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PDF Quality: We need to talk about this, fellow Pakistanis

When did I say Indians shouldn't come or have accounts or speak their mind?

On the contrary. Let them come.
So what exactly is your objection here?

Are you saying that members of the forum shouldn't be polite?

If you see someone using abusive language, contact the mods, simple as that.

I don't quite understand your objection to OP.
Sorry this is nonsense. You need to grow up.

We live in an era of hybrid war. Either return fire when Hindutva elements attack your forum on your home turf, or stand aside and let someone else do so.

Fight propaganda through well established facts rather than going down to the level of Hindutvas to fight them. If not then what's the difference between them and you?
That is a reaction to constant Indian 1971 trolling on this forum. You see everything has a reaction. Now after Feb, Pakistanis took the lead to disparaging Indian nationalism and specifically Modi's fascist state.

With the state of India today, it is not difficult to give answers to these Indian trolls and their other allies (SL, Israeli, some Arab and Iranians too.)

Why do we feel the need to set the conversation right? It is because we believe strongly in our cause.

I think it is quite a breath of fresh air to see Pakistanis have something to be proud of.

Optimism is in the air.

Shot down of two jets and causing a helicopter loss is not equal to or same as Loosing 150000 Sq-km to your enemy. Khair, thats a topic for another day. Just saying if behaviors and actions of others define your actions then who are you? Be different, act different.
Venting makes it worse. Resolution makes it easy, from a psychological pov.

Revising rules to specifically address this new trend that's crept up into this forum. It's disgusting to use a victim's pain in order to propel one's agendas. I pity the women in the lives of members who do this.

Every member should have a say. I heard you when you accused me of biases. Where were your notions of such humility then? Attack his ideas, if you disagree. This is just you virtue signalling. I agree with a lot of things he's written too. I don't care of his politics in this regard as the thread isn't about it.
Conflict resolution is the right thing to do, the mature thing to do.

It requires listening to criticism without lashing out, not everyone is in the right place to take it constructively( if it's abuse, simply ignore it, it only has power, if you let it affect you). People generally feel attacked and want to lash back.

Venting up to a limit may be the healthier option, provided it's followed by introspection.

We are who we make ourselves to be.
Fight propaganda through well established facts rather than going down to the level of Hindutvas to fight them. If not then what's the difference between them and you?

It is not Hindutva level until there is a rape obsession and mother-sister abuse. I don't think many of you have been seeing the kind of BS Indian trolls are coming here to bombard us with on almost every Pakistani history or foreign policy thread. Their goal is to derail the topic with hero worship of their monkey-king, Moodi.

Shot down of two jets and causing a helicopter loss is not equal to or same as Loosing 150000 Sq-km to your enemy. Khair, thats a topic for another day. Just saying if behaviors and actions of others define your actions then who are you? Be different, act different.

I think you are talking about someone else. I never claimed to be affected by such a thing, however Indians do derail legitimate threads here, and we have had issues with them for a long time.

Some of us have legitimate interests in learning about history, politics, theories, and experiences of other members.
I don't know. Whenever i point out this falling quality of PDF in general,i am being ridiculed like i have abused some one.
Its 90% of people insulting each other here. Tolerance and patience is hard to see. And if you ask them to stop this they will insult you :cheers:
It is not Hindutva level until there is a rape obsession and mother-sister abuse. I don't think many of you have been seeing the kind of BS Indian trolls are coming here to bombard us with on almost every Pakistani history or foreign policy thread. Their goal is to derail the topic with hero worship of their monkey-king, Moodi.

I've seen some pakistanis spewing the "mother sister" talk, the "Piss-drinking disgusting black Gangadeshis" talk, the "oh we're sooo soo sooo superior" talk. I've seen Pakistanis abuse eachother with very humiliating words in urdu. I've seen so much ill mannered behaviors that it makes me sick to think pakistanis could talk in such a degrading manner. No doubt we have a lot to be proud of, but posters like to constantly rub this into eachother's faces.

Posters should report and get those Indian profiles banned which derail threads instead of returning the favour with extreme abuse. Mind you, i mean the type of abuse as i've listed above.

Tell me something since you seem to be of the religious type, would our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) talk to his enemies in such a degrading manner? Would he dirty his tongue in such a way? Is this what Islam teaches us?
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I've seen some pakistanis spewing the "mother sister" talk, the "Piss-drinking disgusting black Gangadeshis" talk, the "oh we're sooo soo sooo superior" talk. I've seen Pakistanis abuse eachother with very humiliating words in urdu. I've seen so much ill mannered behaviors that it makes me sick to think pakistanis could talk in such a degrading manner. No doubt we have a lot to be proud of, but posters like to constantly rub this into eachother's faces.

Posters should report and get those Indian profiles banned which derail threads instead of returning the favour with extreme abuse. Mind you, i mean the type of abuse as i've listed above.

Tell me something since you seem to be of the religious type, would our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) talk to his enemies in such a degrading manner? Would he dirty is tongue in such a way? Is this what Islam teaches us?

I agree with what you are saying, and I don't personally abuse Indians in this way. I also find it distasteful, but from what I have seen Indians write against Pakistanis, I also cannot blame Pakistanis for replying in kind.

Note that we are on a Pakistani forum here, Indian trolls get some kind of thrill by coming here and disparaging us.

Check, for example, the warmongering kind of behavior here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/war-likely-soon.651775/page-6
I agree with what you are saying, and I don't personally abuse Indians in this way. I also find it distasteful, but from what I have seen Indians write against Pakistanis, I also cannot blame Pakistanis for replying in kind.

Note that we are on a Pakistani forum here, Indian trolls get some kind of thrill by coming here and disparaging us.

Check, for example, the warmongering kind of behavior here: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/war-likely-soon.651775/page-6

It is within our right to vent. But i'm of the opinion that pakistani posters that use such abuses as i've listed in my prior response, should get temporary detention. It is gradually getting way out of hand.
Such appeal to authority is, in my view, the root of our political stunting. If you're a supporter, you've to be 100% on board. The party doesn't matter. I'm not referring to the gentleman you're replying to but overall. Just my view.

The whole idea of democracy is to criticise you think is wrong. Maybe he didn't see my posts where I praised the Prime Minister because there maybe a few. But that's the thing, the right to say what you believe without the fear of ridicule.

You criticise the Government or the Army on one thing and the next thing you know, you are branded as PMLN supporter or most of the times, 'liberal secular anti-national'.

Sharing official news is obviously going to happen but look around there's plenty of criticism happening too. These are your biases, can you please back it up? If you guys cannot control yourselves and mods have to intervene is it our fault?

Sharing a news is not a problem. I am very much aware of the changes PDF team went through back in 2016. But, my problem is with the lack of control over the offensive content which is let go off. I skipped a word in one heading for a thread, where FWO personnel shot dead protesters in Karachi, and I received a 'warning' in my inbox. That's not a problem, I understand if I have violated a forum rule. But, when I came back to the feed, I saw countless threads with weird titles running for months. That's the problem; bias.

Tolerance for people who are pro-Army.

Liberals need to be surpressed at all costs

There you go. @jaibi
The whole idea of democracy is to criticise you think is wrong. Maybe he didn't see my posts where I praised the Prime Minister because there maybe a few. But that's the thing, the right to say what you believe without the fear of ridicule.

You criticise the Government or the Army on one thing and the next thing you know, you are branded as PMLN supporter or most of the times, 'liberal secular anti-national'.

Sharing a news is not a problem. I am very much aware of the changes PDF team went through back in 2016. But, my problem is with the lack of control over the offensive content which is let go off. I skipped a word in one heading for a thread, where FWO personnel shot dead protesters in Karachi, and I received a 'warning' in my inbox. That's not a problem, I understand if I have violated a forum rule. But, when I came back to the feed, I saw countless threads with weird titles running for months. That's the problem; bias.

Tolerance for people who are pro-Army.

There you go. @jaibi

Personally, i am pro-Army but i agree. Offensive Material should be put under control. Too much of it is circulating PDF which is making Pakistanis heated 24/7.
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Personally, i am pro-Army but i agree. Offensive Material should be put under control. Too much of it is circulating PDF which is making Pakistabis heated 24/7.

I am pro-soldiers, pro-Army and pro-anything as long as they act under their oath and follow the constitution.

One of the other instances where I felt that the forum has really gone down when Musharraf was convicted.

I mean, disagree with the judgement. We have all the right, but the amount of abuse the Judges received that day was astonishing. We are producing mindless bots who will runover anyone with a different opinion.
Good morning to everyone on this forum.

I am a poster that mostly likes to stalk threads and as you can see from my profile , i've been here for a very long time. Throughout my time of stalking PDF, i've noticed a gradual but steep fall in the quality of this forum. I regret to say that it's been hijacked with people that don't know the etiquettes of posting.

Some posts made by fellow Pakistanis , that are embedded with Racial-shaming and suggestive posts are a embarrassment to read. They are very distasteful and made with poor intentions to just score some rookie points and low blows. I am someone that loves to read about politics and such-related topics and i usually expect fruitful and respectful discussion to follow. However reading such responses makes one feel exasperated. How do you expect anyone to take your narrative seriously if you post it in such a immature manner? I'm sure this is why majority of the well esteemed and level-headed individuals have left PDF or rarely come on here anymore. The new posters should be given a list of rules on how they should operate on the forum. if not, they should get reported and banned.

This is a International-Pakistani forum, and so by extension, this forum represents us Pakistanis too. There isn't much awareness of us in the outside world. Therefore , people that come here to learn about us, and for them to understand our concerns and problems, these rampant bad threads leaves a lasting bad impression of us. If i was a newcomer here, and the first thing i saw was a sensationalist headline that is filled with self-satisfactory delusions, i'd immediately leave without a second thought.

I request to the majority of Pakistanis that post here, please put on a more sophisticated and serious attitude. Do not fall in slurs and swears easily. Have patience despite your overwhelming hatred for the things you dislike. If you don't like something? report it and be done with it. Don't fall to new lows as the one that's enraging you.This is a defense forum, not a forum where you discuss openly about "women" and pass inappropriate messages around. Do it in the "members club" section, but refrain from doing so on other areas of the forum that require a more serious approach. Do not call others ugly, do not instigate disgusting comments nor resort to personal attacks on the other person. Show them you're better than that.

I also dislike rampant rape-related threads on the forum. I'm not saying that people shouldn't post this for raising awareness. But please make a single thread titled as such, and all those cases should be reported there.

What PDF was in the past, the current state is a mere shell of that.
Those that do decide to post their say here, kindly do it with well thought , and without trolling.


Thank you for this.. As a non Pakistani, Non Muslim i felt very welcome when i joined this forum, It was a open forum for intellectual discussions rarely found else where but sadly lately i found unless you're a Islamist and have ideals thats different to narratives held by few Mods here, That space for us is diminishing rapidly.. I hardly post here anymore, Because i see no reason for it, PDF is but a mere sad shell of what it used to be
Thank you for this.. As a non Pakistani, Non Muslim i felt very welcome when i joined this forum, It was a open forum for intellectual discussions rarely found else where but sadly lately i found unless you're a Islamist and have ideals thats different to narratives held by few Mods here, That space for us is diminishing rapidly.. I hardly post here anymore, Because i see no reason for it, PDF is but a mere sad shell of what it used to be

I'm sorry for the abuse you might've encountered here, I apologize on behalf of those that did. I do not know what your background is other than Australian but you are definitely one if the members i liked to read the responses of, during my early days of stalking this forum. I only raised this issue now because a certain PDF poster's messages really ticked me off. It's getting bad and there should be more restrictions enforced to make this forum a more friendly one.

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