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Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation

Or it's time to end your occupation and stop murdering Palestinians. Israel asked for this escalation by killing 5 Palestinians last night.
Israel pulled out of Gaza, Israel got INCREASED terrorism

The ONLY language you baboons understand is force. It's that simple. ANY withdrawal causes MORE terrorism. Any concessions causes MORE terrorism. Any prisoner releases causes MORE terrorism.

The only thing that quietens you baboons down, is overwhelming force.

Cast Lead II on the way - let's hope the sequel is more forceful.
Time to give them hell. Time for THEIR citizens to cower and seek cover. Time for THEIR children to cancel school. Time for THEM not to sleep at night.

Give them Hell Israel. It's the only language they understand.

Only force. Nothing else works with these habitual terrorists.
It's kinda funny coming from an Israeli :sarcastic:
Israel pulled out of Gaza, Israel got INCREASED terrorism

The ONLY language you baboons understand is force. It's that simple. ANY withdrawal causes MORE terrorism. Any concessions causes MORE terrorism. Any prisoner releases causes MORE terrorism.

The only thing that quietens you baboons down, is overwhelming force.

Cast Lead II on the way - let's hope the sequel is more forceful.

Israel occupies Gaza due to exercised control over it which they intentionally want to control, same with the West Bank. Israel needs to end it's whole occupation for a serious change in the region and a two state solution.

However, this recent incident isn't about that, it's about the 5 Palestinians killed by Israel last night. This is a direct response to that.
Have some decency! The Palestinians aren't going to put up with their extrajudicial murders anymore! They're entitled to stand up to the Israeli occupation! Why the double standard man!?
simple logic ? israilis are strong enough to wipe out Palestine go to table and talk or gain power as israel these toy rockets harm Palestine more then israel
God bless the Palestinians, they are the only people's who stand up to Israeli aggression even when Israel is armed to teeth. If Israel further chooses to commit more aggression this will only get worse for them and the Palestinians are prepared.

-Israel commits incursion against Gaza
There was not any "incursion". Next time try to post without lying.

Again always with the Iran Iran Iran. Obsessive cunt.
You provoked this reaction yourselves.

If this escalates it will have been Israel's fault.
PIJ are 100% Iranian funded stooges. Why u are whining and cursing now?

How can a person with 1% of decency cooperate with regime which is slaughtering ur own brothers by tens of thousands?
Israel occupies Gaza due to exercised control over it which they intentionally want to control, .

This is how you baboons think (or don't think)

A normal human being would think...."Hey, they've vacated Gaza....this is our opportunity to show the world we can make a real success of this place. Build it up and show everyone we are a responsible people ready to govern. Ok, not everything is perfect, but if we prove ourselves, borders will be open"

Israel even said they would see how you baboons behave and if it's positive, they will allow your AIRPORT to operate.

But no - you stupid, thick, terrorism-loving baboons who are absolutely ADDICTED to terrorism, used the vacated land to bring your rockets closer to Israel. You ransacked everything that was left for you, even multi-million dollar greenhouses.

You baboons didn't spend a single day trying to better your territory. Instead you turned it into even more of a terrorist infestation with the help of Iran.

You perennial whinging baboons are a disaster of a people. An absolute disaster and always have been.
simple logic ? israilis are strong enough to wipe out Palestine go to table and talk or gain power as israel these toy rockets harm Palestine more then israel

There's no logic when it comes to anti Palestinian Jewish terrorist supporters like you. Did you come here and condemn the 5 Palestinians killed yesterday? No, you came and condemned the retaliation. And besides, you think we're afraid of Israel's military? We only fear God, Palestinians have stood up to them, they can have superior capabilities yet were get humiliated by Hezbollah and Hamas in 2006 and 2012.

Harm has already been caused to Palestine! Our land is being taken day by day literally and I post links in the 'Struggle for freedom' sticky thread! Harm is done by the brutal siege in which Israel counts calories to make sure Palestinians barely starve in Gaza! Harm was caused when the Jewish terrorists ethically cleansed Palestinians! And you call yourself an objective liberal?! Ha! Shame on you!
There was not any "incursion". Next time try to post without lying.

PIJ are 100% Iranian funded stooges. Why u are whining and cursing now?

How can a person with 1% of decency cooperate with regime which is slaughtering ur own brothers by tens of thousands?
And you sir try posting without mentioning your obsession IRAN in every post :enjoy:
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