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Palestinians fire dozens of rockets into Israel in retaliation

That's what Israel is good at:enjoy:

People here ignore them, to justify their brutal occupation against the Palestinians they have to push these false narratives of theirs as much as possible. They will deny any wrong doing even if they killed children they will still deny any wrong doing. These are modern day colonialists, we expect this from them.

What we should do here is refute their lies by communicating to one another and describing what had actually occurred with facts. Of course, they will claim to be victimized all the time even though the whole world condemns their occupation.
There's no logic when it comes to anti Palestinian Jewish terrorist supporters like you. Did you come here and condemn the 5 Palestinians killed yesterday? No, you came and condemned the retaliation. And besides, you think we're afraid of Israel's military? We only fear God, Palestinians have stood up to them, they can have superior capabilities yet were get humiliated by Hezbollah and Hamas in 2006 and 2012.

Harm has already been caused to Palestine! Our land is being taken day by day literally and I post links in the 'Struggle for freedom' sticky thread! Harm is done by the brutal siege in which Israel counts calories to make sure Palestinians barely starve in Gaza! Harm was caused when the Jewish terrorists ethically cleansed Palestinians! And you call yourself an objective liberal?! Ha! Shame on you!
ok boss enjoy bombardment then you have nothing to hide .the day when Muslims start using brain they can defeat 50 Israels till then happy death .
Israel pulled out of Gaza, Israel got INCREASED terrorism

The ONLY language you baboons understand is force. It's that simple. ANY withdrawal causes MORE terrorism. Any concessions causes MORE terrorism. Any prisoner releases causes MORE terrorism.

The only thing that quietens you baboons down, is overwhelming force.

Cast Lead II on the way - let's hope the sequel is more forceful.

Banned in 3...2...1....

ok boss enjoy bombardment then you have nothing to hide .the day when Muslims start using brain they can defeat 50 Israels till then happy death .

That never happened in history, please show me one example in history where a conflict wasn't resolved through force?! Even the most educated people's use force to advance their interests.

We don't want bombardment, but what else can Palestinians do when the UN is not standing up for their rights? This is a direct retaliation to the five Palestinians killed yesterday which you didn't condemn of course or express condolences. Israel is on the offensive against all Palestinians and wages daily a social, economic and political war against them. We are only standing up for our rights and the weaker always had to pay a price but the status quo is changing as Palestinians are becoming more educated and the developments in our region will change the future ahead.

Israel can't use the language of force for so long, they need to oblige to international law and then would both sides be committed to a peace deal with rights for both.
People here ignore them, to justify their brutal occupation against the Palestinians they have to push these false narratives of theirs as much as possible. They will deny any wrong doing even if they killed children they will still deny any wrong doing. These are modern day colonialists, we expect this from them.

What we should do here is refute their lies by communicating to one another and describing what had actually occurred with facts. Of course, they will claim to be victimized all the time even though the whole world condemns their occupation.
I never took these cartoons seriously, ever :P
Report: Israeli tanks firing at 'targets' in Gaza, rocket fire has increased now some reports say 90 short range rockets and mortars have been fired.

Report: Hamas asks Egypt to open border to allow foreigners to leave Gaza.

Report: Netanyahu threatening a large offensive against Gaza.
Britain's Cameron puts Iran on guard, sets out support for Israel

(Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron denounced Iran's government as a "despotic regime" in a speech to Israel's parliament on Wednesday and accused Tehran of making "despicable" efforts to arm Palestinian militants.

His address to the Knesset was staunchly pro-Israeli, and he delighted his hosts by claiming Jewish ancestral roots and talking tough on Iran, which is in negotiations with world powers on curbing its contested nuclear ambitions.

"I share your deep skepticism and great concern about Iran," Cameron said. "I am not starry eyed about the new regime," he added, referring to the election last year of President Hassan Rouhani, seen as a relative moderate in Iran.

The Conservative British leader, on his first visit to Israel since taking power in 2010, also used his speech to throw his support behind U.S. efforts to clinch an elusive Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.

However, he said global tensions around Iran over what Israel and the West fear is its pursuit of nuclear weapons, were likely to persist even if the generations-old Middle East conflict was resolved. Iran denies seeking atomic arms.

"Israel is not the cause of the shadow that Iran casts over the world," Cameron said.

"There is no rule that says if Israel and the Palestinians make peace, Iran is somehow going to dismantle its despotic regime or abandon its nuclear intentions."

Cameron said he had not come to lecture Israel on how to secure peace, and he made only a passing reference to continued Jewish settlement in occupied land that Palestinians say is stifling their aspirations for an independent state.

"We all yearn for a lasting and secure peace between Israel and its neighbors," Cameron said. ‬"We back the compromises needed, including the halt to settlement activity and an end to Palestinian incitement too.‬"


Britain has strengthened its diplomatic ties with Tehran, appointing a non-resident charge d'affaires in November, but Cameron had harsh words for Iran over Israel's seizure in the Red Sea last week of a ship with rockets hidden in its cargo.

Israel said the Syrian-made missiles had been supplied by Iran and were intended for Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. Iran has denied the accusations.

Cameron said it was "yet another despicable attempt by the Iranians to smuggle more long-range rockets into Gaza".

Soon after the speech - in which Cameron decried "the poisonous ideology of Islamist extremism" - Israeli Army Radio reported that a barrage of missiles were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip, an enclave ruled by Hamas Islamists.

He also pointed to any future nuclear-armed Iran as "a threat to the whole world" and pledged that Britain would never allow that to happen.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denounced an interim nuclear deal signed last November by leading powers, including Britain, that allowed an easing of some sanctions against Iran.

He has also repeatedly condemned the possibility that a future accord, already under discussion, might allow Iran to retain some technologies that have bomb-making potential.

Cameron is due to spend just two days in the region and hold separate talks with Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who are at odds over U.S. proposals to keep peace talks going beyond an April target date for an agreement.

A succession of European leaders have visited Israel in recent months, and just like those before him, Cameron said he would seek to encourage Netanyahu and Abbas to back a framework deal being formulated by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.

Look at this sick heyvan dog Cameron who is indulging these bloodsucking murdererers. His country was responsible for Palestines disappearance by allowing Jewish terrorists to force defenceless Palestinians out.
Now he talks about how Iran is a "despotic" despicable regime.
What a motherfucker criminal dog.

Palestine made one mistake in the 40s, and that was that it was not equipped with a national army.
But to be fair, Palestinians were by nature a very peaceful pacifist, olive-farming people that could never have expected such a catastrophic tragedy. :(
Now its time that Palestinians are armed to the TEETH! History shall take its ugly course, it will be violent, it will be bloody, but Palestine will defeat the Zionist state and its institutions.
Report: Islamic Jihad says it fired 90 rockers in response to ongoing Israeli aggression and in direct response to five Palestinians killed yesterday, calling it Operation "Breaking the Silence".
Britain's Cameron puts Iran on guard, sets out support for Israel


Palestine made one mistake in the 40s, and that was that it was not equipped with a national army.
But to be fair, Palestinians were by nature a very peaceful pacifist, olive-farming people that could never have accepted such a catastrophic tragedy. :(
Now its time that Palestinians are armed to the TEETH! History shall take its ugly course, it will be violent, it will be bloody, but Palestine will defeat the Zionist state and its institutions.

This is still ongoing to this day, the empire responsible for the mess and other messes in the Middle East is condemning the victims and their supporters. Of course he goes in front of the Israeli cabinet and sucks up to them, am I the only one here who thinks this is really weird? I never seen all world leaders bow down to Israel and fight wars for such a nation, I never seen this in all of history. Even the US president is afraid to say that the US should initiate a two state solution. This is honestly bizarre this unconditional support to a regime that occupies palestinian land obviously tells us something we don't know. And they claim to support equal rights to all people's ....

War-mongerers, they kill 5 five Palestinians with the intent to go on a massive operation, I think it's because after they caught the ship they want to weaken the Palestinian resistance because they don't have all the intelligence on their armed strength but they will fail through violence.

Btw, get your times of India garbage out of here that doesn't state who attacked who first, the Israelis are NOT retaliating, the Palestinians are!
This is still ongoing to this day, the empire responsible for the mess and other messes in the Middle East is condemning the victims and their supporters. Of course he goes in front of the Israeli cabinet and sucks up to them, am I the only one here who thinks this is really weird? I never seen all world leaders bow down to Israel and fight wars for such a nation, I never seen this in all of history. Even the US president is afraid to say that the US should initiate a two state solution. This is honestly bizarre this unconditional support to a regime that occupies palestinian land obviously tells us something we don't know. And they claim to support equal rights to all people's ....

Israel is an outpost for Western Imperialism, in a vital region. They still view Israel as a strategic asset and want to protect it at all costs.
However Israel is actively commiting suicide. Israel will not survive (as a Jewish state) politically. I give it about 10-20 years.
By then civil societies like BDS "boycott, divest, sanction", will have grown into huge global movement and Israel will collapse like apartheid South Africa.
Not a single Gazan will sleep tonight. INSHALLAH

However Israel is actively commiting suicide. Israel will not survive (as a Jewish state) politically. I give it about 10-20 years..
Try feeding and medicating your own people before predicting doom for others, FFS.

Go have a Sauna and calm down. Talking tough from Scandinavia :lol:

This is timed for the visit of Cameron because he was only going to visit the baboons for a few hours and they got upset.

This will only push the Brits to see the nature of the perennial terrorists aka 'palestinians'
That's what Israel is good at:enjoy:
Its Hazzy who creates threads about 3 poor terrorists killed by Israel.

And you sir try posting without mentioning your obsession IRAN in every post :enjoy:
PIJ are Iranian armed and funded. What I suppose to say, that they are Jamaican?

Fact is that neither Israel not Hamas is interested in war, thats why past 1.5 years were calmest period in Gaza.

Iran on the other hand has very strong interest in war to distract attention from their crimes in Syria. How they are starting a war?

- Iranian funded terrorists fire at Israeli border patrol.
- Israel returns fire and kills 3 of them.
- Terrorists fire barrage of rockets at Israeli cities as "retaliation".

Hazzy is happy, because he is safe in Amreeka. But Gazans are going to suffer.
Time to hit them from land, sea and air.

I don't want to see an inch of Gaza escape retaliation.
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