sderot and near residential areas.

A senior Israeli security source told AFP that "25 rockets were fired in close succession all over the south," including five towards Sderot, but that there were no immediate reports of casualties.

Warning sirens sounded in Israeli towns and cities near the border.

An Israeli officer told Israeli army radio that "we haven't seen such a barrage (of rockets) in the last two years."

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said that "damage" had been caused but not injuries, and that "police units" were searching "open areas."

An Israeli military spokeswoman confirmed the rocket fire but offered no further details.

A day earlier, an Israeli airstrike killed three Palestinians in the southern Gaza Strip, medics said.
The three resistance fighters were killed by the airstrike in southeast Khan Younis near the Sufa crossing.

The al-Quds Brigades said at the time that the militants were affiliated to the group.

"They were in confrontation with the occupation trying to stop the progress of Israeli military vehicles which were approaching the area," the statement said.

Also Tuesday morning, an Israeli drone fell in the area of the attack.

The airstrikes came just hours after Palestinian security sources said a man died after Israeli soldiers fired at him while he was driving near the West Bank city of Tulkarem.

The Israeli army also killed two Palestinians in the West Bank on Monday.

Israeli soldiers shot and killed 18-year-old Saji Darwish near Ramallah late Monday, after he allegedly threw stones at Israeli vehicles.

Earlier, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian-Jordanian judge at the Allenby Bridge crossing with Jordan.


There we go! Palestinians reserve the right to respond against any Israeli aggression!

الله اكبر ولله الحمد ولعزة لله ولسلام

Nobody in this world gets away with shedding the blood of the Palestinian people! The resistance is prepared to expand their operations if Israel escalates.

The three martyrs created by Israel yesterday won't go without a response.
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- Iranian funded terrorists open fire at Israeli soldiers who patrol the border.
- Israel returns fire and kills 3 terrorists.
- Terrorists then fire dosens rockets at civilian towns hoping for Israeli retaliation.

PIJ wants to start full scale war and sacrifice thousands of Palestinian lives for sake of their Iranian masters.

-Israel commits incursion against Gaza
-Palestinian fighters fire a warning mortar which causes them to retreat and end hostilities
-Israel randomly launches air strike and kills 3 Palestinian fighters while also killing a Jordanian judge and Palestinian teen in the West Bank.
-Palestinians respond to Israeli aggression.

This has nothing to do with Iran at all. Stop bringing Iran into this.
Cast Lead II.

This time, let us hope Israel sweeps up ALL the trash.

Typical war mongering nature of Israelis, kill five Palestinians in one day, when they respond threaten a wide scale war against them. This mentality is seen all over right wing forums where they will condemn the victim and only express condolences to Israelis. Because they're Muslim hating genocidal trash, an example is the 'militaryphotos' forum where the Admin is a Zionist Jew who bans anyone who speaks the truth. Right now they have a thread open where they won't mention the Palestinians killed by Israel. This because they live off lies. Shame on such people.

- Iranian funded terrorists open fire at Israeli soldiers who patrol the border.
- Israel returns fire and kills 3 terrorists.
- Terrorists then fire dosens rockets at civilian towns hoping for Israeli retaliation.

PIJ wants to start full scale war and sacrifice thousands of Palestinian lives for sake of their Iranian masters.

Again always with the Iran Iran Iran. Obsessive cunt.
You provoked this reaction yourselves.

If this escalates it will have been Israel's fault.
The so-called 'palestinians' which you claim killed, are members of an internationally proscribed terrorist group armed and financed by the number one terrorist nation on earth called Iran.

Not only is it 100% legitimate to kill these cretins, it's highly welcome around the world by people who are sick to death of Islamic terrorism like propagated by your so-called 'people'.


If this escalates it will have been Israel's fault.
This will escalate to your doorstep with a few more Scientists taking early retirement.
now wait for sofa and rama to come up with jdams

Of course Israeli websites are falsely claiming the 3 Palestinians killed were 'preparing to fire into Israel'. Beware of these lies published, those Palestinians fired one mortar at invading Israeli forces near the Gaza border.

If you go anywhere near the Gaza-Israel border from the Palestinian side you will be shot dead by Israel. This way makes it so that if any Israeli forces come right near the Palestine side of the border they will be fired upon. Of course these Israelis have a double standard they want to kill anyone near the border and anyone who defends the border.

- Iranian funded terrorists open fire at Israeli soldiers who patrol the border.
- Israel returns fire and kills 3 terrorists.
- Terrorists then fire dosens rockets at civilian towns hoping for Israeli retaliation.

PIJ wants to start full scale war and sacrifice thousands of Palestinian lives for sake of their Iranian masters.
Provide link too :enjoy: or else no one's buying what you're saying as usual :D
Time to give them hell. Time for THEIR citizens to cower and seek cover. Time for THEIR children to cancel school. Time for THEM not to sleep at night.

Give them Hell Israel. It's the only language they understand.

Only force. Nothing else works with these habitual terrorists.
now wait for sofa and rama to come up with jdams


Have some decency! The Palestinians aren't going to put up with their extrajudicial murders anymore! They're entitled to stand up to the Israeli occupation! Why the double standard man!?

Time to give them hell. Time for THEIR citizens to cower and seek cover. Time for THEIR children to cancel school. Time for THEM not to sleep at night.

Give them Hell Israel. It's the only language they understand.

Only force. Nothing else works with these habitual terrorists.

Or it's time to end your occupation and stop murdering Palestinians. Israel asked for this escalation by killing 5 Palestinians last night.
Provide link too :enjoy: or else no one's buying what you're saying as usual :D
These creatures fire rockets and mortars all the time. Yesterday was the same as any other day. Except Israel sent them a reply.

Inshallah, they will get more such replies today.
Time to give them hell. Time for THEIR citizens to cower and seek cover. Time for THEIR children to cancel school. Time for THEM not to sleep at night.

Give them Hell Israel. It's the only language they understand.

Only force. Nothing else works with these habitual terrorists.
Says the European occupier. You may have caused genocide and wiped out the Native Americans and Aboriginal Australians, but Palestine will be your deathbed.
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